Looking at the couplet of the flying dragon in the sky, everyone felt a strong momentum. The momentum that no one in the world could match made this couplet express it vividly.

In Linhai City, everyone returned to the city wall. Zhao Li also took advantage of the time when the demon tiger was distracted and ran back to the city. He looked at the flying dragon in the sky and curled his lips.

Uncle Fu in the ring also said dumbly,"Holding the sun and the moon and picking the stars, there is no one like me in the world. Who is this? Such arrogant words, even the many martial gods a thousand years ago would not dare to say such words."

The flying dragon stopped in the sky above Linhai City, and the pressure on Linhai City was even heavier, and even the city defense formation began to shake.

The holy monk Wu Tian looked up at the dragon with a horrified expression,"It turned out to be a dragon of the martial emperor realm. How is it possible? Who in the world can let a dragon of the martial emperor realm pull a cart?"

Everyone in the city wall was also frightened and hurriedly passed the news back to the heads of each family.

The door of the flying sedan opened, and heavy footsteps were heard, as if stepping on everyone's heart. A tall figure appeared at the door, wearing a black dragon robe. There was an invincible domineering aura between his eyebrows, and a silver-black lightning between his eyebrows added a bit of mystery.

"It's the Demon Cult leader Zhou Qiong, he's here as expected," said Zhao Li on the city wall, his veins exposed and he gritted his teeth.

The light in the ring flashed,"You are not his opponent now, but you will surpass him in the future, don't be impulsive"

"Got it, Mr. Fu, I will control myself."

A blue light came out of the ring and swept towards the flying chariot in the sky, but no one could see it. Zhou Qiong in the sky suddenly looked towards Zhao Li in Linhai City, or more precisely, towards the ring on Zhao Li's right hand.

"How is this possible? Oh no, he has discovered me. Let's go!" The ring's light instantly enveloped Zhao Li, and he disappeared in Linhai City in an instant.

Zhou Qiong smiled,"Interesting, ring, is it an old man? Could it be the son of destiny in this world? Judging from the expression on that person's face just now, he must have great hatred for me."

Zhou Qiong ignored Zhao Li. He was not afraid of the son of destiny. If anyone dared to provoke him, he would kill them all.

""Monster King, I am here, why don't you show up? Are you planning to let me kill this beast tide?"

There was no echo in the sky. Zhou Qiong sat on the flying dragon sedan and waved his hand. In an instant, all the members of the Demon Cult flew out of the sedan and rushed towards the monster.

Only Liansheng still stood beside Zhou Qiong.

"That is the Demon Monkey King. He is actually in the middle stage of the Martial Emperor. When did he break through to the Martial Emperor realm?"

"That was Hall Master Wan. He had actually reached the peak of the Martial Emperor."

"That's the Second Elder. How did he break through to the peak of Martial Emperor?"

"How is it possible? All the members of the Demon Cult are actually masters of the Martial Emperor Realm, and there is no one below the mid-Martial Emperor Realm." The holy monk Wu Tian said in disbelief. He said to Liao Fan beside him,"Go and pass the news to the abbot quickly." The more than 20 Martial Emperors who appeared at once frightened everyone present.

The demon sect launched an attack on the beast tide, which was completely crushing. The gap between the two sides was too big, and the beast tide was killed in large numbers. If no one stopped it, it would probably take less than half an hour for the beast tide to be killed.

A roar came from the distance, and the demon sect members immediately stopped attacking. A blood-red claw slapped from behind the beast tide, and the speed was so fast that it was unbelievable. Lian Sheng, who had been standing next to Zhou Qiong, also stretched out a hand and faced the blood-red claw.

This pair of palms, a sonic boom sounded, and the world was crackled by the power of this palm.

Within a few miles, it was as if the world was destroyed. Endless pressure fell, and the demon sect members retreated one after another, but the beast tide did not react at all. Except for some demons above the Martial King Realm, the rest were instantly crushed into a blood mist by the powerful pressure!

This scene was very shocking. You have to know that the many warriors in Linhai City had fought for an hour, but they didn't even kill one-tenth of the beast tide, and they also suffered a lot of casualties. Now, just two people fought with their palms, and killed half of the beast tide.

This was the aftermath of the two people's attack. It was hard to imagine that if the two people attacked the beast tide, they could kill the entire beast tide with one blow.

"You have indeed broken through to the Martial Emperor realm, and you are not just an ordinary Martial Emperor. If you were to follow me, how about I let you and I jointly rule the demon race?"

A slender figure appeared above the beast tide, wearing a white fur coat, with a face as white as a woman, and a pair of peach blossom eyes that could seduce people's souls. It was the demon king Su Huang, who was said to be a nine-tailed fox who had cultivated into a

""Then it depends on whether you have the ability or not." Liansheng bowed to Zhou Qiong, turned around and threw a silver needle at Su Huang.

Suddenly, the sky was full of silver light shooting at Su Huang, interweaving into a large net in the sky, blocking all of Su Huang's retreat routes, and the vitality in the air was vibrating and buzzing.

The warriors in Linhai City were all excited. This was a fight between the martial emperors, which was rare in a hundred years. Few people could see it. A demon king of the demon clan and a chief steward of the demon sect. This can be used as a capital for bragging.

Su Huang's palm was across the sky, and endless fighting spirit burst out.

The surrounding space was shattered one after another, and the space within a radius of 100 feet began to distort. The silver needles were shattered by the space before they could reach him. The palm continued to push towards Liansheng without stopping, and all the mountains, rivers and land along the way were shattered.

Zhou Qiong also I was a little surprised. I didn't expect that the weak Su Huang would be so domineering when he started to fight. He could break the space with his body alone. He is worthy of being the longest-lived Martial Emperor on the continent.

Su Huang is already over 300 years old. Even if a human reaches the Martial Emperor realm, the lifespan can only be 200 years, unless they break through to the Martial God realm. However, no one has broken through to the Martial God realm for more than 1,000 years.

Currently, the longest-lived Martial Emperor in the world is Taoist Chongxu, the head of Xuankong Pavilion, one of the five major sects. He is already 180 years old. His cultivation is in the middle stage of Martial Emperor. It can be said that he has no chance of breaking through to the Martial God.

Lian Sheng drew out a long sword and slashed at the giant palm in an instant. This sword was indescribably fast, as if it had crossed the long river of time, as if it could cut off everything in front of it.

""Bang!" A sound of metal clashing spread across a radius of a hundred miles, and the mountains and rivers were instantly shattered. The nearby peaks were directly annihilated into ashes. Some cracks appeared in the Linhai City's defense formation in an instant, and part of the city wall collapsed.

Liansheng was still standing in the air, with a trace of blood slowly flowing out from the corner of his mouth."You win," he flashed back to Zhou Qiong's side.

"You are already amazing to be able to take my full force palm from the middle stage of Martial Emperor. It is really hard to imagine that you are a Martial Emperor who has just broken through."

Su Huang looked at Lian Sheng and said solemnly. A sword mark suddenly appeared on the palm of his left hand under his fur coat, but it disappeared again in an instant.

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