The name of the technique was"Words".

Zhou Qiong clicked on the introduction, and there were only four sentences written on it.

One word determines the world, one word determines everything, my words are destiny, my words are truth.

Oh my god, isn't this an upgraded version of the Golden Mouth and Jade Words Technique? Zhou Qiong thought to himself, this technique is too practical for Zhou Qiong, it is simply the most powerful artifact for pretending to be thirteen. The

Tianmo Peak Hall was holding a court meeting, and all the high-level officials stood on both sides. Zhou Qiong sat on top. At this time, three days had passed since the Tianwu Clan was wiped out.

"You didn't disappoint me this time, so you should be rewarded! Where are Liansheng, Bai Haotian, and Mu Hufa?"

""I'm here!" The three of them stood up immediately.

"The three of you have done a great job this time, and you will be rewarded with ten energy mines and one day of training in the Holy Blood Temple!"

"Thank you, Master!" The two bowed in thanks. Although they didn't know what the Holy Blood Temple was, they knew that since the Master gave it to them as a reward, it must be something that would be of great benefit to them.

"Everyone else will also be rewarded with an energy mine!"

"Thank you, Master!" The high-ranking members of the Demon Cult immediately bowed in thanks.

Half an hour later, the meeting was over, and Liansheng and the other two gathered together and walked towards the location of the Holy Blood Hall mentioned by the Master. The Holy Blood Hall was built two days ago, in the back mountain of the Demon Cult, next to the Demon Dao Tower.

"I don't know what good things are in the Holy Blood Temple that the leader mentioned!" Mu Lao said softly

"It should be something very helpful for cultivation, otherwise the leader would not have given it to us as a reward." Bai Haotian answered on the side.

You know, Zhou Qiong has always been very generous to the high-ranking members of the Demon Cult. In the past, whether it was the Ten Thousand Demons Pool or the Great Ten Thousand Demons Pool, they were directly open to all the high-ranking members. But this time, he only gave it to the three of them as a reward. It must be something extraordinary.

When the three of them walked to the back mountain, they found that the Demon Dao Tower, no, it should be the Holy Blood Hall, was surrounded by the high-ranking members and disciples of the Demon Cult. They were all very curious about the newly appeared Holy Blood Hall.

You know, even the Demon Dao Tower is open to everyone, but this Holy Blood Hall is obviously not. Even if the high-ranking members don’t seem to have made merit, they can’t enter. Suddenly, all the people in the Demon Cult were curious about what was inside.

Liansheng and the other two walked over without hesitation.

At this time, two Xuanbu secret guards stood at the door of the Holy Blood Hall. Seeing the three people, they saluted and slowly opened the door of the hall.

The three of them walked in and saw a huge blood pool. It felt very ordinary, but it gave people a heavy feeling.

The three of them walked in directly. As soon as they entered the blood pool, a stream of violent energy rushed into their bodies crazily. The three of them didn’t care about being shocked, and hurriedly operated the skills to absorb it.

A whole day had passed, and the people from the Demon Cult were still waiting outside, looking at the door from time to time. They were really curious about what was inside.

Bang, the door of the hall opened from the inside, and a red-robed figure quickly flew out and stayed in the air. He was full of majestic aura, and his cultivation began to rise continuously. The ninth level of the ancient world, the tenth level of the ancient world, without stopping, he directly broke through the barrier of the Zhenwu realm, and rose to the sixth level of the Zhenwu realm before stopping.

"My goodness, this is too awesome!" The Demon Tiger King slapped his head and said in surprise.

At this time, all the people in the Demon Cult around were looking at Liansheng in shock. If they were not mistaken, the other party only took one day to break through eight realms in a row, even including the barrier from the Eternal Realm to the True Martial Realm.

You have to know how many Eternal Realm people there are in the Land of Chaos, and they never broke through to the True Martial Realm in their entire lives, and finally died with hatred. If the True Martial Realm was so easy to break through, it would not have such a high status.

Before everyone could react, Bai Haotian in a white robe also flew out, and his momentum continued to rise until it stopped at the ninth level of the True Martial Realm. Mu Lao also walked out slowly, and his cultivation had obviously broken through to the tenth level of the True Martial Realm, breaking through five levels directly.

Those outer door guardians who surrendered also opened their mouths wide, this was too shocking They were shocked. A day ago, there were two people in the Eternal Realm and one in the middle level of Zhenwu. Now, three Zhenwu level 6 and above masters appeared in front of them.

If the Demon Dao Tower made them willing to stay in the Demon Cult, then the Holy Blood Palace that appeared at this time would make them completely devoted.

In this chaotic land, how many Zhenwu realms have practiced hard for thousands of years to break through a small realm? Even those who are not talented enough have found it difficult to break through after tens of thousands of years.

Now, this Demon Cult actually has the Holy Blood Palace that can directly improve the cultivation of the Zhenwu realm.

The cultivation of the Zhenwu realm can be improved by several levels in a short period of time. If those who have practiced hard in the Eternal Realm and Zhenwu realm knew about it, they would probably join the Demon Cult at all costs.

The people in the Demon Cult looked at the three people with envy, and then looked at the Holy Blood Palace with desire. How much they wanted to go in and practice for a day

""Cough" Liansheng cleared his cough and said in a deep voice,"I believe everyone knows the effect of this Holy Blood Palace! Next, my Demon Sect will quickly occupy the entire chaotic land. As long as you can make contributions, the leader will also reward you to enter the cultivation. Of course, it depends on how great your contributions are!"

"Thank you for your advice, General Manager. We will devote ourselves to the Demon Cult and die for the leader!" The members of the Demon Cult shouted excitedly.

They wanted to set off immediately. Those cities had better not surrender, but resist, so that they can make more contributions to the Demon Cult.

Zhou Qiong didn't know that there would be another bloody storm outside because of the Holy Blood Temple. He was working hard to practice the"Yan" technique, which he had put in the first tier of required techniques.

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