As soon as Ximen Tian flew over the Xuankong Pavilion, he found that Taoist Qingping was dead, and his face turned blue with anger. Everyone in the Xuankong Pavilion was delighted to see Ximen Tian's arrival, and Taoist Chongxu was relieved. Looking at the dead Taoist Qingping, his face showed sadness.

When Ximen Tian was about to join the battle, a dragon roar suddenly came from a distance, and the people of the Demon Cult, who had originally shown a worried look, suddenly showed a look of joy. In the distance, a black dragon sedan was flying towards the Xuankong Mountain.

Ximen Tian was shocked, and Taoist Chongxu was even more desperate. The sedan quickly flew over the Xuankong Mountain. On both sides of the upper palace door, it was written"Holding the sun and the moon in my hands and picking the stars, there is no one like me in the world."

Although they had heard of this couplet, the people who saw it for the first time still felt a sense of domineering. From the words, we can see how domineering and confident the people in the sedan are.

The gate of the flying sedan opened, and ten people walked out from each side. One side was all wearing yellow masks, and the other side was all wearing silver masks. They were full of aura, and none of them was lower than the Martial Emperor Realm.

Zhou Qiong, wearing a black battle robe, slowly walked out. He was full of domineering aura and demonic flames, like a demon god in the world.

"Meet the leader!" The demons below all bowed and said

""Zhou Qiong, you slaughtered my people in Xuankong Pavilion for no reason. What do you want to do?" Taoist Chongxu shouted at Zhou Qiong in the sky.

"Zhou Qiong, you dared to destroy the Jinshan Temple and massacre the Xuankong Pavilion. Do you really think you are invincible?" Ximen Tian also questioned from the side.

Zhou Qiong, who was on the flying sedan, did not respond, and did not even look at the two of them, but looked directly at Liansheng,"Why does Xuankong Pavilion still exist!"

Liansheng felt Zhou Qiong's cold eyes, bowed and replied,"Master, Taoist Qingping of Xuankong Pavilion is still alive. He suddenly stimulated his potential and injured the Great Protector, so he was delayed!"

Zhou Qiong glanced at the dead Taoist Qingping, and said lightly,"Next time, I don't want to hear excuses!"

Liansheng bowed and agreed.

Ximen Tian on the side was furious. He felt that he was seriously insulted. He was the head of Wanjianmen and a master of the Martial Emperor Realm, but Zhou Qiong didn't even look at him, obviously looking down on him.

A long sword appeared in Ximen Tian's hand. Pointing the sword at Zhou Qiong, he questioned,"Zhou Qiong, you are going too far. Do you really think you are invincible?"

Zhou Qiong frowned and looked at Ximen Tian

""Noisy," he said, and hit Ximen Tian with one hand. Suddenly, a giant hand appeared in the sky, with a magnificent momentum. The energy of life and death above changed, and it slapped down like the sky.

Ximen Tian suddenly felt like an ant facing an elephant, unable to dodge or resist. He was even more shocked. He knew that Zhou Qiong was very strong, but he didn't expect him to be so strong. Facing an attack that could take his life at any time,

""Flying Fairy from the Sky," Ximen Tian, who had no time to react, could only shout loudly and use his strongest means. The long sword in his hand instantly turned into a flash of lightning and rushed towards the giant hand. A huge crash sounded, but there was no aftermath. All the aftermath was directly annihilated by the giant hand. Ximen Tian was blown away hundreds of miles like a fly and was directly hit into the mountain.

The giant hand continued to slap Taoist Chongxu without stopping.

Taoist Chongxu looked solemn, and the long sword in his hand drew a circle, forming a Tai Chi diagram in front of him.

This is the strongest defense of Xuankong Pavilion, the giant He slapped his hand towards the Tai Chi diagram, and the defense was broken.

Taoist Chongxu was knocked back fifty steps, spitting out blood, but he finally took the palm.

