A four-legged creature outside the City Lord's Mansion shouted happily

"Oh my god, this blood dragon is not going to turn the tables! I am going to make a fortune!"

Zhou Qiong in the sky looked at the smiling blood dragon opposite him, with a wicked smile on his face, and said coldly

"You are really bad. Okay, I am tired of playing with you. It’s time to send you off!"


When Zhou Qiong said this, not only the blood dragon on the opposite side, but even the creatures outside were all terrified!

What was this Master Zhou just saying? He was just playing! In other words, he was not serious at all. He beat the blood dragon so hard that it couldn't fight back for a while. Could it be that Zhou Qiong was hiding his strength!

Only Chen Hao nodded slightly after hearing Zhou Qiong's words. That's right. If Zhou Qiong only had that little strength just now, then he would have made a big mistake. The blood dragon on the opposite side was startled at first, and then calmed down. He grabbed the Shura Knife and said in a stern voice,"Everyone can brag. Today, this young master will see what you are capable of!"

Zhou Qiong's face was cold, and a faint light flashed between his eyebrows. A blood-black magic knife slowly emerged in his hand. When the magic knife appeared, the entire city lord's mansion was filled with a bloody breath in an instant!

It was as if countless wronged souls were howling loudly, making people tremble all over after hearing it!

When the magic knife appeared, the creatures outside the city lord's mansion felt their bodies cold, as if they were actually cold. If the blood dragon's Shura knife made them feel like eating an ice cube, then the appearance of the magic knife seemed to throw them directly to the North Pole!

And it was still cold, as if there were evil spirits asking for their lives in their ears!

At this time, Chen Hao patted Zhao Ling, who was trembling all over, and passed a trace of spiritual energy to him, alleviating her fear. Looking at the magic knife, there was a trace of shock in his eyes. This knife gave him the feeling of death.

You know, even Wu Yuan has never given him this feeling!

The creatures outside the city lord's mansion can feel it, how could the blood dragon opposite Zhou Qiong not feel it? When the magic knife came out, he felt that it was not good!

The blood dragon's eyes instantly turned red and roared!

""Zhou Qiong, do you think this young master is afraid of you? Shura destroys the world!"

The blood dragon roared, and blood began to ooze out of his body. He swung the Shura sword and slashed at Zhou Qiong more fiercely! The creatures outside saw the blood dragon at this time! They all expressed admiration in their hearts. Facing such a powerful opponent, this blood dragon not only refused to admit defeat, but also dared to be so brave. He is worthy of being the contemporary Shura young master!


Just when everyone was still cheering for the bravery of the blood dragon, the Shura knife in the blood dragon's hand was slashing towards Zhou Qiong, but the body rushed madly to the outside of the city lord's mansion. This is not to fight for life, but to escape!

Fear appeared in the eyes of the blood dragon who flew out of the city quickly. Their Shura clan was born to kill, so they naturally understood the danger more clearly.

The moment Zhou Qiong took out the magic knife, he knew that he was dead. With Zhou Qiong's character, surrender would definitely be useless. It would be better to find a way to rush out of the city lord's mansion. As long as he got outside, he could survive with the protection of these rules!

Just when the blood dragon was about to rush out of the city lord's mansion, he suddenly stopped. A trace of disbelief and unwillingness flashed in his eyes. A crack slowly appeared in the middle of his body, and then it split into two halves!

At the same time A shocking sword light shone throughout the Acropolis, and even the City Lord's Mansion shook slightly!

Everyone looked towards the City Lord's Mansion and found that this sword not only killed the Blood Dragon, but also killed the other Shuras!

Zhou Qiong in the sky waved his hand to collect the Blood Dragon's body, and disappeared in the City Lord's Mansion! Before disappearing, he glanced at the creatures watching the battle outside the city with an evil smile, and immediately scared the creatures to retreat, even with this rule. They seemed to feel unsafe! They ran away quickly, they didn't want to stay outside this terrifying City Lord's Mansion anymore!

Only Chen Hao frowned more tightly, he always felt that when Zhou Qiong left, that look was looking at him! And the power of the God and Demon Sword was a little beyond his imagination!

In the City Lord's Mansion, Zhou Qiong sat on the chair, and the voice of the system rang in his mind.

"Congratulations to the host for completing the mission of fighting for the Acropolis. The reward is a level increase in cultivation, which is being distributed."

A stream of spiritual energy entered Zhou Qiong's body. Half an hour later, with a shattering sound, Zhou Qiong's momentum rose again! He reached the seventh level of semi-saint!

Character: Zhou Qiong (Zhou Wudi)

Position: Demon Cult

Leader Cultivation: Seventh level of semi-saint

Martial arts: Demonic God, Sky Life and Death Hand, God and Demon Eye (incomplete), Fourth level of Devouring Heaven Demon Art,"Demon""Word"

Weapon: God and Demon Ring, God and Demon Knife

Items: One Holy Land Experience Talisman Mount

: Magic Dragon Flying Chariot

Pet: Demon Dog Dabai

Zhou Qiong clenched his fist. As expected, improving his strength was the most refreshing thing. Feeling the huge energy in his body, his intuition told him that he could kill the blood dragon without the magic sword!

The magic sword was one of Zhou Qiong's trump cards. Killing the blood dragon used up half of the magic sword's energy.

But it was not a loss. Killing the blood dragon not only improved his cultivation by one level, but also refined him and obtained some secret methods of the Shura clan! Maybe they will be useful in the future!

At this time, the other seven Acropolis received the news that the Shura Blood Dragon was killed. This news was within their expectations, but also beyond their expectations!

Zhou Qiong was able to kill the blood dragon. Dragon, they were not surprised that he had captured the Acropolis, after all, the ranking was there, but the news that came was that Blood Dragon had no power to fight back, and even tried desperately to escape but failed, and was directly killed by Zhou Qiong with one sword!

These are two different situations. Now some of the managers of the Eight Acropolises are even weaker than Blood Dragon, which means that they will be killed instantly if they meet Zhou Qiong! How can they not be shocked!

Wu Yuan of the Wu Clan also looked up at the disappeared Dragon and Zhou Qiong, who was still ranked third, with a trace of caution in his eyes! Killing Blood Dragon with one sword, I'm afraid his strength is not much weaker than him!

"Someone come!"

"Brother Yuan, what’s the matter!"

"Send someone to keep an eye on Zhou Qiong and keep track of his movements!"


Inside the City Lord's Mansion, Zhou Qiong opened his eyes. There was a knock on the door! Then Li Changsheng walked in!

"Meet the Master!"

"How's the investigation going?"

""Master, all the disciples of the four halls have dispersed, and all the creatures in the city have been asked, but no one has heard of Zhao Li!"

Zhou Qiong's eyes flashed with surprise. When the Tianjiao list was first released, he paid special attention to it, but did not find Zhao Li's name!

Now the creatures on the Tianjiao battlefield have not heard of him, which means that Zhao Li did not participate in this Tianjiao battle. As for whether Zhao Li will also hide like Chen Hao, Zhou Qiong confirmed that he definitely will not. There are not many protagonists who hide, and not everyone likes to hide, at least Zhao Li is not!

It seems that this Tianjiao battle cannot solve this Zhao Li.


Thanks to {43141049} {Xingmeng} {nothing} for the inspiration capsule!

Thanks to {98146950} {77365359} for the mountain climbing invitation!

Thanks to all the other big names who gave tips and readers for their support!

Xiaobai thanks!(≧∇≦)


Author's words:

Update is coming!

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