Eight hundred miles outside the Acropolis, in a wasteland, Liansheng in a red robe stood calmly on the ground! He spat out blood! There were two people standing opposite him, Zhang Xiaofan and Fatty who had been chasing him all the way!

At this time, Fatty was gritting his teeth and yelling,"You can't run away this time, tell me, why did you kill Yuling!"

Over the past ten years, he would ask Liansheng this question every time, but every time Liansheng had a cold face and didn't answer him!

But this time, Liansheng showed a hint of smile at the corner of his mouth.

"Yuling, who is Yuling? I have killed too many people, I don’t know which one you are talking about! Besides, it is her blessing to die in my hands! Are you repaying me?"

"You!" The fat man looked at Liansheng, who was joking across from him, and his expression became even uglier.

"Yuling is such a good girl, and you actually killed her! Aren't you afraid of retribution?"

Liansheng looked at the fat man with an expression that looked at him like a fool. This man's brain circuit is abnormal. If you want revenge, then take revenge. Why mention retribution? Isn't he sick? This is a battlefield. It's normal to kill someone!

Zhang Xiaofan also had a helpless look on his face at this time. The fat man was indeed stimulated by Yuling's death, but the most urgent thing was to capture Liansheng first and let the fat man take revenge with his own hands. It might be better!

Thinking of this, Zhang Xiaofan grabbed Liansheng with one hand, which contained infinite power!


Liansheng immediately crushed a jade talisman in his hand.

A huge protective shield was formed in front of him, and Zhang Xiaofan's attack hit the protective shield and made a violent noise!

Then the protective shield began to crack.

A glimmer of understanding flashed in Zhang Xiaofan's eyes, and he knew that the other party had a backup plan, but this time he blocked the surrounding space, and Liansheng would definitely not be able to escape. He could only... It could be just a dying struggle!

The attack in his hand began to hit the protective shield quickly!

The cracks on the protective shield began to become larger and larger, and it was estimated that it would not last long!

The fat man hid aside. His cultivation was only at the fourth level of the semi-saint. Not only could he not intervene in the fight between the two, but he could also easily make things worse! There was even one time when he was almost caught by Liansheng. Fortunately, Zhang Xiaofan found him in time and saved him! From then on, it was Zhang Xiaofan who took action every time, and he hid far away!

At this time, Liansheng in the protective shield had a calm face. Looking at Zhang Xiaofan who was constantly bombarding outside, a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth. The other party had always wanted to capture him alive and let the fat man kill him for revenge!

It was ridiculous. If he hadn't had the idea of capturing himself alive, he might have been killed by the other party long ago, haha! A childish mentality is destined to accomplish nothing!

After a stick of incense, bang

With a loud bang, the protective shield shattered under Zhang Xiaofan's attack!

Zhang Xiaofan looked at Liansheng, who was spitting blood but had a calm face, and a trace of solemnity flashed in his eyes. Such a person is too terrible, cold-blooded, ruthless, and not afraid of death!

But he didn't dare to hesitate any longer, and directly reached out to grab Liansheng again. He didn't believe that there would be any accidents!

Zhang Xiaofan's hand was about to grab Liansheng, and a trace of disbelief and anger flashed in his eyes! He immediately withdrew his hand, turned around, and shouted"Get out of the way!" and grabbed the fat man directly! The fat man instinctively dodged after hearing it.


A violent scream came from the fat man's mouth!

Zhang Xiaofan, holding the fat man in his hand, flew to the side, while the fat man was covering his left arm and screaming hideously.

There was blood there, and half of the flesh on the left arm disappeared, the bones were directly exposed, and there was a terrible sense of destruction on it, which made him unable to recover at all! On the other side, where the fat man originally stood, a man in black with a golden mask appeared, holding a dagger in his left hand and a piece of pork belly in his right hand! He looked at them with a cold face!

Zhang Xiaofan turned his head to look in the direction of Liansheng and found that there were people around him. There were also three men wearing masks, protecting him!

Four more men came, and Zhang Xiaofan was shocked. All four of them were at the sixth level of the Semi-Saint realm, and they were obviously from the same force as Lian Sheng!

What kind of force could have so many geniuses? It must be extraordinary. This place was very close to an acropolis, and the other party's force was probably in that acropolis! The reinforcements might even be more than these four!

Thinking of this, Zhang Xiaofan dared not hesitate any more. He transformed a giant palm in his hand again and slapped Lian Sheng and the other five. He had to make a quick decision, otherwise he could not capture them alive!

The four chiefs below looked at each other and shouted!





""Four forms become one, invulnerable to all attacks!"

As the four shouted, a huge black protective shield suddenly enveloped the five people!


There was a loud noise, and the whole wasteland trembled violently, and the earth cracked into countless gullies. The endless aftermath exploded crazily, and even the beasts dozens of miles away were directly killed!

Zhang Xiaofan in the sky retreated hundreds of meters in a row! Looking at the four masked people below, they were shocked!

At this time, the black protective shield that the four chiefs had just formed had been broken, and the four of them vomited blood, but their eyes showed coldness and fearlessness, and they obviously did not... What a big injury!

Four people who are only at the sixth level of the semi-saint, without relying on external force, actually took his full-strength palm. How incredible!

You should know that I am at the ninth level of the semi-saint, not just an ordinary ninth level of the semi-saint. If you don’t believe it, look up at the sky. The tenth one is me!

Zhang Xiaofan’s face showed anger, as if he was humiliated. He slapped again, this time he used twelve points of strength. He didn’t believe that these remnants of the defeated army could still resist, and he didn’t believe that anyone could come to disrupt the situation!

At this moment! A shocking shout came! Shocked���The room is buzzing

"Who dares to hurt the chief steward of my demon sect!"

I saw a six-armed demon god with a height of ten thousand feet in the distance, running over quickly, holding a long spear and blasting towards Zhang Xiaofan!

The will of destruction burst out wildly, which made Zhang Xiaofan feel a little threatened. He immediately withdrew his hand and resisted with all his strength!

He protected the fat man with one hand and drew a circle in front of him with the other hand!


The sound of a gun hitting the mountain!

The six-armed demon god paused!

And Zhang Xiaofan was blasted hundreds of miles away! He looked at the six-armed demon god in shock. Without hesitation, he turned around and disappeared with the fat man!

He was not afraid that he could not beat the six-armed demon god. Although the opponent was extraordinary, he did not take it seriously. He was worried that the fat man would be killed in the aftermath.

And the position just now was probably the opponent's base camp! Maybe there are more powerful people, so it is better to leave first!

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