The three days were up soon.

Hundreds of thousands of demon cult members gathered at the foot of the Demon Peak, led by many of the cult's high-ranking officials, including Mu Lao and Lily. A huge dragon-shaped flying sedan hovered above them.

Zhou Qiong, wearing a dragon-shaped battle robe and covered in blood-red flames, stood on the flying sedan. Many demon cult members knelt on one knee below them, shouting,

"Meet the Master!"

"Get up! Today, my Demon Cult will officially start the first battle in the upper realm. Do you have confidence?"

"Yes! Yes! Yes!" The huge voice echoed throughout the entire Tianmo Peak.

"Let's go!" A huge dragon roar sounded, and the magic dragon chariot began to fly towards Tianhai City. Many people from the Demon Cult below also followed and flew towards Tianhai City.

At this time, except for the soldiers guarding the gate of Tianhai City, no living creatures could be seen coming and going. A large number of creatures hid on the city wall and watched everything.

Although they were not sure whether the Demon Cult would come to attack Tianhai City today, no one dared to take risks at the gate. After all, neither Tianhai City nor the Demon Cult were something they could afford to offend. If they offended anyone, they would die.

"It's coming, it's coming, it's really coming" A man on the city wall pointed to the distance and shouted loudly.

Sure enough, a huge dragon flew over from afar, followed by countless men in black.

Although they knew it would come, the fact that it really came still made the Hong family unbelievable. They really didn't know where the Demon Cult got the confidence to attack their Tianhai City.

Hong Biao stood on the city wall, looking at the dragon flying above, and his mouth twitched. In fact, he saw that the couplet was too pretentious."Holding the sun and the moon, picking the stars, there is no one like me in the world." This couplet can only be written by such a proud person. It is hard to imagine that a Zhenwu realm dares to say such a big thing.

A man flew out from the flying carriage, wearing a blood-red robe, looking at Hong Biao and said loudly,"Three days have passed, and it seems that your Hong family has chosen to resist!"

When Hong Biao heard this, he laughed angrily,"Who do you think you are? Let your leader talk to me. I want to see what kind of courage he has eaten to dare to attack my Hong family!"

"How dare you insult the leader!" Liansheng drew out his long sword and slashed at Hong Biao in an instant.

Hong Biao grinned, clenched his fist and hit the long sword directly. With a bang, like the sound of metal clashing, Hong Biao stood in the sky without retreating a step, while Liansheng was blasted away for thousands of meters.

Just when Hong Biao wanted to strike while the iron was hot and kill Liansheng directly, a crutch appeared in front of him and knocked him into the city.

Hong Biao flew up to the city wall again, with blood flowing from the corner of his mouth, and looked at the old man in front of him with a gloomy face,

"Old Man Mu, you really have become a running dog of the Demon Cult. You are still in the Zhenwu Realm, but you surrender to others so easily!"

Old Man Mu looked at Hong Biao without saying anything, but his brows were furrowed. The walking stick in his hand emitted a light and hit Hong Biao directly. Although he, Old Man Mu, surrendered to the Demon Cult, he was not someone who could be insulted casually by a warrior in the Qiangu Realm. Do you really think that big trees have no temper? It was just that you didn't have a backer before.

A fist of light suddenly rushed out of the City Lord's Mansion and hit Old Man Mu. Old Man Mu didn't bother to hit Hong Biao anymore. He directly blocked the attack with his walking stick and quickly retreated. He didn't stop until he retreated to the side of the Demon Dragon Flying Sedan.

A man as strong as a mountain appeared above Tianhai City. He looked at Old Man Mu next to the Demon Dragon Flying Sedan and whispered,"Old Man Mu, you have indeed grown a lot over the years."

When many members of the Hong family in the city saw the man appear, they immediately knelt down and shouted,"Greetings, ancestor!"

"Well, you didn't insult the Hong family's ambition. Hong Biao, you're not bad either."

"Thank you for the compliment, Dad" Hong Biao, who was below, laughed when he heard the man's praise.

The man looked at the Demon Cult's flying sedan. He could feel the bloody and murderous aura in the sedan. When he saw the couplet, he frowned and said in a deep voice,"I guess you are the leader of the Demon Cult. I am Hong Tu, the leader of the Hong Family in Tianhai City!"

There was no response. The door of the Demon Cult's flying sedan opened, and a heavy figure walked out. He looked up at Hong Tu and said in a cold voice

"I am not interested in knowing the names of the dead. If you can take my sword, then I will spare Tianhai City. Otherwise, all the creatures in Tianhai City will be slaughtered!"

Everyone in the city below was frightened by Zhou Qiong's words. Even Mu Lao beside him was frightened. Just now, through the brief fight, he could feel that Hong Tu's cultivation had reached at least the fifth level of Zhenwu, and now Zhou Qiong was going to kill Hong Tu with one move.

The city was immediately full of discussions.

"What, what did the Demon Cult leader say just now? He wants Master Hong Tu to take his attack. Doesn't he know how powerful Master Hong Tu is?"

"Oh my god, this cult leader is indeed as domineering as the rumors say, but this domineeringness is too scary!"

"He is really crazy, he actually thinks that the ancestor can't even take one of his moves."

At this time, Hong Tu's expression was even colder and more terrifying. He looked at Zhou Qiong with anger. Since he cultivated to the Zhenwu realm, no one dared to look down on him like this. Who does he think he is, the king of heaven?

""Okay, I don't need to take your sword. If you can take my punch, I will spare your life!"

Zhou Qiong didn't reply. The pupil between his eyebrows glowed slightly. A pitch-black long sword appeared in his hand. He raised it slowly. Suddenly, the surrounding area within a radius of 100 miles seemed to be filled with a bloody aura.

Zhou Qiong shouted,


Suddenly, an endless amount of murderous energy and bloody aura slashed towards Hong Tu. The murderous energy was so strong that the shadow of the devil appeared.

Hong Tu, who was on the opposite side, felt something was wrong when the long sword came out. Looking at the long sword, he seemed to see a peerless vicious weapon. There seemed to be endless wronged souls crying on it. It was hard to imagine how many lives this sword had killed.

The long sword was obviously not slashing fast, but Hong Tu felt that he had been locked in and could not dodge it no matter what. Suddenly, a look of determination appeared on his face. He was naturally not a coward who could cultivate to the Zhenwu realm.

A pair of huge fists appeared from Hong Tu's body and hit the long sword, shouting!

""Unrivaled Iron Fist, I am invincible!"

Bang, unimaginable aftermath of the bombardment collided, and even the defense formation of Tianhai City was directly shattered. Some people with low cultivation in the city were directly killed on the spot by the aftermath. The elders of the Demon Cult hurriedly raised a protective shield to protect the Demon Cult.

The aftermath slowly dissipated, but everyone seemed to hear the sound of slowly flowing water. Looking for the sound, everyone was so scared that they sat on the ground. What did they see? A huge knife pit with a width of hundreds of feet and a depth of unknown distance appeared in front of Tianhai City.

Since there is a huge river next to Tianhai City, which is not much smaller than the sea, the water in the river is slowly pouring into the deep pit, just like building a huge moat for Tianhai City!

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