Chu Xiong frowned, knowing that the other party was asking for benefits! But this giant tiger prince was indeed very useful to him!

"I wonder what Master Zhou wants!"

"Emperor Chu, although this big cat is of average strength, he is still the prince of that broken dynasty. What do you want to exchange with me?"

Zhou Qiong knew that the protagonists of the Yun Dynasty like Chu Xiong all had a lot of treasures on them! Who else can I cheat if not him?

Chu Xiong pondered for a moment, took out a bead from his arms, and said in a deep voice,"This is the Breaking Realm Bead, which can help warriors below the ninth level of the Half Saint to break through a realm! It is a rare secret treasure! Although you can't use it, you can use it to improve the strength of your subordinates!"

After speaking, he threw the bead to Zhou Qiong.

Zhou Qiong took the bead in his hand, looked at it, and said!

"You have such a treasure, but you don't let your subordinates improve their strength. You kept it until now and took it out. It seems that you don't value your civil officials and generals!"

Chu Xiong's face darkened again. Zhou Qiong actually used his beads to sow discord! Zhou

Qiong was observing the many civil officials and generals on the carriage, and found that except for a few two or three people with slightly fluctuating expressions, most of them were calm!

Sure enough, the subordinates of the protagonist of Yunchao Liu were all terrible! But what he said just now was also a nail planted!

Putting away the beads, Zhou Qiong looked at Chu Xiong and said coldly!

"Just this one boundary-breaking bead is not enough, add 50 million immortal stones!"

Zhou Qiong brought a million demon soldiers and 4,000 elite disciples of the Demon Cult into the battlefield. They were not here to play. They must grow up quickly here. This will be the capital for Zhou Qiong to dominate the world after he goes out!

Chu Xiong on the opposite side also brought millions of soldiers here for this reason!

Because on this battlefield, there is an unknown artistic conception that can make people's breakthroughs easier! So this is the time for the rapid development of the Demon Cult, but warriors also need the assistance of immortal stones to break through!

Because the Demon Cult developed too fast, immortal stones have long been insufficient, so this time I didn't bring much to the battlefield, but Zhou Qiong didn't worry at all. No matter where the Demon Cult is, isn't it implementing the Three Lights Policy? How could there be a lack of immortal stones!

Chu Xiong's face sank slightly, and finally took out a Qiankun bag and threw it to Zhou Qiong!

"I'll give you 50 million immortal stones. Release the prince of the Tianhu tribe!" Chu Xiong just finished speaking and seemed to think of something else. He said again.

"What I want is a living one!"

Zhou Qiong laughed!"Don't worry, I always keep my word and convince people with reason!"

With a wave of his hand, the giant tiger flew to Zhou Qiong's side under the guidance of the God and Demon Ring! The

God and Demon Ring flew out slowly and disappeared between Zhou Qiong's eyebrows. Zhou Qiong stretched out his hand and patted the giant tiger, and threw him directly to Chu Xiong!

An evil smile appeared on the corner of his mouth!

"Look carefully, I'm giving you a living one!"

Chu Xiong took the giant tiger and handed it to a Taoist priest behind him. Looking at Zhou Qiong's friendly smile, he seemed to sense something was wrong and was about to turn around!


The sound of an explosion reached everyone's ears. The giant tiger, which was basically only bones left, exploded directly in the Taoist priest's hands!

White debris flew all over the sky!

A long voice also reached everyone's ears!

"These white fireworks are pretty nice too!"

Chu Xiong looked at the giant tiger that had been blown to ashes and was dead as hell, and said to Zhou Qiong coldly,"Are you kidding me?"

Zhou Qiong, who had been smiling, immediately turned cold and said coldly

"You can eat shit but you can't say anything you want. It was alive when I gave it to you. Now it's dead and you are the one who didn't take good care of it. Maybe that big cat just couldn't get over it!"

"You!" Chu Xiong looked at Zhou Qiong, who was joking, with a strange look on his face, and then he fell silent!

"Very good, Master Zhou, you are a top figure! I look forward to meeting you in the future."

Chu Xiong waved his hand, and millions of soldiers immediately turned around and headed east! The carriage carrying Chu Xiong and a group of civil officials and generals also flew away quickly!

Zhou Qiong looked at Chu Xiong who was going away and did not stop him!

"System, if I kill Chu Xiong without the Heaven-Covering Talisman, how great will the punishment from heaven be!"

"Unsure, but with the host's current cultivation, he is definitely not able to resist it! His luck points are very high, and he is very concerned by the Heavenly Dao in this battlefield!"

Zhou Qiong sighed, looking at the huge gift bag going away, no, Chu Xiong who was going away felt deeply sorry! That was the protagonist with 8,000 luck points!

Without thinking about this, Zhou Qiong flew into the flying sedan and took out the Breaking Realm Pill in his hand. Due to the cover-up of the system, Chu Xiong thought that Zhou Qiong's cultivation was at the peak of the semi-saint level and it was useless!

Breaking Realm Pill, it's really a good thing. Without hesitation, he threw it directly into his mouth! Half a quarter of an hour later! With a sound of breaking!

Zhou Qiong's momentum soared again, and he opened the attribute panel!

Character: Zhou Qiong (Zhou Wudi)

Position: Demon Cult Leader

Cultivation: Semi-Saint Level 6

Martial Arts: Demon God Sutra, Sky Life and Death Hand, God and Demon Eye, Devouring Heaven Demon Art Level 3,"Demon""Word"

Weapons: God and Demon Ring, God and Demon Knife

Mount: Demon Dragon Flying Chariot

Pet: Demon Dog Dabai

Outside, the creatures in the city were hiding in the corners. They had just seen Zhou Qiong playing with Chu Xiong. He was truly a worthy demon. He was too bloody, cruel, and moody!

No one dared to speak loudly, for fear of attracting the attention of the demons!

But they didn't want to, but the demons didn't intend to let them go. As the saying goes, when a goose passes by, all the feathers will be plucked. After they leave, there will be no land left! Not even a chicken feather!

The Demon Tiger King looked at the creatures with a smirk on his face, and said grimly as he approached.

"This city is privately owned by our Demon Cult. It is your blessing that you can take refuge here! It is the grace of the Lord Cult Master!"

The creatures did not dare to refute and echoed!

"Yes, we should all thank the Master!"

"The Master is our benefactor!"


The Demonic Tiger King waved his hand, and all living creatures suddenly became quiet!

"Being protected by my Demon Sect is certainly not free. Each person has to pay a fee of one hundred immortal stones every day!"

"What!" All the creatures exploded instantly, but due to the powerful threat from the Demon Cult, they dared not say anything more!

One of the Daluo Realm Bull-Headed Creatures stood up and said with a little trembling

"Sir, can you pay less? I don’t have enough immortal stones!"

The Demon Tiger King walked up to him and smiled, then grabbed his shoulders and threw him out of the city. Suddenly, there was a terrifying scream outside!

"Sir, I will pay it, I will pay it, ah!....."

The screams disappeared!

The Demonic Tiger King smiled and looked at the other creatures!

"How about you? Do you want to pay less?"


Thanks to {卡} for the inspiration capsule, thanks to {Mars—草莓} {童渊} for the update reminder, thanks to {悔} {殇} for the mountain climbing invitation

, and thanks to other big names who gave rewards and readers for their support!


Author's words:

Update is coming!

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