The headquarters has three thousand riders!

I don’t want anyone to co-author this.

Everyone present was a hero, and after experiencing the initial shock, they all calmed down.

At this moment, the faces of the ministers were all different, for example, Li Si, Feng Quji and others were in disbelief, Li Xin, Mengtian and other people who knew the military clearly did not believe it, Wang Jian was thoughtful, Changping Jun had a faint fear on his face, and Zhao Gao was... A gloomy look...

In the end, the expressions on the faces of the ministers turned into indifference, and they were waiting for the Supreme's decision. Only Fusu came out alone, "Father, Zi Yi made a joke for a moment, I hope you will forgive me."

Ying Zheng smiled and ignored Fusu. He looked at Ying Ziyi and asked, "Do you know that Chu is a powerful country with a vast territory and hundreds of thousands of soldiers in armor."

"My son knows!"

"Did you know that the generals present are all famous generals in the world, and they don't dare to say that three thousand will destroy Chu."

"My son knows!"

"Do you know that there is no such thing as joking in the court? If you don't succeed, even if you are the son of a widower, you will not be lenient."

"My son knows!"

"So, do you dare to say what you just said again?"

"Yes! I will definitely be able to defeat Shouchun if I command my own three thousand cavalry." Ying Ziyi replied firmly.

"Your Majesty, with all the troops coming together, how can it be child's play to attack the city? How can three thousand men and horses conquer Chu? Your Majesty, please think again!" Lord Changping came out first and stopped him. He couldn't let Ying Ziyi ruin his plan.

"Your Majesty, what Lord Changping said is absolutely true. How can three thousand men and horses conquer the Chu Kingdom?"


Among the civil servants, many came out to support Lord Changping and accused Ying Ziyi of lying. The generals in the military squadron were silent, but they didn't believe Ying Ziyi's words in their hearts.

However, Ying Zheng was unmoved. He looked at Ying Ziyi who was at the forefront of the storm and said, "Okay, I allow you to fight."

No one dares to refute Ying Zheng's words. This is the authority that has been established for a long time. Even if Ying Zheng is supporting a seemingly absurd statement, hundreds of officials may dissuade him in private, but they will not openly do so.

"My son, I thank my father." Ying Ziyi bowed and bowed, and then said with a slight hesitation: "It's just..."


"It's just that the Chu State is powerful, has a vast territory, and has hundreds of thousands of soldiers with armor. With only three thousand of my troops, there is always something wrong."

Do you know it now? Not only is it disrespectful, it is simply sending someone to death. The ministers thought so in their hearts.

"Therefore, I still need the help of two people to make it happen."

Ying Ziyi looked at the ministers, and they all looked like they were afraid of being dragged away by Ying Ziyi to become a strong man.

Ying Ziyi smiled and revealed his ultimate goal: "What I want is Lord Changping and the Order of the Central Chest."

Ying Ziyi's words were very light and plain. Being called out by Ying Ziyi, both Changping Jun and Zhao Gao felt a pinch in their hearts. Although their expressions were not obvious, they were undoubtedly suspicious inside. Neither of them would believe that Ying Ziyi could conquer Chu with only 3,000 men, but why did Ying Ziyi want to involve him? This is worth pondering.

"Why?" Ying Zheng asked.

"Mr. Changping was born in the Chu Kingdom and is very familiar with everything in Chu. The traps of the CRRC's orders are spread across the six kingdoms. Using him as a guide will save a lot of trouble. Both of them are loyal to me, the Qin Dynasty. , it is our duty to share the worries of the country and the king, and I am sure they will not refuse."

This is what Ying Ziyi said.

You have said so, how can others refuse? He was tense just now, but now he is full of praise. No one in the palace is a fool. At this moment, all the officials were fully aware of Ying Ziyi's full malice. They made up their minds not to mess with this Fourteenth Young Master from now on.

This is a madman who will drag people to death in a matter of minutes!

"Yes!" Brother Zheng finally agreed to Ying Ziyi's request.

"I just hope that the nets will be under my control for the time being. The garrison of Nanjun and Nanyang counties will also be deployed by me for the time being. Lord Changping and the orders of Zhongche Mansion will also be under my control for the time being."

Ying Ziyi continued.

ha! As expected, the ministers were very clear about Ying Ziyi's plans.


The moment Brother Zheng agreed to Ying Ziyi, the hearts of the two young men were almost broken.

Lord Changping's plan was completely messed up by Ying Ziyi, and not only that, he also got involved himself.

As for Zhao Gao, he originally planned to be a quiet handsome man (he doesn't seem to be). Regarding this dispute between Qin and Chu, he just planned to sit back and watch, and then take the opportunity to pick peaches. But at this moment, he was forcefully pulled in by Ying Ziyi.

"My son, do you have another request?"

Is this not over yet?


"After I conquer Shouchun, I can take whatever belongs to Chu."

All the ministers were confused. It was certain that Ying Ziyi wanted to deal with Chang Pingjun and Zhao Gao. But now he says he wants things from the Chu State. Does he really have the means to conquer the Chu State?

