Wuwu said no more nonsense, and with his left hand he grasped the flower finger, and with his right hand he struck the two with the Vajra Subduing Demon Palm.

""Haha," Bai Haotian laughed loudly, and the long sword on his back flew out instantly,"Old monk, let me show you the Nine Swords of the Demon Sect that the leader taught me."

Liansheng also drew out his long sword and shouted softly,"Sword Technique to Exorcise Evil." The sword energy in the sky suddenly rushed to the sky, and the sound of breaking resounded throughout the area of a hundred miles. The three people flew higher and higher, mainly because Wuwo took the initiative to pull them down. He knew that if the three people were fighting below, the entire Jinshan Temple would be destroyed by the aftermath.

The people in Jinshan Temple below were still fighting desperately. They knew that as long as the host solved Liansheng and Bai Haotian of the Demon Sect, they would be able to free up their hands, and then the crisis of Jinshan Temple would be overcome. Otherwise, they dared not think about it.

Not far away, an open space within a few miles was flattened by the aftermath of the fight. Several people were surrounding a two-meter-tall monk and attacking him. The monk was covered in blood, like a King Kong from hell. Every move was done with all his strength, breaking the space and roaring continuously.

Unfortunately, no matter how he attacked, it was difficult to break through the heavy���, because those who surrounded him were the top fighters of the Demon Cult, the Xuanwu Hall Master, the Suzaku Hall Master, the Second Guardian, the Fourth Guardian, three of them were at the peak of the Martial Emperor, and one was at the Late Martial Emperor.

If an outsider saw this, they would be so surprised that they would be speechless. The second-ranked Saint Monk on the Earth Ranking had been severely injured and could not even stand. After being besieged by four masters of the same level for half an hour, he was exhausted, his internal organs had begun to break, and blood kept oozing from the corners of his mouth.

""Monk Wufa, you are already powerless to save the situation. I think you should commit suicide so that you can keep your body intact."

Wufa spat out a mouthful of blood,"Bah, you evil cult monsters, sooner or later you will be destroyed."

Ten thousand meters above Jinshan Temple, the space kept distorting, the three people inside kept attacking, a Zen stick turned into a golden dragon and kept spitting out golden light to shoot at the two, but was directly blocked by the sword energy of two long swords.

Wuwo listened to the shouting and screaming of the monks below, and his heart sank to the bottom. He wanted to go down and kill all the evil cult monsters right now, but looking at the two people holding swords in front of him, he began to despair.

Both of them had just broken through to the early stage of the Martial Emperor.

One relied on his weird swordsmanship and his speed was so fast that even he, a Martial Emperor, could not stand it.

It was hard to see clearly at the beginning.

The other sword technique was not fast and was even surprisingly slow, but every move seemed to be able to predict his own movements.

The sword technique was even more upright, as if he was exorcising demons, leaving Wuwo speechless.

Was he a demon from the Demon Cult or was the other party a demon from the Demon Cult?

The flying dragon transformed by the Zen staff began to become increasingly sluggish, and some cracks appeared on its body. It was obviously at the edge of its limit. The flying dragon raised its head to the sky and let out a long roar, emitting the last golden light. Its voice was full of sadness, and its body was directly shattered into ashes. Wuwo even vomited blood.

"Wuwo, this day next year will be your death anniversary," Liansheng said in a deep voice, and stabbed with a sword. This sword did not have any other messy power, but only the purest power.

Wuwo forced himself to take a breath, a trace of ruthlessness flashed in his eyes, and his whole body showed a solemn appearance. The endless vitality of heaven and earth around him burst and was constantly absorbed into Wuwo's body. With a palm strike, a golden Buddha appeared in the sky.

This is the secret method of Jinshan Temple that is not passed on.

"Ten Thousand Buddhas Paying Homage to the Sect" has always been practiced only by the host.

It is a god-level technique.

Although it is extremely powerful, it requires a very high level of cultivation.

Almost no one has been able to use it for thousands of years.

Wuwo has reached the end of his strength.

He can only use secret techniques to activate the technique.

He wants to kill two people with one blow, so that Jinshan Temple can have hope of survival, but the consequence is that whether he succeeds or not, he will not be able to survive.

Liansheng and Bai Haotian also saw that Wuwo was going to fight to the death. They all shouted,

"The sword cuts through Yin and Yang,"

""Breaking Palm"

The sky was changing with the wind and clouds, and the clear sky was thundering. The people fighting below stopped and looked up at the sky. Their intuition told them that an unimaginable fight had taken place there.

Wuwo put his hands together, with a peaceful face, a long sword inserted in his chest, and slowly sat down, slowly falling downwards, the breath on his body gradually faded until it disappeared.

Liansheng and Bai Haotian also looked pale, the consumption just now was really too great for the two of them, Bai Haotian was spitting blood, and there was a palm print on his chest.

"White Guardian, why?" Liansheng looked at Bai Haotian with a puzzled look.

It turned out that in the fight just now, the two of them tried their best to use swordsmanship but still failed to block the attack. At the critical moment, Bai Haotian stood in front of Liansheng and endured all the attacks. Liansheng also seized the opportunity to kill Wuwo with a sword.

"There is no reason. You are still young, and the Demon Cult still has many things that need you to do. Besides, I am not dead."

Liansheng looked at Bai Haotian deeply, and at this moment, it seemed that he had known Bai Haotian again.

The people below looked up at the sky and saw a sitting figure falling down, with a long sword stuck in his body.

"It's the host, how could it be possible?" The monks below shouted in grief.

The head monk of the Jintang Hall shouted in grief,"The evil cult killed the abbot of Jinshan Temple and slaughtered the monks of Jinshan Temple. I will fight them to the death. I swear to defend the dignity of Jinshan Temple!""

"Defend the dignity of the Golden Mountain Temple to the death"

"Defend the dignity of Jinshan Temple to the death."

All the monks of Jinshan Temple shouted, their voices full of sadness and determination, and they rushed towards the demon sect members fearlessly. For a while, they actually suppressed the demon sect members a little, but the strength of the two sides was still too different. Many demon sect leaders took action one after another, bullying the weak, and the screams became less and less.

Half an hour later, there was no sound of shouting and killing in the whole Jinshan Temple. There was no figure standing at all. The mountains were full of monks' corpses. The thousand-year-old temple was like hell.

From the beginning of the demon sect's attack on the mountain to the entire Jinshan Temple, Less than two hours after the destruction of the mountain temple, the top power on this continent completely disappeared.

When the Demon Cult attacked the mountain, they deliberately set up a soundproof formation around the Jinshan Temple.

Even though the Jinshan Temple was already a river of blood and shouts of killing were heard, the people at the foot of the mountain could not notice anything.

They just saw that there was more fog in the direction of the Jinshan Temple than usual.

It was not until the Demon Cult retreated and took away the formation that the fog gradually dissipated, and the strong smell of blood in the air slowly floated out and slowly drifted down the mountain.

"What's going on? Why is there such a strong smell of blood coming from Jinshan Temple?"

"Could it be that someone caused trouble in Jinshan Temple and was killed? There shouldn't be such a strong smell of blood."

"How is that possible? Anyone who dares to cause trouble at Jinshan Temple is asking for trouble. The abbot of Jinshan Temple, Wuwo, is a figure on the Heavenly Ranking."

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