It took only a moment from the beginning of Zhou Qiong's attack to the end.

Before the people below could react, they only saw Zhou Qiong slap his hand, and Ximen Tian was knocked away, his life or death unknown.

Taoist Chongxu also spit out blood and was seriously injured. The people of the Demon Sect laughed loudly when they reacted, but the disciples of the Xuankong Pavilion were all pale, and some even put down their swords and gave up resistance.

Zhou Qiong laughed in the sky,

"I am invincible in the world. Whoever dares to disobey me will be called Zhou Wudi from now on. Hahahaha"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for completing the title mission, and raising your cultivation by one level."

Zhou Qiong's aura suddenly broke through, and then dropped again.

Zhou Qiong was not acting silly just now, because the system suddenly gave him a mission, the title of invincible mission, and the reward was to raise his cultivation by one level. There was no reason for Zhou Qiong not to accept the mission. Besides, as the leader of the Demon Cult, what's wrong with having the title of Zhou Wudi?

A message appeared on the system panel.

Character: Zhou Qiong (Zhou Wudi)

Position: Demon Cult

Leader Cultivation: Late Martial Emperor (seriously injured)

Martial arts: Demon God, Sky Life and Death Hand, God and Demon Eye (incomplete).

Mount: Demon Dragon Chariot


"I’m here!"

"The rest is up to you, don't dawdle too long!" After saying that, Zhou Qiong turned around and went back into the flying sedan.

Suddenly, shouts of killing were heard again outside. Zhou Qiong inside the flying sedan spat out a white pill from his mouth, with a small crack on it. He said silently,"It's worthy of being a powerful pill produced by the system. It can even temporarily restore the injuries of the God and Demon Eye. It's a pity that it can only be used three times." Dong Dong Dong

, there was a knock on the door outside the flying sedan.

"The leader, his subordinate, the Demon Tiger King, and the Great Protector were seriously injured and unconscious, and their breath was gradually weakening."

"Help him in!"

"Yes!" The door of the flying sedan opened. The entire flying sedan was as big as a mountain, and the internal space was comparable to the size of the main hall of Tianmo Peak. The Demon Tiger King directly came in with the Great Protector and laid him flat on the ground.

Zhou Qiong looked at Bai Haotian, his body was a little broken, and he was completely relying on the medicinal properties of the elixir to support his last breath.

"System, is there any way to save him!"

"Nirvana Pill, requires a villain value of 5 million, no danger, and can improve strength"

"Don't you know how much villain value I have? 5 million. Even if I kill all the forces on the mainland, my villain value can't be that much."

"Host, you can also use the small Nirvana Pill, which requires a villain value of 50,000, but the success rate is less than 30%"

"That's it. Whether he can survive depends on his luck."

"Ding, the exchange for the small Nirvana Pill was successful, consuming 50,000 villain points."

A fiery red pill suddenly appeared in Zhou Qiong's hand, and it seemed like a phoenix was reborn from the ashes. He threw it to the Demon Tiger King.

"Feed him, then help him to the back hall."

"As you command!"

The shouting and screaming outside gradually became smaller and smaller until it disappeared.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for completing the task of destroying Jinshan first and then slaughtering Xuankong. Rewards are being distributed."

Zhou Qiong felt a green air rushing into the eyes of the gods and demons, constantly repairing the injuries in the eyes. Zhou Qiong's momentum continued to rise and rushed straight into the sky.

A huge laugh came from the flying sedan, and the sound shook for thousands of miles. Countless birds and beasts were frightened and dared not move, and they all lay on the ground.

Liansheng outside the flying sedan bowed and said,"Congratulations to the leader, the magic power is great, and you are invincible in the world."

The demons also bowed and shouted:

"Congratulations to the leader, your divine power is perfect and you are invincible."

"Congratulations to the leader, your divine power is perfect and you are invincible."

"Congratulations to the Master———————————————"

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