Ying Ziyi's purpose is simple. The Eight Swords of the King of Yue, Chaoshen, Chunjun, Tai'a... Most of the famous swords in the world came from the land of Wuyue. After the Yue Kingdom was destroyed by Chu, most of these swords were left in the Chu Kingdom.

If Ying Ziyi wants to master Luo Sheng, he naturally needs many famous swords in the sword pool of Shouchun Palace in the capital of Chu.



This frightening court meeting is over.

The ministers dispersed, and Ying Ziyi stopped Changping Jun and Zhao Gao. He bossed the two of them around as if I was the boss.

"Mr. Changping, you must make preparations in advance and accompany me on the expedition."

"I understand." Mr. Changping waved his hand in agreement.

"By order of the CRRC Mansion, within today, the list of all the snare people in the CRRC Mansion will be handed over to me. In addition, within one month, all the snare killers scattered all over the world will gather in Xianyang and wait for my dispatch. If you fail to meet the deadline, you will be killed without mercy."

"Slave, I obey."

"That's good!" After Ying Ziyi ordered, he walked out carelessly.

Chang Pingjun and Zhao Gao stood on the left and right, silent and gloomy. These two heroes are tall, dressed in rich clothes, graceful and elegant. In comparison, Ying Ziyi, who was walking in front with an innocent face, looked like a naughty child.

The two stood quietly on the spot, both thinking. One is thinking about how Chu State’s great cause of resisting Qin State should be continued? If you can't draw Qin's 200,000 troops, it will undoubtedly be a failure. One is thinking about how to protect himself in the turbulent Chu land?

However, these two people are not people who just sit back and wait to be killed. They all thought of one thing at the same time. That's right, as long as Ying Ziyi is removed, none of this will be a problem.

With only 3,000 men, you dare to leave Qin. Ying Ziyi, you are asking for death.

The two of them made expressions of realization at almost the same time. However, after they woke up, the two of them realized that they were a little closer, almost leaning against each other.

"Mr. Changping, please!" Zhao Gao leaned over and responded first.

"Yes!" Mr. Changping nodded and walked in front.

As soon as Ying Ziyi walked out of the hall, he was pulled over by Wang Jian.

Wang Jian, the strongest general in Qin after Bai Qi, was pulling Ying Ziyi like an old man coaxing his grandson.

"Sir, how about I invite you to have a drink in my house?"

"I'm still a kid! I don't drink."

Ying Ziyi ignored Wang Jian's words and just wanted to leave.

"Then there are some new singers in my house. They are very charming. Sir, would you like to take a look?" Wang Jian knew about Ying Ziyi's stay in Yandi, so he planned to seduce her.

"The girl from Chu has a slim waist, the girl from Wei has a sweet song, and the girl from Zhao is so beautiful. I wonder which country's singer is in the palace of General Wang?" Ying Ziyi said, "I am very professional. Don't try to get a few people to fool me." look.

"They are all there, they are all there!" Wang Jian said with an affable smile. All he needs to do is trick you into getting there.

The palace.

The room was full of spring, and both Ying Ziyi and Wang Jian were sitting at the main seats. While their ears were burning with wine, Wang Jian waved his hand and signaled the dancing girls to retreat.

"Sir, tell me, how are you going to use three thousand people to destroy Chu?"

There were only two people left in the palace, and Wang Jian whispered in Ying Ziyi's ear.

"I knew you would do nothing good by dragging me here. This is a military secret!" Ying Ziyi made a riddle to whet Wang Jian's appetite.

"I know, I know. But no matter what I think, there is no way to destroy Chu with three thousand people. At this time, I feel itchy and unbearable!" Wang Jian knew that what Ying Ziyi said was definitely true, but he had no way of knowing. As a military god of the generation, how could life be so easy?

"You want to know?" Ying Ziyi smiled, tempting Wang Jian to come over.

"What about the business in Zhaodi?"

"It's easy to talk about."

Seeing Wang Jian's agreement, Ying Ziyi smiled: "It's very simple, because you regard destroying Chu and conquering Shouchun as one thing. And I regard them as two different things. I only said that I would conquer Shouchun, and I never said that I would conquer Shouchun." I said I would destroy Chu!"

"I want this..."

Wang Jian, a military god, quickly understood what Ying Ziyi meant. He had a look of realization on his face and just asked: "Three thousand people, is that enough?"

"Enough!" Ying Ziyi thought to himself. With too many people, how could he lure Chang Pingjun and Zhao Gao into taking the bait?

"Please give me a helping hand, General Wang, when the time comes."

"Young Master wants to..."

ps. Third update, please recommend and reward.

~~~~Thank you to the male god for the big sword, big for the wind, big for the twelve wings of the angel, one by one, big for the heart, 1 for the dark night, 3 for the big, Fenglin for Xiaowu, big for Yi Wenkong, and big for asking the peak to climb the forest. Big, Huagu Chengshang is big, Wu Sheng Emperor is big, no matter what spring, summer, autumn and winter, Lemon Meng Juice is big, ywueric is big, DestroyGod is big, those who buy candied haws, give a big reward~~~

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