The next day, the Demonic Peak held a meeting. At this time, many high-ranking members of the Demonic Cult, including some newly joined guardians, stood on both sides below.

Zhou Qiong sat upright on the chair, Lian Sheng in a red robe still stood on his right, and Da Bai lay at his feet, with demonic flames constantly bursting out of his body, as if a demon god was sitting there.

"It took ten years for my Demon Sect to unify this chaotic land. I am very happy, but I am not satisfied!" Zhou Qiong said coldly.

The people below looked at their leader with confusion. It took only ten years to unify the chaotic land, but he was still not satisfied. You know, there are 220 cities in this chaotic land, each of which is as big as a continent below.

If it weren't for their continuous improvement in cultivation over the years, it would be difficult to walk through all these cities in ten years, let alone occupy them.

"Tianbu, let me report to you about the strength of the outside world!"

"Yes, Master!" Tianyi, wearing a diamond mask, stood out from the crowd and said loudly to the many high-ranking members of the Demon Sect.

"Everyone, there are two major forces bordering my chaotic land, one is the Dawu Dynasty, and the other is Qingqiu Kingdom. Among them, the Dawu Dynasty has a total of 1,350 cities. The worst city lords of each city are at the Daluo realm, and the stronger ones are at the peak of the Daluo realm. This does not include the strength of some families and sects in the dynasty, let alone the strength of the royal Wu family."

After these words were spoken, the people of the Demon Cult below were immediately stunned. Except for a few guardians who knew these things before, the others were all shocked. You know, although their Demon Cult also occupied 220 cities, their strength was earth-shattering.

There are more than a thousand city lords in the Daluo realm in the Dawu Dynasty, not to mention the families and sects, and their Demon Cult, there is only one leader in the Daluo realm, and the strongest of the others is the eighth level of Zhenwu. The

Demon Tiger King slapped his head and asked a little numbly,"How strong is the royal family?"

Tian Yi replied leisurely,"Not to mention the Daluo realm, there are dozens of people in the semi-saint realm alone in the royal family. Together with some worshippers, there are probably no less than a hundred people. The Emperor Wu is even a figure at the peak of the semi-saint realm."

After hearing this, everyone's hearts calmed down instantly. The pride that originally arose from unifying the chaotic land subsided instantly, and then a strong fighting spirit burst out again.

No matter how strong the Dawu Dynasty is, the strongest leader of their Demon Sect was only at the Qiangu Realm when they just ascended, and there were not many of them in the Tongxuan Realm. But now, in just over ten years, the leader has become a high-level Daluo with unfathomable combat power, and they have also reached the high level of Zhenwu.

If they are given another ten years, or if ten years is not enough, then a hundred years or a thousand years. Under the leadership of the omnipotent leader, the strength of their Demon Sect will inevitably surge again, and sooner or later it will surpass the Dawu Dynasty. After everyone figured this out, they looked at Zhou Qiong with fighting spirit. Even if Zhou Qiong directly ordered an attack on the Dawu Dynasty, they would probably not object.

Zhou Qiong smiled and said,"Okay, just have fighting spirit. Don't be afraid of others being strong. My Demon Sect is also getting stronger. I would like to see where the peak of the upper realm is! Are you willing to follow me to take a look!"

"Liansheng is willing to follow the leader until death and reach the top together!"

"The Demonic Tiger King is willing to follow the leader until death and reach the top together!"

"Wood Guardian............."

The high-ranking members of the Demon Cult shouted excitedly. Even the outer sect guardians who had just surrendered were impressed by Zhou Qiong's domineering attitude. With such a leader, it would be hard for the Demon Cult not to develop rapidly.

"Well, now my Demon Cult is short of talent. I will hold a martial arts competition in half a month. Everyone in the Chaos Land can participate. The first 10,000 people will be qualified to join the Demon Cult, the first 100 people will be awarded the position of helmsman, and the first three people will be rewarded with a day of training in the Holy Blood Temple." Zhou Qiong said in a deep voice

""Yes, sir!"

After the meeting, the demon sect members left the hall one after another, only Liansheng remained standing beside Zhou Qiong.

""Are you sure you can break through!" Zhou Qiong asked softly.

Liansheng bowed his body,"Some of the Shura blood I absorbed in the cave last time has not been digested completely. It was stimulated after entering the Holy Blood Palace last time. I will retreat for another month this time, and I am sure I can break through!"

"Okay, if you need to, you can go to the Holy Blood Temple to practice for another day."

"Thank you, Master."

At this time, the entire chaotic land was shaken by the news sent by the Demon Cult. The Demon Cult was actually going to open a competition. The top 10,000 people could enter the Demon Cult and directly become elite disciples. The top 100 people could even become the helmsman. As for the top three, they dared not even think about it.

In a large courtyard, a young man was constantly practicing swordsmanship, with a murderous aura rising to the sky. A beautiful girl next to him was standing next to him and gently shouted,

"Brother, stop practicing, don’t get tired, take a rest quickly!"

When the young man heard the girl’s voice, he stopped immediately, put away his murderous aura, and looked at the girl with a smile on his face."I, your brother, have just broken through to the Eternal Realm, how could I be tired!"

"Brother, do you really want to join the Demon Cult’s competition? Will it be dangerous?"

"Don't worry, no one can hurt me. This time, I, your brother, will definitely get a spot as an elite disciple. Then we'll see who dares to bully us!"

Inside a huge mansion in a city, a group of old men were sitting. Each of them looked very imposing and were obviously masters of the Eternal Realm. A middle-aged man was standing in the middle. Although he looked the youngest, he had the strongest aura. I'm afraid he was about to break through to the True Martial Realm.

The leading old man said in a deep voice,"It's settled. This time, Zhong'er will go to participate in the Demon Cult's arena and must win the position of a helmsman. No matter which city Zhong'er is assigned to be the helmsman, our family will move there. This matter concerns the hope of the family, so it all depends on you, Zhong'er!"

"Don't worry, father, I will definitely live up to your expectations!"

Such scenes are constantly staged in the chaotic land, and even some hidden families and characters have appeared one after another, some for the helmsman, and some for the mysterious Holy Blood Temple. In the Black King City, a huge square was newly built for the ring competition. The location of this competition was officially set in the Black King City closest to the Heavenly Demon Peak.

In the past few days, the Black King City was bustling with people. In just a few days, the entire Black King City was almost crowded, and the room prices of all inns began to rise continuously.

Not many people came to the Black King City for the competition, because the Demon Cult required that the minimum cultivation level must exceed the ninth level of Tongxuan, which eliminated a large number of people at once, but this did not prevent everyone from watching the excitement.

Such a large-scale competition may not be seen once in thousands of years. More and more people squeezed into the Black King City, and the inn could not accommodate them at all.

But it didn't affect it. Everyone was a cultivator, so they could just make a bed on the ground. If it didn't work, they would just sit cross-legged on the edge of the road. Anyway, no one wanted to miss this grand event.

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