The two of them hurriedly tried to pull Luo Yan away!

"Luo Yan, let’s go quickly. Those who practice magic are all crazy. It’s dangerous to stay here!"

"Yes, let's go, Luo Yan, I feel so dangerous!"

Luo Yan glanced at the two of them and said,"It seems that you still don't know me, Luo Yan. Today, I will let you see my charm!"

After saying that, he patted his (◉ ◉), and then she trembled up and down! Then she exposed her shoulders, flew in the direction of the flying chariot in the sky, and spoke softly to Zhou Qiong!

"I was almost killed by a beast just now! Fortunately, you saved me with your divine power. I really don't know how to repay you!"

After saying this, she lowered her head with a shy expression! She also lowered her clothes even more, half of her◉ ◉) are all exposed. A hint of confidence appeared on her face!

But the next moment, she seemed to sense something and suddenly raised her head! Her mouth widened.



There was another loud noise from the ground, and all the beasts underground died again, but this time there was a woman inside.���Flesh and blood!

Zhou Qiong looked at his palm. He seemed to feel a hint of softness when he slapped it just now. He didn't pay attention to what the woman looked like. Could it be that the woman just now was too fat!

Luo Yan never figured out until her death why Zhou Qiong killed her without hesitation. You know, with her capital, isn't it tempting? She didn't know how to cherish it at all! Stone!

The two people who were about to watch Luo Yan's performance in the distance only saw that Luo Yan had just posed a pose, and then there was nothing else, and she turned directly into a pile of meat paste!

The two looked at each other and began to run madly into the distance, but before she ran far away, a sword light appeared in their eyes! Then they lost all consciousness!

Lian Sheng, who was flying in a red robe, slowly put away his sword. Zhou Qiong also set a goal for him in this Tianjiao Conference, and he must be in the top 100! The

God and Demon Sword in the sky quickly absorbed the soul and blood, and then flew back to Zhou Qiong's hand, making a vibrating sound.

Zhou Qiong could feel that the power accumulated by the God and Demon Sword was about to reach its peak. By then, even if a Semi-Saint was at the peak, Zhou Qiong could kill him with one blow!

In a cave far away on the other side of the battlefield, two young men were constantly talking and laughing. One had an upright figure, a calm face, and an amazing aura. He had obviously reached the seventh level of Semi-Saint!

The other was fat and had a round face, giving people a lovely feeling. His cultivation had also reached the fourth level of Semi-Saint!

The fat man said,"Brother Fan, you are really blessed. We have just entered the battlefield, and you can find a place of inheritance. This time you have gained a lot!"

The man called Brother Fan smiled,"Lao Bu, you, practice quickly, don't let your wife surpass you!"

The fat man was embarrassed after hearing this,"What are you talking about, Brother Fan, we haven't gotten married yet!"

"By the way, Brother Fan, Ling'er has a good friend named Luo Yan. She has a great figure and is very beautiful. Do you want me to let her introduce her to you?"

"No, my goal is to reach the pinnacle of martial arts, and we can talk about children's affairs later!"

The fat man curled his lips after hearing this, thinking, you have forgotten that we once peeked at girls taking a bath together, why are you pretending to be pure in front of me now!

Just when the fat man was about to expose the secret, his body suddenly paused, with an incredible expression in his eyes, and he quickly took out a life card from his hand, only to see that there was a crack on it!

Tears instantly flowed from the fat man's eyes, and he yelled,"No, Ling'er, how could you die, whoever killed you, I want him to be torn into pieces!"

Zhang Xiaofan looked at the painful Fatty and the broken life card in his hand, and a hint of gloom and coldness appeared in his eyes.

This life card was given to the Fatty by Yuling, but now it is broken! It is enough to prove that Yuling is dead!

At the same time, Zhang Xiaofan also felt guilty. When he and the Fatty just entered the battlefield, the Fatty was going to look for Yuling!

He stopped him because he found a place of inheritance, so he told the Fatty to break the formation and get the things inside before looking for it!

Now the inheritance has been obtained, but the person he was going to find is dead!

Zhang Xiaofan patted the Fatty on the shoulder and said in a deep voice

"Fatty, cheer up, we have to avenge Yuling! We have to make the person who killed Yuling pay the price!"

After hearing this, the fat man stood up suddenly and shouted

"Revenge? I don't even know who killed me, how can I take revenge?"

Zhang Xiaofan didn't care about the fat man's tone. He and the fat man had been friends since childhood. At that time, he was just a chores disciple with no talent for cultivation, but the fat man never looked down on him and gave him some cultivation resources that only formal disciples had!

Until one day he got something that instantly changed his fate. After that, his cultivation improved by leaps and bounds, rising up, becoming stronger and stronger, step by step from outer disciple, inner disciple, elite disciple..........Finally, he defeated the Holy Son and became the strongest disciple in the sect!.

But no matter how he cultivated, he always regarded Fatty as his best brother.

Thinking of this, Zhang Xiaofan snatched the life card from Fatty, put his hands together, and slowly recited the spell. His voice became more and more urgent, and his face became paler and paler!

Half a quarter of an hour later,


Xiaofan spat out a mouthful of blood, and a trace of disbelief flashed in his eyes. You know, there are no creatures above the Saint Realm on this battlefield!

But the creature that killed Yu Ling made him unable to figure out who it was.

A stone jade appeared in Zhang Xiaofan's hand, and he put his hands together again. This time Zhang Xiaofan's face looked much better.

Half an hour later, he slowly opened his eyes, waved his hand gently, and a red-robed shadow appeared in front of him. Although the face was not clear, he could see the general idea!

Zhang Xiaofan put away the stone jade, stood up, and said!

"I have found the murderer, a human, with a strength of about the fifth level of the semi-saint, and the position has been roughly determined!"

After saying that, he pulled the fat man and flew quickly in one direction!

The flying chariot of the Demon Cult continued to fly forward. It must be said that this battlefield is really huge. After flying for so long, Zhou Qiong couldn't remember how many beasts he had killed, but no other cities appeared!

Lian Sheng, who was standing next to him, frowned suddenly, as if he felt something, but found nothing!

What he didn't know was that it was Zhang Xiaofan who was calculating his position just now. If he wasn't a son of destiny now, I'm afraid Zhang Xiaofan would be able to easily calculate his specific appearance, instead of being tired and vomiting blood just because of a vague shadow! And

Zhou Qiong, who was still in deep thought, didn't know that the protagonist was looking for them, otherwise he would be so happy. He really couldn't find it, and he delivered it to the door!

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