Bai Haotian didn't have the time to talk nonsense with him, and said in a cold voice,"If there is any misunderstanding, tell me in your dream after you die!"

He waved his hand, and the people of the Demon Cult took action instantly. It is conceivable that more than 20 peak Daluo realm foxes fighting thirteen ordinary Daluo realm foxes are completely one-sided.

In less than an incense stick of time, all the people of the Cloud Fox Clan fell to the ground, groaning constantly, and completely lost the ability to resist.

At this time, the old man who fell to the ground had a hint of joy in his eyes. He originally thought that he and others were dead this time, but he didn't expect that the other party just controlled him and others. It was probably because he was afraid of Qingqiu Kingdom. He was secretly glad that he had announced his family just now.

But he always felt that something was wrong in his heart!

At this time, the people of the Demon Cult were full of sneers. If you want to die, how can I let you die so easily? If you dare to attack the Demon Cult, you will regret it for three lifetimes.

Bai Haotian waved his hand,"Go ahead, let the onlookers see what happens to those who dare to mess with my Demon Sect!"

The Demon Snake King twisted his body and walked out. With a wave of his hand, all the members of the Cloud Fox Clan floated in the air. A sharp knife slowly emerged from his hand.

With an evil laugh, he quickly shuttled around the crowd. After a quarter of an hour, he slowly retreated.

The bodies of the Cloud Fox Clan in the sky began to tremble a little bit, and then the skins fell off completely one by one!

The Demon Snake King actually peeled off the skins of all the Cloud Fox Clan in a short time.

Now the Cloud Fox Clan is like a bloody lamb, screaming desperately.

"Ah, ah, ah, yo!" Fierce screams continued to ring out, which was earth-shattering.

The Demon Bull King also came out, a butcher knife appeared in his hand, and rushed in amid the continuous screams and fear of the Cloud Fox Clan.

"forgive me!"

"Kill me, please kill me!"

"Give me a quick death, ah, you will die a horrible death!"


Screams, begging for mercy, begging for death, the voices kept appearing. They wanted to commit suicide but were suppressed by Bai Haotian's momentum and could not commit suicide at all.

They also wanted to faint directly, but the head of the Suzaku Hall kept shooting elixirs into their mouths to maintain their vitality.

Half an hour later, the entire Cloud Fox Clan was dying.

But it was not over yet.

The Demon Dragon King also stood up, spraying blue flames from his mouth. A more tragic cry than before came from the mouth of the Fox Clan. This flame was burning the soul.

After a whole day, the screams that resounded through the area for thousands of miles stopped, and the Cloud Fox Clan had already lost their souls in fear, regret, and relief.

At this time, the onlookers had already trembled in their legs and their eyes were dull and terrified. They had listened to the screams for a whole day and witnessed the whole process. Now their hearts were already covered with a shadow.

It was not that they did not want to leave, but the eyes of the Demon Cult were staring at them, so they did not dare to leave.

Everyone secretly rejoiced that they had not done anything out of line, otherwise they would have ended up like this.

The people in this demon sect were simply a group of demons.

They should not be provoked unless it was absolutely necessary, no, even if it meant death!

It was not until the demon sect members returned to the Heavenly Demon Peak that the onlookers quickly dispersed.

If someone looked at the place where they had just stood at this time, they would have found that it was terribly wet!


Demon Tiger King led his men to the Black King City again and killed all the foxes who remained there, stripping their fur!

On a mountain peak thousands of miles away, Su Huang trembled as he heard the constant screams from behind. Since he discovered that the demon sect members had come, he could not see through their cultivation. He immediately knew that something was wrong and ran away in a hurry. Fortunately, the other party did not pay attention to him. Otherwise

, he did not dare to think too much. He did not know what the demon sect members had done to the Cloud Fox Clan to make them scream like that. He just wanted to leave this chaotic place as soon as possible, no, to go somewhere farther away.

Just as he was thinking about this, a black figure appeared in front of him, wearing a light golden mask.

Su Huang's eyes condensed. He felt that the other party's cultivation level might have reached the Daluo realm, and he quickly calmed down. He bowed and said softly,"I am Sun Bin, and I am honored to meet you. I don't know why you blocked my way!"

The masked man didn't waste time talking to him. He directly stretched out his hand to knock Su Huang unconscious, muttering,"Sun Bin, I am Sun Wu, I am the third of the Demon Cult. I was ordered to investigate you in Cangwu Continent. Who doesn't know who? It's nonsense!"

In a side hall of the Demon Cult's headquarters, many high-level people were sitting on the upper floor, and Su Huang was kneeling and trembling below.

The people of the Demon Cult looked at him with complicated eyes. It was really thirty years, no, it was really a different time. The people who needed them to look up to in the past were now like ants to them.

It's really better to follow a good leader than to work harder!

Li Changsheng asked in a deep voice,"Tell me, why did you bring people to attack the Demon Cult!"

Su Huang had been frightened for a long time, and immediately told everything he knew. Of course, when it came to attacking the Demon Cult, he concealed the fact that he instigated it.

He said that the Cloud Fox Clan was determined to attack the Demon Cult, and he couldn't stop them, so he could only follow them.

When Su Huang said that the Cloud Fox Clan was expelled because they offended Zhao Li, Di San, who was standing aside, frowned deeply, and waited for Su Huang to finish.

Di San bowed to the Demon Cult leaders.

Their four tribes belonged to independent systems, and even he didn't need to salute the Demon Cult leaders. He just needed to bow and show due respect.

"My lords, do you have anything else to ask about Su Huang? If not, can you let me handle it?"

Bai Haotian and others nodded. If Di San hadn't captured this man, they would not have noticed that this was the former Demon King. Now that all the questions have been asked, he is of no use.

At this time, Su Huang looked at Di San who was walking towards him step by step, and shouted in fear,"What are you going to do, don't come over, don't come over!"

Di San didn't listen to his nonsense. He slapped him on the head with one hand, closed his eyes and practiced his skills. After an incense stick of time, he opened his eyes, and a glimmer of understanding flashed in his eyes.

At this time, Su Huang's eyes were no longer anxious, like a fool. Everyone in the Demon Cult also understood that Di San had searched his soul!

Di San waved his hand and slapped the stupid Su Huang to death. He bowed to the many high-ranking members of the Demon Cult and disappeared in the hall.

He had been arranged to search for Zhao Li's whereabouts in the lower world, but later he only found out that the other party disappeared at the location of Jinshan Temple. There was no more investigation after that!

Today, when he heard Su Huang mention this name, relying on his sensitivity, he had a guess, so he searched Su Huang's soul. Sure enough, his bold guess came true, and Zhao Li turned out to be so extraordinary!


Thanks to {Tianma}{Can't Let Go}{27528058}{Love Song Haotian} for the reminder.

Thanks to {Pigeon King Sake}{Fortune Teller Jian}{36147972}{Tianma} for the mountain climbing invitation.

Thanks to the other big guys who gave me tips!

Thank you!


Author's note:

Update is coming.

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