"Xiang Yan was unexpectedly attacked by Wang Jian's army at the foot of Pingyu City and was severely defeated. He has now retreated to Qiyi."

After hearing the news, Chang Pingjun was in a trance. The general steadied himself and almost fell down.

"Mr. Changping, take care!" Tian Guang urged Mr. Changping with both hands.

"I'm fine." Chang Pingjun said softly, his bloodshot old eyes were all looking at Ying Ziyi, filled with murderous intent.

Changping Jun did not doubt the authenticity of Ying Ziyi's words. Wang Jian is a cautious person. If he is not completely sure, even the King of Qin will not be able to move him, let alone Ying Ziyi.

"Okay! Okay! Okay!" After saying three good words in a row, Changping Jun looked at Ying Ziyi and said bitterly: "Since the Fourteenth Young Master wants me to rebel, I will show you the traitor."

Ying Ziyi smiled and saw the murderous intention of Lord Changping. "Why do you think I dare to come here?"

In an instant, Mr. Changping was filled with doubts and hesitation.

Ying Ziyi didn't keep Changping Jun waiting for long, and the monkey gave the answer.

With a bang, Monkey's powerful palm was stopped by Tian Guang. In terms of cultivation, Tian Guang was slightly better than Monkey, but he took the initiative to use his palms to compete with Monkey's internal strength.

Tian Guang is also helpless if a fight breaks out in this room. Lord Changping was bound to be unavoidable, so he could only do this in order to delay time.

Changping Jun did not expect that the martial arts person who had always been by Ying Ziyi's side and described as a wretched person could be so powerful that he would not be inferior even in a head-on confrontation with Tian Guang.

Mr. Changping narrowed his eyes and said, "You want to kill me here."

"No!" Ying Ziyi said, "Don't you know? You are still useful to me now. Since you have to bear so many charges, why would I let you die like this?"

not me!

Changping Jun had several thoughts in his mind, but he didn't expect that Ying Ziyi would make a surprise attack and hit Tian Guang with his palm, who was fighting the monkey's internal strength.

"Oh no, it's Tian Guang."

Changping Jun understood that Ying Ziyi wanted to get rid of Tian Guang, his biggest support in Wancheng. If Tian Guang dies, the farm family will inevitably fall apart, and the threat to Qin will be reduced to a minimum.

When the time comes, Qin will attack Chu again, will Chu still have a chance to win?

However, Changping Jun saw that Ying Ziyi wanted to hit Tian Guang with a slap, but withdrew midway.

The next moment, a burly and fierce figure stood between Tian Guang and Ying Ziyi.

"Eh!" Ying Ziyi frowned slightly and said, "Sheng Qi, how did you escape from Yandu Prison?"

Sheng Qi smiled, "There is no prison in the world that can trap me, Sheng Qi, not even the heavenly prison in the capital of Yan State."

"Monkey, come back."

Monkey had already discovered something was wrong. When Sheng Qi appeared, he strengthened his internal strength in vain, shook his palms, and separated from Tian Guang.

Tian Guang put away his inner strength, looked at Sheng Qi's figure, and secretly thought it was really dangerous.

"Subordinate, please see Xiakui."

"No need to be polite."

"Oh my! What a pity." Ying Ziyi sighed, "I almost killed him. What a pity."

For Changping Jun, Ying Ziyi's arrogance has risen to an unprecedented level.

Lord Changping laughed loudly: "Ying Ziyi, is my Lord Changping's house a place where you can come and leave whenever you want?"

"Isn't it?"

This is how Ying Ziyi responded. The tender voice reminded people of SpongeBob SquarePants, and the smile on his face was full of childlike innocence. Ying Ziyi's answer made Chang Pingjun half angry.

"Tian Guang, Sheng Qi, kill him."

Changping Jun could no longer care about his modesty, and the only thing he wanted to do at this moment was to take Ying Ziyi's life.

Tian Guang and Sheng Qi did not move at all.

Ying Ziyi smiled and said, "Mr. Changping, haven't you noticed? In this house, your martial arts is the lowest. If we really start a fight, you will be the first to die."

"you you...!"

"Monkey, there's nothing to take advantage of, let's go!"

The monkey carried Ying Ziyi on his back, looking like a ghost, and soon left the hall and left the Changping Lord's Mansion.

Tian Guang had no intention of pursuing him. First, Ying Ziyi is full of tricks and tricks. Who would have expected that this is not his plan to lure the tiger away from the mountain. Both of them, the moment Ying Ziyi left, in Tian Guang's eyes, Changping Jun's extremely majestic body fell down, with blood still left in his mouth.

Tian Guang was very anxious and called the servants in Lord Changping's house, asking them to call for a doctor.

Sheng Qi followed behind, looking at Tian Guang's appearance with disdain in his heart. As the leader of a peasant family, he actually behaves like this when things happen. He is no different from a servant of Lord Chang Ping. Does this still have the dignity of the leader of the largest gang in the world?

The reason why Shengqi appeared here happened to rescue Tian Guang. This was also under the order of Ying Ziyi, in order to gain the trust of Changping Lord and Tian Guang. Seeing Tian Guang's appearance at this moment, Sheng Qi became more certain of his determination.

Yu Tianguang replaced him and took control of the farmhouse.


Outside Wancheng, the Qin army formed an array.

After cleaning the battlefield and collecting all the famous swords in the hands of the killers, Zhao Tuo was still inexplicably excited at this moment.

He did it! The terrorist organization that made countless people in the world change their minds after hearing about it was destroyed in his hands at this moment.

A huge sense of accomplishment hits! Zhao Tuo was not lost because of this, he quickly calmed down.

Zhao Gaoyuan escaped and Concubine Yan had also left, but he still had more important things to do.

"The whole army is ordered to rest for three quarters. Before dawn, the whole army will form an array in front of Wancheng."

Zhao Tuo had a resolute expression on his face, looking at the Qin army that had suffered heavy losses, but there was no trace of slack in his eyes as he issued the order.

As a military strategist, he is used to life and death. The most important thing is to develop a heart of steel. The battlefield is ruthless and life and death are unpredictable. No matter when and where, a general cannot relax.


To destroy the snare is to be linked to this great crime. Even if he pretends to have obeyed Lord Changping's order, it is still unknown how King Qin will deal with it in the end.

Zhao Tuo was betting that the fourteenth son Ying Ziyi would not cross the river and demolish the bridge, and that Ying Ziyi's plan could be successfully concealed from the King of Qin.


"grown ups."

Lord Changping was seriously ill. He was lying on the bed, looking pale. Tian Guang was on the side, watching over him.

"whats the matter?"

When his subordinates came to report, Lord Changping sat up awkwardly and asked.

"The five thousand rebel troops outside the city are now arrayed in front of the gate of Wancheng."


Changping Jun didn't expect that this group of people would still have the courage to do this now?

Could it be that Chang Pingjun's men looked pale? Seeing that their master's face was already pale, there was no trace of blood at all, and he didn't want to continue talking.

"What else, tell me!"

"Yes...yes! They said they were sent to exterminate the rebellious people under your orders. Now that the net has been removed, why don't you open the city gate and let them enter? Now there are even more messages in the city, saying that you are pretending to be the king. , let the loyal and good people of Qin kill each other with the intention of rebelling against Qin."

"Shuzi, you and I swear not to coexist!"

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