The villain system of Mingyue in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 31 The Most Beautiful Man in the Grassland

Ying Ziyi originally thought that when the news that he was in Wuchecheng spread. Among the hundreds of schools of thought, many people may come.

For example, the Yin-Yang family, Taoist Tianzong, etc. are close to the Qin State, and for example, the peasant family, Mohist family, etc. are seeking revenge. It may also be the Taoist family, Confucianism, etc. who are still neutral.

But Ying Ziyi never expected that this person would appear in front of him first. In the main building, Ying Ziyi sat on his bed with Ha Qie in his arms. After seeing the person clearly, Ying Ziyi was stunned. Beside him, the leader of the Hu people, Black Bear, was guarding him.

"Oh, sir, I'm so embarrassed to stare at people like this!"

The artificial voice, coy movements, combined with the figure of the person in front of him, made Ying Ziyi feel chills.

Gongsun Linglong didn't realize it, "Famous family, Gongsun Linglong comes to see you."

"Sister Gongsun...!"

"Hey! Master, please tell me!" Gongsun Linglong hurriedly agreed.

With triangular eyes and a big face, Gongsun Linglong could not be called an aunt at this time. Her extraordinary figure, which would shock everyone from now on, is now just a little plump.

"Sister Gongsun, why did you come to Wuchecheng?"

Ying Ziyi coughed, collected his thoughts, and asked.

"I heard that the young master went to Longxi to build a city, and famous people were working for the young master!" Gongsun Linglong bowed slightly and said to Ying Ziyi.

Ying Ziyi knew very little about famous people. Although there was information about famous people in the villain system, he had never seen it. It is said that Huizi, the head of the famous family in the previous generation, was a great figure comparable to the Taoist Zhuangzi, but later the famous family gradually declined.

"A white horse is not a horse. The famous arguments are wonderful and will be passed down through the ages. Ying Ziyi admires them."

"Young Master is so complimentary." Gongsun Linglong was overjoyed and was about to say something, but Ying Ziyi beat her to it and said, "But what's the use of this to me?"

A white horse is not a horse, and famous people are known for their sophistry. But even if your tongue shines like a lotus flower, what good will it do? The famous scholars did not put forward the ideas of governing the world like the Taoists, Confucians, Legalists, and Mohists, nor did the Yin-Yang School, medical doctors, etc. come up with considerable techniques.

Being divorced from reality, even if it can be a temporary advantage, what use is it to him, Ying Ziyi?

Regarding Ying Ziyi’s questions, or rather doubts. Gongsun Linglong seemed to have been prepared, and said: "Master, you know, if you argue eloquently, which one among hundreds of schools can be ranked first."

"Of course he is a strategist."

"Young Master is right. Su Qin and Zhang Yi stirred up the world with one person's power. Zhang Yi served Qin, and the six countries could not offend Qin in the slightest. Su Qin matched the seals of the six countries, and Qin did not dare to go eastward to Han Valley for more than ten years. However, No matter how powerful Su Qin and Zhang Yi are, they have only been prominent for more than ten years. So what about the rest of the time? The world is so big, and for hundreds of years, there has been no peace in the disputes among various countries, sometimes wars and sometimes peace. Marriage, declaration of war, persuasion to surrender, and peace. .....Waiting for diplomatic matters, who do the princes of various countries rely on to convey their wishes?"

Ying Ziyi somewhat understood what Gongsun Linglong meant. Quality couldn't be compared, so let's rely on quantity!

"So, how many famous disciples did Sister Gongsun bring this time?" Ying Ziyi asked.

"More than fifty of them are all elite disciples of my famous family." Gongsun Linglong replied: "If the master still has any orders, the disciples of my famous family can come to Wuchecheng at any time to serve the master."

"Well, I happen to have two things that need help?" Ying Ziyi stretched out two fingers and said to Gongsun Linglong.

"What's the matter?"

"I'm going to build an academy in Wuchecheng, and I'll use your famous teachers as lecturers."

"Lecturer?" Gongsun Linglong roughly understood what Ying Ziyi meant and asked, "Then who is the student?"

