At this time, Chen Hao walked into the courtyard! Looking at Zhao Linger, he sighed!

Zhao Ling saw that his senior brother had returned, and immediately said happily,

"Senior Brother, you are back. What were you doing just now?"

Chen Hao looked at Zhao Ling and smiled bitterly.

"It’s nothing. It seems I was just having an illusion these days. There’s no danger around here!"

"I told you, how could there be any danger? No fighting is allowed in the city, so what are we afraid of? Besides, you are so strong!" Zhao Linger said with a depressed look on her face.

"Okay, don’t be depressed. Haven’t you always wanted to go out and have some fun? In order to make up for your boredom in the past two days, I decided to take you out to have some fun!"

"Great!" Zhao Linger jumped in surprise after hearing this!

""Let's go," Chen Hao waved his hand and took Zhao Linger all the way out of the city. At the city gate, he took out two thousand fairy stones and handed them to the city guarding disciples of the Demon Cult. Now, you must pay a city fee to leave the city!

Zhao Linger looked at the fairy stones that Chen Hao handed out with a distressed look on her face.

It was not until they walked far away from the Acropolis that she muttered,"Senior Brother, this Demon Cult is too dark!"

"It's quite dark!" Chen Hao replied casually.

"Brother, where are we going? Is it far?"

"Senior brother found an interesting place outside. There are many rare and exotic animals there. I’ll take you to see them!"

""Okay, let's go!"

On the other side!

In the Acropolis, Chen Hao was quickly chasing the black shadow. He just found that the black shadow had begun to monitor him openly, so he wanted to chase it out and ask clearly.

The two of them quickly shuttled through the city, and Chen Hao found that the black shadow in front was constantly circling, and there was no obvious direction at all!

After half an hour, Chen Hao finally intercepted the black shadow in a room and alley. He looked at the black shadow opposite. The other party wore a diamond mask on his face, a black battle robe, and a cultivation level of the fourth level of semi-saint. There was a demonic aura all over his body. He was obviously not a righteous person.

If he guessed correctly, the other party should be a member of the Demon Sect who had just occupied this Acropolis! But why did he monitor himself? Chen Hao's eyes condensed, as if he thought of a possibility. The one wearing the diamond mask was Tianyi. He looked at Chen Hao who intercepted him.

He asked in confusion,"Sir, why are you blocking my way!"

Chen Hao looked at Tianyi, who was playing dumb on the opposite side, with a hint of coldness in his eyes, and asked quickly

"Tell me, who are you, why are you spying on me, what is your intention!"

Tianyi sneered,"Bah, what a joke, when did I ever spy on you, I was just wandering around when I was bored!"

"Just strolling around, do you think I'm a fool? You're serious!" Chen Hao glanced at Tian Yi.

"There is nothing to say. I know you have hidden your cultivation, but you cannot use force in this city! What can you do to me!" Tianyi said jokingly!

Chen Hao was stunned. You know what, I really can't do anything to you! This is the bad thing about this Weicheng. No matter how high your cultivation is, you can't use force, and naturally you can't force others to answer!

"I want to ask you now, why have you been following me in the city for so long, do you have any special hobbies?"Chen Hao's face changed, you are the one with special hobbies!

But seeing that the other party was in a state of wanting to talk to him to the end, it seemed that he knew the other party's purpose!

His face calmed down, and he said easily,"Are you delaying time? If I'm not mistaken, you are a member of the Demon Sect. You deliberately lured me out to lure the tiger away from the mountain!

Your target is Zhao Ling, but she is a small Daluo realm warrior. What's there to pay attention to? So your purpose is to use her to threaten me!"

Tianyi on the opposite side laughed evilly.

"It's quite clever, but it's too late to realize it now! I guess your junior sister has............"

Chen Hao's expression did not change at all at this time, and he looked at Tianyi as if he was looking at a fool:

"As expected, those who practice the magic way are a group of warriors whose minds are full of killing. Do you think I will be fooled by such a simple and obvious lure? You should worry about your people. Do you think the person your people led out was Zhao Ling?"When

Tianyi heard this, his body paused, as if unbelievable. Then he looked at Chen Hao opposite and said coldly,"Okay, you are very good. I will remember you!"

After that, Tianyi's body slowly disappeared in front of Chen Hao!

Chen Hao did not chase him again, because it was useless to catch up. He glanced in the direction of the outside of the city and flew out quickly!

On the other side!

Outside the Acropolis, Chen Hao took Zhao Ling and flew farther and farther, but did not notice that Zhao Ling's face behind him became weird!

He suddenly said jokingly

"Senior Brother, what kind of person is Zhou Qiong from the Demon Sect? How dare he set such rules? Isn't it just killing a blood dragon?"

Chen Hao didn't respond, but simply snorted.

Zhao Ling did not pause, and continued

"I think Zhou Qiong won't live long, don't you think? My fake senior brother!"

Chen Hao in front stopped immediately when he heard it, and looked at Zhao Ling behind him, with a flash of surprise in his eyes!

Another cold voice came out of his mouth!

"When did you find out? Where did I get exposed?"

Zhao Ling's eyes flashed with contempt.

"It's just a trick of disguise, but you do have some ability........, it's really hard to find!"

After hearing this, Chen Hao sneered, and his figure began to change constantly, and finally turned into a man wearing a black robe and a bronze mask on his face! It was Huang Yi from the Demon Cult!

Huang Yi looked at Zhao Linger opposite and said loudly

"No matter how subtle it is, you've fallen into the trap!"

"Do you really think that such a simple trap can let me get in?"

Zhao Ling on the opposite side suddenly uttered a man's voice. In Huang Yi's surprised eyes, his body began to change rapidly, and finally turned into Chen Hao's appearance.

Chen Hao looked at Huang Yi on the opposite side who seemed to be shocked, and said puzzledly!

"You are also from the Demon Sect, right? Why do you pay so much attention to me? Is it just because you found out that I have hidden my cultivation that you even go to such a big trap?

And you could obviously make a move at the city gate, why did you have to go so far!"

Huang Yi's face turned cold and he said nothing!

Chen Hao sneered,"Do you think I can't do anything to you if you don't speak? It seems that I have to be cruel today? I hope you can bear it!"

After saying that, his momentum began to surge, and he rushed directly to the ninth level of the Semi-Saint before stopping. He slowly used the skills in his hands and was about to take down Huang Yi!

At this time, Huang Yi not only did not show a scared expression, but raised his head and looked at Chen Hao with an evil smile, and said softly,"Okay!"

A trace of doubt flashed in Chen Hao's eyes. Okay, what's okay!

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