Finally, there was no choice but Luo Tong eloped with Mu Li on the wedding day. As you can imagine, their elopement directly put the entire Tianheng Sect in an awkward situation. Just after the invitations were sent out, all the big names and guests were present, but the bride ran away. Isn't this a slap in the face!

The head of the Tianheng Sect directly issued a bounty order. Whoever caught the two could go to the Tianheng Sect to receive 10,000 immortal stones, regardless of life or death!

As a result, Luo Tong and Mu Li began their days of exile. Not long after, they were surrounded. In order to save him, Mu Li blocked a sword for him and died on the spot. He endured the sadness and barely escaped. He lurked all the way and finally left the Dawu Dynasty. This walk lasted for hundreds of years.

When he experienced various adventures, his heart became crueler. He killed and upgraded all the way. Finally, when he came back after practicing successfully, he found that the Dawu Dynasty had completely changed. Even the emperor was changed. His surname was Zhao. I heard that his name was Zhao Wuji!

The Tianheng Sect was destroyed by the new dynasty because it stood on the wrong side. He began to travel around the world with a dead heart. Finally, he obtained a picture of mountains and rivers in a secret realm. Unexpectedly, the secret realm suddenly collapsed at this time. When he woke up, he had returned to the present, holding the picture of mountains and rivers in his hand!

Luo Tong returned to his residence and slowly rubbed the tip of the gun. Everything will change with the competition in two days!

Two days later, the whole Tianheng Peak was bustling with people. Today is the day of the ten-year competition between Tianheng Sect, Wanshou Sect, and Tianjian Sect. It is said that the head of Tianheng Sect will collect personal disciples from this batch of disciples!

What is the head of the head? That is the future head of the head. He will dominate the world in the future. Well, this is not the case. At least he is a giant!

So some small families and small sects near Tianheng Sect all came to watch the ceremony! As long as you determine who the future head of the head is, you will flatter him desperately. As long as you can have a good relationship with the other party, you will definitely be successful!

Some women even dressed up to see if they could hook the other party today. If not, they could hook a true disciple!

The competition square was full of people. At this time, a huge long sword flew from the sky, with sword intent on it! Then a huge tiger ran over from the sky, with people standing on it!

"Wow, the Heaven Sword Sect and the Myriad Beast Sect are here, they are really impressive."

"Yes, you see, that huge tiger is actually at the Daluo realm! That giant sword is also an incredible treasure."

"I heard that the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect sent out all the semi-saints in order to catch this tiger!"

At this time, a white-clothed figure slowly appeared on Tianheng Peak and said loudly,"Welcome Elder Bai and Brother Zhang!"

After saying that, he waved his hand and the mountain gate formation opened. The giant sword and the figure on the tiger flew down and flew to the square. The tiger's figure also shrank several times and lay on one side of the square!

At this time, there were three chairs on the square. The white-clothed figure who had just shouted sat in the middle. He was Song Yi, the head of Tianheng Sect, and the man he called Brother Zhang sat on his left. He was Zhang Zhiwei, the head of the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect, and Elder Bai sat on his right. It was a female sword cultivator. He was the first elder of Tianjian Sect! Bai Yuyan! The three of them had the cultivation level of the semi-saint level.

"Weiwei, your cat's cultivation has not yet reached the peak of Daluo. By the time he breaks through to the semi-saint level, you will be old and dead. What's the use of it? You might as well roast it and eat it!" Bai Yuyan said jokingly while looking at Zhang Zhiwei opposite!

"You, Crazy Bai, what does the cultivation level of my tiger have to do with you? And don’t call me Weiwei in the future!" Zhang Zhiwei said angrily! Song Yi in the middle hurriedly persuaded them. After all, the three sects have been supporting each other for tens of thousands of years, and they can’t have conflicts because of such a small matter! This Elder Bai is good in everything, but he is a bit mean!

At this time, the disciples of the three major sects below have arrived! The sect competition is about to begin!

"Ah, who do you think will take first place in this competition?"

"I said it must be Bai Yan whom I taught. She is the number one female swordsman in my Tianjian sect besides Elder Bai, and she is also very beautiful!"

"I don’t think so. My senior brother Qin Feng from the Tian Heng Sect has already mastered the Tian Heng Fist and will definitely get first place!"

"I see, I am the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect.............!"

At this time, the seed disciples of each sect have been qualified to enter the finals in advance! At this time, Luo Tong, who was below, was holding a spear in his hand and looked excited!

Sure enough, nothing has changed. Today is the day when I, Luo Tong, will become famous in the three sects. Qin Feng, you wait, Mu Li will definitely make you happy!

Standing in front of the Tianheng Sect disciples was Qin Feng. At this time, he looked very proud. All the disciples around him were accompanying him attentively. Even the patriarchs and clan leaders of some small families and sects who participated in the ceremony surrounded him, calling him a proud son of heaven, praising him lightly!

At this time, Song Yi stood up and said in a deep voice,"This is the competition of my three sects once every ten years, and I will take the first place in the competition as my closed disciple today!"

After speaking, he slowed down, waved his hand, and shouted"The competition begins!"

But before the disciples could get on stage, a dragon roar suddenly came from the horizon, and then the dragon roars continued to appear. A huge flying sedan flew from the horizon, and the three dragons were pulling the carriage in front!

The flying sedan was getting closer and closer, and everyone looked up!

"Oh my god, why do I feel that the three dragons pulling the cart are more powerful than the tigers of the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect!"

"These three dragons won’t do that, they must have the cultivation level of semi-saints!"

"How can it be,......"

The three leading masters also looked up and saw the magic dragon chariot approaching quickly!

"They actually used three semi-saintly dragons to pull the cart. Who is this big shot?" Zhang Zhiwei said in horror!

"I think it's flying towards Tianheng Peak!" Bai Yuyan murmured!

"No, he should just be passing by. How could our Tianheng Sect summon such a person!"

The flying chariot was getting closer and closer, and the terrifying pressure of the three magic dragons was getting stronger and stronger!

A terrified voice suddenly came from the crowd,

"What the hell, what’s that smell? Why is it so stinky!"

"Oh my god, this tiger has diarrhea!"A disciple pointed at the tiger beside him and shouted, then ran away a few steps!

Others also turned their heads to look over, and saw that the giant tiger that was originally lying on the square was now curled up into a ball, with its two paws tightly covering its head, and its eyes were full of fear!

At this time, liquid was constantly gushing out from behind its buttocks, and it all got on its tail. It was actually frightened by the majesty of the magic dragon and had diarrhea!

Everyone around covered their mouths and noses, and Zhang Zhiwei's face was also livid. This was really too embarrassing. The mountain guardian spirit beast of the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect was actually frightened and had diarrhea. If it got out, it would be laughed at to death. It seems that he must change a spirit beast in the future, otherwise Zhang Zhiwei can't afford to lose this person!

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