"Immigration from various countries in Wuchecheng, as well as Hu people who have surrendered."

"What do you want us to say?" Gongsun Linglong was a little surprised. Mr. Ying Ziyi wouldn't let their famous people teach sophistry!

"Promote love and peace and emphasize the importance of national integration!" Ying Ziyi replied seriously.

"Love and peace, what are they?" Gongsun Linglong asked.

Ying Ziyi took out a silk book from his sleeve, which was a template copied from the villain system, and handed it to Gongsun Linglong, "The content above is a template. Just follow it and use it."

Gongsun Linglong took it over and took a look, her eyes lit up, "Young master, I understand, I will let the famous disciples teach them well."

Ying Ziyi was very satisfied with Gongsun Linglong's attitude. It seemed that she understood that Ying Ziyi wanted to ignore... Ah, no! It is with a compassionate and enthusiastic desire to mediate ********.

"As for one more thing, I need someone to send an envoy to Da Yuezhi in the name of Lord Anxi to express my friendship. It is best to reach a trade agreement."

"I understand!" Gongsun Linglong nodded. She understood that compared to the previous matter, this matter was truly important. Whether it can be successfully completed represents whether the famous artist can retain the necessary weight in the young master's heart.

"Sir, when will we set off?"

"After five days! Once the goods and carriages are arranged, that's it." Ying Ziyi replied: "As for the famous disciples, I will arrange rooms for you outside the main building."

"Thank you, Young Master!" Gongsun Linglong bowed before retreating.

"Black bear! It's time to eat!" Ying Ziyi turned to look at the black bear, only to find that he was staring at Gongsun Linglong's retreating figure, drooling.

I go! This guy has such a strong taste.

"Master, who is this beauty?" After Gongsun Linglong left, Black Bear remembered that he still didn't know her identity.

Within a few months, Ying Ziyi had become familiar with the Black Bear tribe's words and was able to use them. He then said: "Gongsun Linglong."

"She's so beautiful!"


Ying Ziyi really wanted to say, when did you become blind? However, Ying Ziyi was still worried when he looked at the stupid and thick black bear. Although he has a strong back and is still very popular among barbarian women, from the perspective of Chinese people, he is definitely not handsome.

Although Gongsun Linglong is plump (that is, fat), she is still an older female intellectual with a wealth of knowledge. She likes a Confucian scholar like Zhang Liang who is elegant and eloquent.

This stupid, thick black bear who can't even speak a word may have no chance.

"You should give up!" Ying Ziyi thought about how to achieve his goal without breaking Black Bear's heart.

"Why? Master!" Black Bear's eyes widened and he said in surprise.

Why is that surprised expression on your face? Do you think it's normal for people to like you?

"She doesn't like your type."

"Why? Is it because my black bear doesn't have enough muscles?" The black bear gestured with his thick biceps.

"Or don't I have enough scars on my body?" Black Bear gestured to his biceps and then opened his clothes, revealing the bear fur and several thick scars.

"Or am I not handsome enough?" Black Bear raised his bear face again and said quite proudly.

"Then... well, when did you think you were handsome?" Ying Ziyi asked, looking at the black bear who was enjoying himself.

"My parents have been saying this to me since I was little, saying that I am the most beautiful man on the grassland."


"What happened next? Didn't you realize something was wrong when you grew up? Didn't you ask your wives and concubines? What did they say?" Ying Ziyi inquired cautiously.

"Of course I asked." Black Bear said innocently.

"How did you ask?"

"I usually take my wives and concubines to play by lakes, grasslands, and rivers. In order to show my power and majesty, I break a big tree with one punch. Then I ask them what I look like? They all say I am a grassland. Here’s the most handsome man!”


ps Regarding the question of grapes, circulation and large-scale introduction are different.

ps2, please recommend and collect

~~~~~~~~~~Thank you Wuxiang Tianmo for your great review~~~~~~~~~~

~~~Thanks to Xiao Binbin 32 Da Da, Asking the Peak to Lin Da Da Da, Shi Yong Na Heng Da Da Da, and ywueric Da Da Da for the reward~~~~~~~

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