"Ding, the system generates a talisman, the Heaven Covering Talisman, which can be used to temporarily deceive the Heaven. During this time, the Heaven cannot detect and will not punish anyone who kills a person with Heaven's Luck below 500. Since the host discovered a loophole, a first-level Heaven Covering Talisman is awarded, which can deceive people with Heaven's Luck below 500!"

Zhou Qiong nodded secretly. It seems that the system has found a loophole and fixed it. The Heaven Covering Talisman is not bad, but why is it divided into levels? Zhou Qiong opened the mall and searched for talismans. The first one was the Heaven Covering Talisman. It was written on it:

"A first-level Heaven-covering Talisman can deceive people with a luck below 500, and is sold for 1 million villain points!"

"The second-level Heaven Covering Talisman can deceive people with a luck below 1,000, and is sold for 2 million villain points!"

Zhou Qiong didn't look down, and the two prices shocked him. This is too expensive.

Fortunately, the system rewarded him with one, otherwise he couldn't afford any!

"Ding, a task is generated. Inquire about Zhao Wuji's secret. Completion will reward you with one level higher cultivation level, a set of Saint-level demon robe, and a villain value of 500,000. There is no penalty for failure. Do you accept it?"

"Accept it!"

The following matches have already gone on for two more rounds. There is no doubt that Zhao Wuji has killed his opponent again in seconds. Everyone below has accepted this fact, and some have even started to praise him!

"I told you, how could the son of King Zhenbei be a waste!"

"Yes, I guess I was just too lazy to take action before, so I just pretended to be a pig and ate the tiger!"

"Fortunately, I didn't offend him before. I didn't expect that he would hide so deeply!"

Li Wan'er in the audience, her eyes became even more tender.

Only Zhou Qiong frowned and pondered. He found that the luck points on Zhao Wuji's head had changed, from 153 to 158. It seems that the luck will increase with the outbreak of the character.

Hehe, then I can't waste it. Zhao Wuji's current number is a bit low. When he rises to more than 400, it will be the time of his demise. Of course, it's not that Zhou Qiong doesn't want to kill him now, but Zhou Qiong's current cultivation is not as good as others think!

Open the attribute panel

Character: Zhou Qiong (Zhou Wudi)

Position: Demon Cult Leader

Cultivation: Daluo Eighth Level

Martial Arts: Demon God Sutra, Sky Life and Death Hand, God and Demon Eye, Devouring Heaven Demon Art Third Level,"Demon""Word"

Weapons: God and Demon Ring, God and Demon Knife Mount

: Demon Dragon Flying Chariot

Pet: Demon Dog Dabai

Others regard him as a semi-saint, but it is only because of the momentum of the magic sword, but the magic sword can only strike once, and then it will return to normal! With his eighth-level Daluo cultivation, he is still not a match for the King of Zhenbei and others, but with the magic sword, as long as he does not kill Zhao Wuji, others dare not challenge him! He can only pretend to be better and develop little by little!

At this time, the square has entered the finals, and Zhao Wuji is no longer able to kill his opponent in seconds. The person dueling with him at this time is Bai Xiu from the Jixia Academy. His cultivation has reached the terrifying fifth level of Daluo, and he is also a demon figure who has risen in the Dawu Dynasty in the past hundred years. His Confucian magical powers are even more superb!

"Zhao Wuji, I don't care what you have hidden in the past, it doesn't matter to me, I just hope you can cancel your engagement with Wan'er! Can I, Bai Xiu, just consider it as a favor you owe me?"

Bai Xiu asked sincerely, he has liked Li Wan'er since he was a child, and later with his own efforts, he was finally accepted as a disciple by the Palace Master of Jixia Academy, but before he could tell Li Wan'er, he heard about the marriage between Wuwang Mansion and Zhenbei Palace.

He now only hopes that Zhao Wuji can regret the engagement, so that he can be with Li Wan'er!

"Bai Xiu, you think you can beat me, and Wan'er is not someone you can call your own. Li Wan'er is my Zhao Wuji's wife, you are not worthy!"Zhao Wuji said word by word in a harsh voice. Although his current cultivation is only at the first level of Daluo, he is not unable to defeat Bai Xiu with his skills.

Li Wan'er in the audience heard Zhao Wuji's domineering words, and somehow she didn't feel disgusted, as if there was a trace of joy in her heart!

Bai Xiu was so angry that his face turned pale. He instantly swung the folding fan in his hand forward and chanted,"The wind blows bitterly cold, and all things wither!" A burst of white light shot up into the sky, full of righteousness. An icy chill froze Zhao Wuji directly!

But before Bai Xiu could be happy, Zhao Wuji broke the seal directly and attacked with a long sword in his hand!

Zhou Qiong frowned as he looked at the two people fighting, especially Bai Xiu. This Confucian technique is indeed magical, and it can even restrain the magic way a little! It seems that this Confucian can't stay in the future!

""No one can be seen in the thousands of miles.

The clouds dispersed.

The sword flashed and chilled the nineteen continents.

" With Bai Xiu's loud shout, a huge sword energy in the sky slashed towards Zhao Wuji.

This was Bai Xiu's strongest means.

He didn't believe that Zhao Wuji, who was at the first level of Daluo, could block it!

The deputy palace master sitting above was about to stop him.

If Bai Xiu killed Zhao Wuji here, the King of Zhenbei would have to demolish his Jixia Academy!

But Dongfang Hou on the side shook his head and said softly,"No hurry!


Zhao Wuji had a calm face. He threw down the sword in his hand, clenched his fists, and endless spiritual energy rushed to his fists. He hit the sword directly and shouted"Seal the sky!"

Bang, with a loud noise, the entire arena was hit by the aftermath and cracks began to appear. The onlookers also stepped back dozens of steps to avoid the aftermath! Fortunately, the arena was engraved with formations, otherwise this attack would have destroyed the entire arena!

After the aftermath dissipated, two figures appeared. Bai Xiu was seen lying directly on the ground, spitting blood, and twitching all over. On the other side, Zhao Wuji was not only not injured, but his momentum continued to increase.

Endless spiritual energy rushed directly to his body, bang, he actually broke through to the second level of Daluo Realm. In Zhou Qiong's eyes, the luck points on his head increased again and rushed to 200 before stopping!

"Is this true or not? He was able to break through right after a fight. Is Zhao Wuji an unparalleled genius?"

"Yes, even the King of Zhenbei was not like this. Could it be that the Zhao family is going to have another King of Zhenbei?"

"It’s not that easy. Once you reach the semi-saint realm, it’s not that easy to break through. But based on his current status, he can be called a demon-like figure!"

Dongfang Hou, who was sitting on the throne, laughed and said,"This Zhao Wuji is indeed a talented person. The King of Zhenbei has a good son!" He was once a member of the army and was very close to the King of Zhenbei. Seeing how powerful Zhao Wuji was, how could he not be happy?

"He is indeed very patient and can be considered a character! What does Master Zhou think?" The deputy master of the Jixia Academy turned to look at Zhou Qiong and asked

""You are just a loser, you are destined to be useless! You are nothing but a waste!" Zhou Qiong said in a cold voice, his voice was so loud that even everyone in the arena could hear it, including Zhao Wuji!

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