Inside the flying sedan, Zhou Qiong was sitting on a chair!

"System, say what you just said again!"

"Host, the villain value rewards will be issued last! Because the Tianjiao list will be determined after the end, so the rewards will be issued at that time!"

".........In other words, before the Tianjiao Battle is over, I won’t be able to get the villain points to exchange for the Heaven-shading Talisman! And I won’t be able to kill the protagonist, right?"


"Please tell me the price of the System Heaven-Covering Talisman!"

""The third-level Heaven Covering Talisman costs 4 million villain points and can kill people with less than 3,000 points of luck!

The fourth-level Heaven Covering Talisman costs 8 million villain points and can kill people with less than 5,000 points of luck! The fifth-level Heaven Covering Talisman costs 16 million villain points and can kill people with less than 10,000 points of luck!

The sixth-level Heaven Covering Talisman costs 32 million villain points and can kill people with less than 20,000 points of luck!"

Zhou Qiong's face darkened. This system is really dark. According to what the system said before, in order to kill the protagonist in this world, you have to buy a higher-level Heaven Covering Talisman. In other words, if you want to kill Chu Xiong, you have to buy a sixth-level Heaven Covering Talisman.

Fortunately, the system has opened the task of the Tianjiao Battle, otherwise I don't know how long it will take to accumulate enough villain points!

Zhou Qiong knocked on the chair! A man with a diamond mask on his face knelt on one knee in front of him!

"Your subordinate Tianyi meets the leader!"

"How's the investigation going?"

"Master, the four divisions have killed a total of 651 semi-saints recently, from all races. Through searching their souls, we learned the general situation of this battlefield. There is a Tianjiao City in the center of this battlefield, and there are eight citadels around it. Each city has a place for inheritance and cultivation. Now all powerful creatures are rushing to the major citadels! They want to occupy one of them!"

"Any other big things?"

"I have also found a great figure. This person is called Demon Lord! He is the top figure of the Eastern Region Demon Dao. In order to avoid his name, all the forces of the Eastern Region avoid the word"demon"! Therefore, the outside world suspects that you, the leader, have this relationship with the mysterious Demon Lord, or even his disciple!"

Zhou Qiong nodded, and Tianyi disappeared in the flying sedan.

"Demon Lord, just by listening to the name, you can know that he is a powerful person in the realm of honor, which is one level stronger than the realm of saint. There are not many powerful people in the realm of honor in the entire Eastern Region! I didn’t expect that people would mistake me for his disciple without knowing it! Does this count as having a strong background?"

Don’t think about this. Regardless of whether there is a background or not, the strongest person in the Tianjiao battlefield is only in the semi-saint realm! Zhou Qiong is definitely a peak powerhouse here. In this case, we can’t waste the opportunity!

The people of the Demon Cult outside the flying sedan were chatting and communicating! Suddenly, Bai Haotian and Liansheng, who had been practicing with their eyes closed, opened their eyes at the same time and looked at each other! They quickly stood up and walked into the flying sedan!

The two bowed to Zhou Qiong and said in a deep voice

"Meet the leader!"

Zhou Qiong looked at the two. Since the two of them ate the Heavenly Luck Pearl, their cultivation has indeed improved rapidly. Liansheng has reached the peak of the fourth level of the semi-saint realm, and Bai Haotian is also at the peak of the third level!

The Heavenly Luck points of the two are also constantly increasing, and now they both have more than a thousand Heavenly Luck points!

Thinking of this, Zhou Qiong thought of Chu Xiong again. He was only a semi-saint, but he had 8,000 Heavenly Luck points. This person's luck must be terrifyingly strong. If Liansheng and the others are regarded as the godsons of the Heavenly Dao, then Chu Xiong is probably the closest son!

He didn't think about it anymore! He said to the two people below.

"From today on, you two don't have to follow the main force, and you two will act separately. We will meet at the Acropolis in the center of the battlefield!" After saying that, he also passed on the news that Tianyi had heard to the two of them!

""Yes, sir!" The two of them nodded without hesitation or further questioning! The leader's words naturally made sense!

This is also the advantage of the Demon Cult. Zhou Qiong's words are orders, no one can refute them, and no one will refute them. If it were the righteous way, they would have to explain a lot! Maybe someone would have to come out to sing a different tune!

Zhou Qiong waved his hand, and the two walked out of the hall. In the puzzled eyes of the Demon Cult, they flew away in two directions.

As for whether they could find the leader in the Acropolis, the two were not worried at all. With the leader's ruthlessness, it would probably spread throughout the battlefield in no time!

Zhou Qiong looked up at the two people who flew away, with a smile on his face. Both of them could be regarded as sons of pseudo-fate. In this battlefield that was obviously prepared for the protagonists, they would definitely gain great benefits. Opportunity, following the Demon Cult all the way has delayed it!

Not long after the two left, the Demon Dragon Flying Chariot took off again, this time with a determined direction, flying directly to the Central Acropolis!

Unknowingly, more than ten days had passed, and suddenly there was a sound in the sky, and all the creatures raised their heads in an instant! Looking at the huge Tianjiao List!

I saw that the top began to emit infinite prestige, and various names began to emerge from the bottom to the top.

No. 875, Dizhou

, Shura Clan, Xueyu! No. 731, Huangzhou, Tianshi Clan, Shiji!

The names of races continued to appear. After half an hour, except for the top ten, all the names had emerged!

At this time, a cold voice began to appear in the sky!

"Tenth place, Lizhou, human race, Zhang Xiaofan!"

"Ninth place, Tianzhou, Underworld, Hades!"...........

"Fourth place, Kongzhou, human race, Chu Xiong!"

Zhou Qiong looked up at Chu Xiong's name in the sky. This man really lived up to his status as the son of destiny! He ranked so high!

"The third place, Yangzhou, human race, Zhou Qiong!"

In the hundreds of thousands of miles around where Zhou Qiong was, all the living beings looked angry and helpless when they saw this name!

"I was saying how could there not be this big devil, he has killed so many lives!"

"Yes, my girlfriend was killed, I will seek revenge on him sooner or later! I will tear him into pieces!" A creature with a pig's head and a human body shouted angrily, his face full of hatred!

Next to him, a creature with a fox's tail exposed looked at him and said in a surprised and frightened manner

"Oh my, the demon Zhou Qiong is here!"

The pig-headed creature that had an angry expression on its face and wanted to eat people just now knelt down and buried its face in the ground! He said tremblingly

"Ah, Master, I was just talking nonsense. My girlfriend is not a good person. You killed her well. I can't thank you enough! Master, please spare my life!"

For a long time, there was no sound around, and then there was a burst of laughter!

The pig-headed creature raised his head and looked around, and found that the demon cult didn't come at all. Then he looked at the creatures around who were laughing, and he didn't know that he was fooled!


The author has something to say:

The third update is here, please support me! Please give me more positive comments for my hard work! If you don't have the coins you get for reading the book, you can give me a reward! ( ੭ ˙ᗜ˙ )੭

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