Song Yi's giant palm was about to hit the seriously injured Luo Tong.

Mu Li, who was standing next to him, clenched his teeth tightly, but his body was controlled by Elder Mu and he couldn't move at all. Huge tears appeared in his eyes!

But Elder Mu, who was standing next to him, watched this scene calmly. Ever since Luo Tong seriously injured Qin Feng, he had guessed that this would be the result.

She knew a secret that no one else knew, that is, Qin Feng's surname was not Qin at all, but Song. He was Song Yi's illegitimate son, because Tianheng Sect had a rule that the position of the head could not be passed to the son!

So for this matter, Song Yi deliberately changed his son's surname and sent him outside to be raised, and then took him back when he was ten years old, saying that he was an outstanding disciple discovered outside, so that when Qin Feng grew up, he could naturally take over the position of the head!

Everything was going well, but Luo Tong, an outlier, appeared. In fact, even if he defeated Qin Feng, Song Yi could not do anything to him for a while. However, he happened to seriously injure Qin Feng, which was against the rules of the sect. Even if Song Yi killed him, it was just to clean up the sect. At most, he would apologize! Who could embarrass him with these things?

Just when everyone thought Luo Tong was dead!

Zhou Qiong raised his head and said softly,"Here it comes!" Liansheng on the side had a question mark on his face. What's coming!

I saw a figure rushing out from Tianheng Peak in an instant, and blasted out with a palm, hitting Song Yi. With a bang, the whole arena shook, and Song Yi was blown away directly, with blood flowing from the corner of his mouth!

An old figure appeared next to Luo Tong, looking at Song Yi's angry face, and said loudly,"Song Yi, if it weren't for you being the head of the sect, I would have killed you with a palm just now!"

The disciples of Tianheng Sect saw the appearance of the old man and immediately bowed.

"Meet the Grand Elder!"

Song Yi's face was also livid. He didn't expect that the Grand Elder who had been in seclusion would show up. Now it would be difficult to get rid of Luo Tong! What he didn't know was that the Grand Elder had already woken up when Zhou Qiong and others showed up, but he had been pretending to be in seclusion, just because he didn't want to come out!

When he was in seclusion, he was the Grand Elder. Once he came out, he was in trouble. Who made Zhou Qiong and others too strong!

The Grand Elder bowed deeply to Zhou Qiong who was sitting on the throne,"I am Yu Yang from Tian Heng Sect. I meet you, sir. I didn't know you were coming here. I'm sorry for not welcoming you. I hope you'll forgive me!"

"Well, you should deal with your sect's affairs first!" Zhou Qiong said jokingly!

""Thank you, sir!" Yu Yang bowed again!

Yu Yang turned around and looked at Song Yi opposite him, and said in a deep voice,"How do you act as the head sect leader? You actually want to kill Luo Tong, such a talented disciple! You must give an explanation for this matter!"

Song Yi's face slowly calmed down,"Grand Elder, this person actually killed a fellow brother, and I am also acting according to the sect rules!"

"Sect rules, what a sect rule! Do you think I don’t know that Qin Feng also killed a fellow disciple? Why didn’t I hear that you wanted to kill Qin Feng at that time?" Yu Yang said coldly to Song Yi!

Song Yi's face turned pale. He thought that no one knew about this matter, but he didn't expect that he couldn't hide it from the old man. Just as he was about to refute, he suddenly received a voice transmission in his mind! It was Yu Yang opposite.

"Song Yi, do you think I don't know that Qin Feng is your illegitimate son? It was fine before because of Qin Feng's qualifications, but now you want to kill Luo Tong who has better talent. Do you still care about the sect in your mind?"

Song Yi's heart skipped a beat. He didn't expect that Yu Yang would also know what he thought was only known by him and Elder Mu, and he had known it for a long time!

But then he thought, since Yu Yang didn't say it to his face, he didn't want to break up and leave room for himself! He could only bow his head and say to Yu Yang

"It was my mistake for a moment, I hope the great elder will forgive me!"

Yu Yang nodded secretly. Song Yi was the head of Tianheng Sect and the only other half-saint besides him. He could not break up with him unless it was absolutely necessary. He said in a deep voice,

"Sect leader Song Yi was unfair in his dealings, so he was punished by confiscating his salary for a hundred years. Qin Feng once killed a fellow disciple by mistake, so he was punished to face the wall in the back mountain for fifty years! Although Luo Tong accidentally injured a fellow disciple, there was a reason for it, so he was punished to clean the library for thirty years! Do you have any objections?"

Although Song Yi looked unwilling, he could only nod and agree. Qin Feng had fainted, so there was no chance for him to refute. So Yu Yang turned to look at Luo Tong.

He was very optimistic about Luo Tong and believed that he would most likely cultivate to the high level of semi-saints or even the peak in the future. At that time, his Tianheng Sect would reach a higher level, so Luo Tong must not be allowed to have resentment towards Tianheng Sect!

Since Yu Yang appeared, Luo Tong's expression has eased a lot, especially when he heard Yu Yang's punishment for the three people, he felt even more comfortable! Although he was also punished to clean the library for thirty years, what kind of place is the library? Such a punishment is more like a reward.

"Luo Tong is willing to accept the punishment from the Supreme Elder! But Luo Tong still has one thing to clarify!"

Before Luo Tong could continue to say anything, Yu Yang waved his hand. He knew what Luo Tong wanted to ask, but it couldn't be said.

Yu Yang turned to look at Elder Mu and began to transmit his voice silently, saying at the same time,"I think Luo Tong has amazing talent and is a good match for Mu Li. This elder will act as a matchmaker and let the two get married soon. What do you think, Elder Mu?"

Elder Mu's face changed several times, mainly because Yu Yang's voice transmission made him feel relieved. He nodded lightly,"It's all up to the Supreme Elder!"

Then he released Mu Li's control.

Mu Li's eyes were red at this time, and her eyes were full of excitement. She originally thought that Luo Tong was dead, but she didn't expect that the Supreme Elder suddenly appeared. Now not only Luo Tong is not dead, but his mother has changed her mind and agreed to her marriage!

Luo Tong was also very excited at this time. He was reborn for three years. Although today's experience was a bit bumpy, the final result was what he wanted! He bowed to Yu Yang who was smiling above, and said excitedly,"Thank you, Supreme Elder!"

At this time, Zhou Qiong, who was sitting in the upper seat, had a sneer on his face. Is this the ending of going through hardships, going through difficulties, and finally getting help from noble people, and the visitor's family being happy!

What a pity, Luo Tong's destiny points still haven't broken 400, and now it's only 365. It seems that he has to be hit hard!

Just when everyone in the square thought that things were settled, a cold voice appeared in their ears.

"You have all finished your performances, and it’s time for me to have some fun too!"

"Oh no, kid, run away, this devil is going to attack you!"

Luo Tong suddenly thought of Bai Long's anxious shouting, and his tone was full of fear and terror!

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