In the upper world, on the new Demon Peak, in a palace several times larger than the Demon Palace in the lower world, Zhou Qiong was still sitting on the Demon Dragon Chair, with Di Yi wearing a golden mask and Xuan Yi wearing a silver mask kneeling on one knee below him.

""Master, the area where our sect is located is under the jurisdiction of Black King City in the Chaos Region.

There are more than 200 cities like Black King City in the Chaos Region, and the jurisdiction of Black King City is a million miles wide.

Each of the major cities is independent, and the entire Chaos Region is much larger than the Cangwu Continent.

There are also some dynasties and sects outside whose jurisdiction is even more boundless.

Since it is too far away, I have not understood it very clearly.


Zhou Qiong nodded calmly. The system had said before that the upper world was boundless, and this situation was within his expectations.

"Let’s talk about the situation in Black King City!"

"Yes, the Lord of Black King City is called Mu Lao. It is said that he is a tree spirit who has cultivated to the True Martial Realm. He is the strongest person in the entire Black King City, but he is kind and never interferes in other people's affairs."

"So now Black King City is jointly ruled by eight major forces, namely the Blue Rain Clan, the Red Fox Clan, the Single Eye Clan, the Bull Head Clan, the Sword Clan, the Great River Gang, the Ghost Clan, and the Flower Clan. Every ten years, the major forces exchange control of the city square, let the warriors who ascend to the sky work for them for free for a few years, and also absorb some good seedlings."

"Any other useful news?"

"According to the city guards, Mu Lao will celebrate his 3,000-year-old birthday in a month. The address is the city lord's mansion, and a secret realm will be opened at the same time. I haven't heard the details yet!"

Zhou Qiong nodded, and the two of them slowly disappeared in the hall. Thinking secretly, Black King City, Zhou Qiong needs to take over Black King City within three years, so that the people of the lower world can ascend safely.

"Ding, the task is being generated: Participate in Mu Lao’s birthday, obtain the qualification to enter the secret realm, successfully enter the secret realm, complete the upgrade of the host’s cultivation by two small levels, 200,000 villain value, no penalty for failure, does the host accept it!"

"Accept it!" Although Zhou Qiong didn't understand how to obtain the qualification, he accepted it first. He would know it naturally when the birthday comes.

In the City Lord's Mansion, in a huge courtyard, an old farmer was fiddling with vegetables on the ground, turning the soil and watering them from time to time. Next to him, a charming girl in a fiery red dress kept saying something, but the old man never looked up and kept fiddling with the vegetables.

"Hey, Mr. Mu, did you hear what I said?" The fiery red girl stamped her feet in anger.

The old man raised his head and said helplessly,"I heard it. It's just that a lot of people flew up from the lower world. Why are you so excited!"

"Mu Lao, there are thousands of people ascending at once, and the leader is said to be extremely ferocious. He just beat up the one-eyed monster in Longchang! I guess he is still recovering from his injuries!"

"You little girl, don’t you usually hate Longchang? Why are you not happy when someone helps you teach him a lesson?" The old man patted the dirt off his body helplessly!

"Oh, I'm just curious. Master Mu, you said that your birthday is in two days. Will the leader of that evil cult come?"

"What? Our Rose girl has grown up and is starting to feel love!"

"What are you talking about? I haven't even seen him. I'm just curious. Who in the entire Black King City isn't curious? Master Mu, what secrets do you think the underworld has that could have given rise to such a great giant?"

"Okay, there are all kinds of things in this world. By the way, how is your cultivation going?" Mu Lao suddenly changed the subject.

"Ah," the fiery red girl covered her ears, pretending not to listen, and ran away quickly.


Two days later, the City Lord's Mansion was full of joy, and people were coming and going in the whole mansion. Today was the 3,000th birthday of the Black King City's master, Mu Lao. Although Mu Lao never took care of things, it could not change the fact that he was the strongest in the Black King City. No one dared not to give him face. All the forces within the jurisdiction of the Black King City came.

Two people at the door greeted the guests and shouted the names of the guests from time to time.

"Leader Qian of the Dajiang Gang is here!"

"The chief of the Blue Rain tribe has arrived!"

"Sword Sect's Shangguan Yun is here!"

""Red Fox Tribe~~"


In the hall, an old man was sitting on the upper seat. He was none other than Mu Lao, the master of Black King City. Next to him was a girl in red who was pouring wine for the old man. There were four seats on each side, and seven of them were already full of people. They were none other than the leaders of the eight major forces of Black King City.

There were also hundreds of scattered seats below, which were for some small forces or casual cultivators.

The two tree men at the door were still drinking loudly. Suddenly, three figures appeared in front of them. The leader was wearing a magic dragon robe, with an ostentatious and domineering aura. The two behind him had a delicate look, one in a red robe, and the other in black with a silver mask. They were none other than Zhou Qiong, Lian Sheng, and Xuan Yi.

One of the tree men bowed to Zhou Qiong and said,"Did you bring your invitation!"

Zhou Qiong said calmly,"No invitation. I heard that the master of Black King City is celebrating his birthday today, so I came here specially to congratulate him. Isn't that okay!""

At the same time, a domineering aura and momentum from Zhou Qiong pressed towards the two of them. Another tree man hurriedly said,"Okay, I don't know which force you belong to, so we can inform you!""

"I am the leader of the Demon Cult." After saying this, Zhou Qiong took Liansheng and Xuanyi into the mansion without waiting for the two to report. The two treemen did not dare to stop them because of their power.

The leaders of the major forces were chatting inside. Qian Sihai pointed to an empty seat opposite and said loudly,"I think we should withdraw this position. I don't know where Longchang is healing now. He can't come at all!"

A man in black clothes and a black cloth, with a ghostly aura, slammed the table in another seat opposite him."I say, Longchang is too useless. He was seriously injured by someone who just ascended from the lower realm. I think his one-eyed clan is not worthy of becoming one of the eight major forces in the Black King City with us."

A woman in pink clothes who looked like a human but had a fox tail also said softly,"I think so too. It is estimated that Longchang's injuries cannot be recovered. Just replace him with their clan."

At this time, a young man stood behind Qian Sihai, carrying a long sword on his back and wearing a ring on his right hand, which occasionally emitted a blue light. He listened to the leaders of many forces talking about the leader of the Demon Cult. His face was very ugly and his eyes were full of disbelief. It was Zhao Li who disappeared in Cangwu Continent.

"Elder Fu, do you think that the leader of the Demon Cult has really reached the Eternal Realm? He was able to severely injure the leader of the Single-Eyed Clan who was at the eighth level of the Eternal Realm with one blow?"The ring emitted a faint light, and a sentence appeared in Zhao Li's mind.

"His cultivation speed is indeed too fast, comparable to some of the emperors' holy lands' princes, but he is not, unless he is the reincarnation of a great power!"

Zhao Li frowned, and suddenly a loud shout came from outside

"The Demon Cult leader has arrived!"

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