Looking at Ying Ziyi laughing happily, Liu Ji's heaving heart calmed down. When the passion cools, a strange feeling ensues. The thing itself is weird.

What does Ying Ziyi want to do? Liu Ji didn't know and couldn't guess.

"The foundation of eternity..."

After laughing, Ying Ziyi said leisurely. From a certain perspective, the ancestral dragon's legacy is indeed passed down from generation to generation, but it is no longer a one-time, one-surname world.

After smacking his mouth, Ying Ziyi looked at Liu Ji again, who seemed a little confused.

At this moment, there was a rustling sound outside the door. Someone reported outside: "Sir, Master Monkey is back."

"Let them in."

The matter was urgent, and the monkeys and others did not care about etiquette, and ran in carrying the injured and unconscious Concubine Yan.

Liu Ji saw a beautiful woman being carried up. However, there was purple-black blood on her abdomen, her face was pale, and she was only one breath away from death. In this situation, even if Bian Que were alive, he would probably be hopeless.

Heart of beauty in everyone. Seeing such a beauty disappear like this, Liu Ji felt a sense of regret in his heart.

Ying Ziyi frowned and said, "Carry her into the back room."

"Yes, sir."

Liu Ji saw that Ying Ziyi left him and entered the back room with the beautiful woman. After that, several swordsmen withdrew from the house, leaving only the wretched man who had kidnapped him in the house, staring at him.

"Xiaohe, Xiaohu, Xiaodie, take off her clothes."

The murderous intention Liu Ji felt before came from the three women. Three figures appeared from the corner and the wall. They said "Master" and followed Ying Ziyi's orders without hesitation.

The three women's hands and feet were very fast. In a short time, they took off all the complicated clothes of Concubine Yan.

A naked body appeared in front of Ying Ziyi, as white and flawless as jade.

However, a purple-black wound on the abdomen ruined the overall beauty.

"Master, what should I do? I'm afraid Yan won't be able to hold on for long?"

Ying Ziyi shook his head and thought to himself that Yan Dan was so ruthless!

Ying Ziyi took off the accessory hanging from his neck - the goddess necklace.

Little by little, the tears of the goddess fell on Concubine Yan's body, and when they met the black blood, they made a stabbing sound.

The tears of the goddess have miraculous effects, and the shocking wound is healing as fast as the naked eye can see.

As the wound healed, Concubine Yan's condition gradually improved. Her pale complexion began to turn rosy, her weak breath began to become peaceful, and her lost vitality was also recovering.


Liu Ji was waiting outside the house. He didn't understand why Ying Ziyi brought the woman into the house. In his opinion, the woman was already dead.

Time passed slowly, and the depressing atmosphere in the room made Liu Ji feel uncomfortable. He wanted to leave, but he just wanted to think about it. Although he could move freely, he was only in this room.

The door was slowly opened by two maids. Liu Ji originally thought that Ying Ziyi was here to announce the bad news to everyone.

But the next moment, Liu Ji's eyes widened. That woman, that woman who was just one breath away from death, appeared in front of him intact as before.

His expression was as usual, his posture was elegant, and he didn't look like he was dying just now. But in her beautiful eyes, Liu Ji could see a trace of fatigue.

Looking at Ying Ziyi who looked like a naughty boy, Liu Ji no longer knew how to describe it.

This is too scary! In contrast, the three maids who should not have appeared in the house did not surprise Liu Ji so much.

"Monkey, take my order and summon everyone." A token flew out of Ying Ziyi's hand and was caught by the monkey.

The monkey responded and walked out of the house.


This is a peaceful manor, covering an extremely large area, on a plain between two mountains, with a small river behind it.

On a high ridge, Yan Dan looked at the peaceful manor under the moonlight and sighed slightly.

"No wonder, no wonder, Lord Changping searched the entire Chu land, but couldn't find Ying Ziyi and his three thousand riders. It turned out that he was hiding here."

Standing next to Yan Dan is Tian Guang, the farmer's hero and his best friend.

"Yes! Who would have thought that Lord Zhaoyun, who has been favored by the Chu State for generations, has secretly defected to the Qin State. Ying Ziyi's three thousand cavalry are among Lord Zhaoyun's private soldiers. No wonder we can't find it no matter how we look for it. could not find it."

"However, now that Ying Ziyi is in power, what will happen to Lord Changping?"

Tian Guang glanced at Yan Dan. He knew Lord Changping's plan. He also knew that Yan Dan was committed to resisting Qin, and Tian Guang did not tell Yan Dan that the peasant family would turn to support the young master Fusu. With a feeling of guilt in his heart, Tian Guang said: "We have no room to intervene in what happens next. To eliminate Ying Ziyi's three thousand cavalry, it is impossible to rely on the power of the Mohist family or the farmers. Marching and fighting, that is It’s a military matter. Eight thousand Tenglong legions and fifty thousand Chu troops have already moved here on the orders of Lord Changping.”

In Tian Guang's view, the big deal has been decided.

Tian Guang looked at the brilliant starry night, sighed, and said to Yan Dan beside him: "Brother Yan Dan, I'm sorry."

Yan Dan understood what Tian Guang meant and did not speak. After a while, Yan Dan looked at Tian Guang, and the other party saw a hint of understanding in Yan Dan's eyes.

The great man of the Mohist family chose the former between the great cause of resisting Qin and the woman he loved deeply.


"Our traces have been leaked. The Chu army is about to come."

In the room, in front of Liu Ji, Ying Ziyi said this to Concubine Yan.

"So, this is all a game. Even Yan Dan is a pawn in the opponent's hands."

When Concubine Yan talked about Yan Dan, there was no trace of emotion in her tone, as if the other person was a stranger.

However, Concubine Yan was still puzzled. "How did the young master know?"

Ying Ziyi had a sly look in his eyes and said with a smile, "What do you think?"

As smart as Concubine Yan, she quickly understood, "The top management of the farm family has the spy of the young master. This person is also Lord Changping or Tian Guang, someone whom he trusts very much."

Ying Ziyi remained silent, which was regarded as admission.

But Liu Ji on the side felt a little uneasy and embarrassed. If such a confidential matter is heard by me, what will happen to me?

Liu Ji stood quietly for a moment, hoping that the sooner Ying Ziyi noticed him, the better.

Unfortunately, things didn't go as planned. The more Liu Ji didn't want Ying Ziyi to notice him, the more Ying Ziyi's eyes were already on him.

"The peasant family has one hundred thousand disciples, the largest gang in the world. Liu Ji, are you interested?"

Ying Ziyi's words were like the whispers of a devil, full of temptation. But Liu Ji looked as usual and replied: "Sir, can you do it?"

Ying Ziyi smiled, Liu Ji was indeed Liu Ji.

~~~~Thank you uihgf Dada, banishing the immortal with a sword, the road is confused, Dada, painting ancient times, dreaming drunk Xiaoxiaoda Dada, ㄟ祁秀?ψ大大, GP 103D Shi Lan Da Da, Anan 008 Da Da, beautiful and beautiful 1997 is great, Dongyang Tian is great, I am drunk with wine and singing. Today is great, xiaoteng07 is great, the kid author is great, tedberr is great, Yakumo Miao is great~~~~~

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