Zhou Qiong didn't know what Zhao Wuji was thinking, or he would have been laughed to death. If he hadn't been useful, Zhou Qiong would have exchanged for the Heaven Covering Talisman and killed him.

At this time, the Demon Dragon Chariot stopped on a mountain peak. Zhou Qiong sat inside. There was a round chair in front of him. If you look closely, you can find that the light on the chair is not as strong as before.

But Zhou Qiong's aura is countless times stronger. Click on your attribute panel.

Character: Zhou Qiong (Zhou Wudi)

Position: Demon Cult

Leader Cultivation: Semi-Saint Level 4

Martial Arts: Demon God, Sky Life and Death Hand, God and Demon Eye, Devouring Heaven Demon Art Level 3,"Demon""Word"

Weapons: God and Demon Ring, God and Demon Knife

Mount: Demon Dragon Chariot

Pet: Demon Dog Dabai

For the chair that can directly cultivate Zhao Wuji from the second level of Daluo to the sixth level of Semi-Saint, it only allows Zhou Qiong to cultivate from the tenth level of Daluo to the fourth level of Semi-Saint. It can be seen that Zhou Qiong has a strong foundation. You must know that Zhao Wuji is also a protagonist-type character, and his talent foundation must be stronger than most people.

Zhou Qiong slowly clenched his fists. Even though the semi-saint realm was full of obstacles, he was confident that he could cross one or two levels to fight.

"Liansheng!" Zhou Qiong said in a deep voice

"Subordinates in" Lian Sheng, who had been standing next to Zhou Qiong, replied in a deep voice.

"It’s time for you to make another breakthrough. Go ahead!" Zhou Qiong pointed to the round chair and said to Lian Sheng.

""Yes, sir!" Liansheng did not hesitate. No matter what Zhou Qiong gave him, he would accept it without hesitation, because he had already sold his life to Zhou Qiong. What else could he not take?

Liansheng sat on the round chair, and his aura began to increase continuously...........In less than two hours, his cultivation had reached the critical point of the semi-saint realm!

Dark clouds suddenly gathered on the mountain, but they were obviously much smaller than Zhou Qiong's calamity clouds. Lian Sheng flew out and stood under the calamity clouds, holding a long sword in his hand!

The sound of lightning continued to resound throughout the mountain, and it stopped after a long time. Lian Sheng, dressed in a red robe, returned to the flying chariot, and his aura had obviously broken through to the semi-saint realm.

Zhou Qiong pointed to the chair again. The first level of semi-saint was still too weak for the chief steward of the Demon Cult.

In the palace of the Great Wu Dynasty, a majestic figure sat on the dragon throne, and next to him stood a pale eunuch wearing eunuch clothes. He bowed to the Emperor Wu on the dragon throne and said,

"Your Majesty, we have received reports that the Blood Lotus Cult has appeared in Qingyang City. They have set up a formation in the city, absorbing a lot of the earth's energy. One of them has undergone a semi-saint tribulation above Qingyang City, destroying half of the city."

"Ahem, ahem, can you confirm whether this Blood Lotus Sect has any relationship with the King of Zhenbei?" Emperor Wu on the dragon throne coughed twice and asked in a deep voice!

"It is still uncertain at the moment, but the prince of Zhenbei, Zhao Wuji, suddenly announced that he would be in seclusion two days ago, and yesterday, someone from the Blood Lotus Sect was undergoing the Half Saint Tribulation above Qingyang City!" The old eunuch replied in a low voice!

"What has the cult leader done recently?"

"Your Majesty, after the leader of the Demon Cult left the Imperial City, he destroyed a small force that had just entered the semi-saint stage, and then disappeared. No other news has been received yet."

Emperor Wu frowned,"Don't worry about the Demon Cult for now, send someone to check whether Zhao Wuji is really in seclusion, and pay close attention to the developments of the Zhenbei Army!"

"" Yes, Your Majesty!" The old eunuch bowed and replied, his body slowly disappearing in the hall.

Emperor Wu sat on the dragon throne, a cough came out of his mouth, looking in the direction of Zhenbei Palace and muttered softly,"Do you really think that I can't suppress you just because I'm injured?"

Emperor Wu recalled the past. As early as tens of thousands of years ago, he, the current King Wu and King Zhenbei, practiced together, formed forces, and fought together for the world. It took thousands of years to build this huge Dawu Dynasty!

After the founding of the country, he became the emperor and named the other two as King Wu and King Zhenbei. You must know that the Dawu Dynasty has only had these two princes until now! And King Wu is his younger brother. It is conceivable that he trusts King Zhenbei, and of course, his trust in his own strength!

After all, he is the only one at the peak of the semi-saint in the Dawu Dynasty, and King Wu and King Zhenbei are both at the ninth level of the semi-saint, but this level is like a natural moat!

After that, he wanted to turn the Dawu Dynasty into the Dawu Emperor Dynasty, but that required someone to break through the saint realm, and this person could only be him.

Three hundred years ago, in order to break through the saint realm, he explored a secret place, but that place turned out to be a dead place with many traps. He survived a lot. escaped.

But he was also seriously injured. Since then, he thought that the King of Zhenbei was not so honest. His two sons also began to learn to lead troops and fight at a young age, and their talents were terrifying.

He had no choice but to send people to kill the two talented sons of the King of Zhenbei! He also fabricated the fact of accidental death. Sure enough, after the death of the two sons, the King of Zhenbei calmed down, but about a few decades later, Zhao Wuji was born.

He kept sending people to keep an eye on Zhao Wuji, and finally when he found that Zhao Wuji was not talented, he slowly let down his guard, but still gave him Li Wan'er from the King of Wu's Mansion in marriage.

He missed the friendship in the past and wanted to maintain stability with the King of Zhenbei through marriage, but the recent sudden outburst of Zhao Wuji and the strange appearance of the Blood Lotus Sect made him suspicious again!

At this time in the King of Zhenbei's Mansion, the King of Zhenbei was sitting in the study, quietly reading a book, and an old man appeared next to him.

"Your Majesty, the prince was not in seclusion these two days, but went to Qingyang City, but he came back today. And Qingyang City is the base camp of the Blood Lotus Sect!"

Zhenbei King slowly closed the book in his hand and said in a deep voice,"Go, send people to kill all the remnants of the Blood Lotus Sect, leaving no one alive, Wuji is about to marry the princess of the Wuwang Mansion, and no trouble can be created!"

"Yes!" The old man nodded and disappeared into the study!

King Zhenbei looked outside, a trace of confusion appeared in his eyes. He had no other intentions, but the injured Emperor Wu was worried about him. He only hoped that after Zhao Wuji married Li Wan'er, everything would return to normal!

But Zhao Wuji, who was recuperating in his room, was not���He said that the Blood Lotus Sect he had worked so hard to build over the past year had not only failed to complete its plan and was taken advantage of by Zhou Qiong, but all the other disciples were also killed by people sent by his father!

At this time, thousands of miles away from Qingyang City, under a mountain, a large number of people in black suddenly appeared. They were the people from the Demon Sect who had received the order.

One of them patted his head and said,"Great Protector, what do you think the leader asked us to do here? Is there any secret on this mountain?"

"I don’t know either, but it makes sense that the leader asked us to come. When the Demon Tiger King goes up later, you can ask the leader yourself!"

"No, I'm just curious!" The Demon Tiger King patted his head and grinned. He dared to ask the Great Protector, but asking the leader would be like asking for a beating!

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