With a loud clang, the armored leader stepped back five steps with an incredible look on his face. He raised his hand, and a sword mark crossed his entire palm. He looked at the stone tablet, and a figure in a red robe came out of it, holding a long sword. There was a trace of blood on the sword, proving that the shocking sword light just now was slashed by this person.

Everyone around was surprised to see the figure coming out of the stone tablet. If they were not mistaken, it was this red-robed figure who injured the armored leader with a sword. You must know that the armored leader is a sixth-level Tongxuan realm cultivator. Although he is not a top figure in the Black King City, it is impossible for him to be injured by a person from the lower world.

Ye Qing pointed at the red-robed man and looked at Ximen Di in surprise and asked, this person is also from your continent, how can he be so strong, is he also a hidden figure. Even Ye Tian, who was standing by, had a surprised expression on his face. The person who ascended from the lower realm directly injured the leader of the guards from the upper realm. This had never happened in the Black King City. The person who ascended was actually stronger than Ye Tian!

Ximendi looked at the man in red robe with disbelief in his eyes, and said dully,"He is the chief steward of the Demon Cult, Liansheng!"

Ye Qing looked at Ximendi as soon as he heard it,"You know him!"

Ximendi nodded,"Yes, he is the chief steward of the Demon Cult, Liansheng, who forced my sect to disband," Ximendi pointed at the black-clothed people who were still emerging in surprise."Are these people from the Demon Cult?"

The armored leader looked at the red-robed man with a gloomy face,"Who are you? You have the cultivation of the fifth level of Tongxuan! Did these men in black ascend with you?"

After the red-robed man walked out of the stone tablet, he looked around the square curiously, took a deep breath, and said leisurely,"What the leader said is indeed right. The spiritual energy in this upper world is indeed sufficient, more than ten times stronger than that in the lower world!" He looked up at the armored leader and said in a deep voice,"I am Liansheng, the general manager of the Demon Cult. This time, I will ascend with the Demon Cult. I hope you won't stop us!"

A trace of doubt flashed in the eyes of the armored leader.

He had never heard of the Demon Cult.

It should be a force in the lower world.

I don't know what happened to the continent below.

So many martial arts masters appeared at once.

There must be thousands of them!

And it hasn't stopped yet!

Still walking out, the armored leader had a gloomy face and waved his hand.

Suddenly, hundreds of armored guards in the square surrounded him.

Each of them was a master of the second level of Tongxuan Realm or above.

"No matter where you ascended from, if you dare to provoke my Blue Rain Clan, you are looking for death.

If you surrender, I can spare your life.

Otherwise, don't blame me for killing you without mercy!


Liansheng looked at the armored leader and knew that today's matter would not end well. The long sword in his hand turned into a meteor and stabbed directly at the armored leader. The armored leader shouted and four long swords appeared in his four arms and slashed at Liansheng.

The two immediately fought. It might be that the space in the upper realm was relatively stable. It was unknown what material the square was made of. The duel between two masters of the sixth level of Tongxuan did not damage the square at all.

The armored guards in the field also attacked the man in black, but just in a short time, a group of people walked out of the stone tablet again. This time their cultivation was no longer at the peak of the Martial Emperor, but also reached the Tongxuan Realm!

Lian Sheng, who was fighting with the armored leader, shouted,"The armored guards are the enemy, trying to stop our demon sect from ascending. All the demon sect leaders, attack with all your strength!"

"Yes!" Many high-ranking members of the Demon Cult who had already walked out of the stone tablet answered.

The burly Demon Tiger King shouted,"Blue cubs, take my Demon Tiger Sky-Splitting Claw."

"The demon ape hammers the sky!"

"Nine Netherworld Palms!"

For a moment, the square was in chaos. At the beginning, the Demon Cult was at a disadvantage, but when an old man with a sword walked out of the stone tablet again, the situation suddenly reversed. The old man slowly waved the sword in his hand. Although his movements were very slow, he could kill an armored guard with one sword.

The armored leader looked at the old man with the sword, and suddenly felt incredible. He thought he had won the game, but he didn't expect that the opponent would rise up a group of Tongxuan realm masters, and now there is another Tongxuan fifth level master. Is the continent below really so powerful? But... Does it mean that once one reaches the fourth level of Tongxuan, one must ascend? How did they maintain the fifth level before ascending?

The people from other forces in the square were just surprised at first, with an expression of watching a good show. They did not think that the force in the lower world that called itself the Demon Cult could defeat the Blue Rain Clan. After all, there was only one master in the Tongxuan realm. Even if it was incredible that he could tie with the Armored Leader, there was only one person.

However, the Demon Cult broke their cognition in a short period of time. Martial artists in the Tongxuan realm kept emerging from the stone tablet, and now two people have ascended to the fifth level of Tongxuan. Square There were constant messages coming from above. They were reporting the situation here to the forces behind them.

Ximen Di on the side was so frightened that he couldn't speak. He didn't know the people who were ascending at the beginning, but since Lian Sheng ascended, many high-ranking members of the Demon Cult followed suit. He basically knew all of them.

Especially the Demon Tiger King and the Demon Monkey King. If he was not mistaken, the other two had already reached the third level of Tongxuan cultivation, while he had only cultivated to the peak of Wudi with the resources of the upper realm. This was really hard for him to accept. You know, a few years ago, the two couldn't even take a single move from him.

The armored leader was getting more and more frightened as he fought.

Although the red-robed steward in front of him was one level lower than him, his sword speed was so fast that he dared not be distracted at all and could only deal with him with all his strength.

However, in a short period of time, more than half of the armored guards in the field had been killed.

If he didn't think of a solution, his entire army might be wiped out!

The armored leader gritted his teeth, took out a jade pendant from his arms, and crushed it directly.

Suddenly, a surge of momentum rose from the east side of the square a hundred miles away, and a figure instantly appeared on the square.

The momentum of his whole body made it difficult for everyone in the square to move.

"How is it possible that even Lan Yuwu was alarmed? He is the second best master of the Lan Yu clan, and his cultivation has reached the level of a great master throughout the ages."Ye Tian looked at���The blue figure that suddenly appeared in the air said in surprise

"Yes, Lan Yuting was really angry, and even used the amulet given by the family."

"It's a pity that although these people who have ascended have good cultivation, they can be dealt with by just calling two high-level Tongxuan people. Is it a waste to send out the Qiangu Realm with the amulet?"

Everyone in the square immediately began to discuss in a low voice!

Lan Yuwu, who is known as the second strongest person in the Blue Rain Clan, stood in the sky, looking at Lan Yuting and the armored guards lying on the ground below, and asked seriously,"What happened!"

Lan Yuting knelt on one knee and whispered what happened. After speaking, he pointed to the bodies of the armored guards on the ground and said sadly,"Elder, you must avenge our people!"

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