Although Lin Keke hadn't experienced it before, she was greatly shocked and had already imagined the scene at that time in her mind.

He even vaguely understood why there was such a woman beside Chen Yang.

Who can refuse such a handsome and wealthy man who can make people beautiful and strong.

So much so that now Lin Keke had an idea in her mind, a very bold idea that made her hard to say

"Wanwan, we will be good sisters for a lifetime"

Tang Wan looked at Lin Keke, wondering why she said that

"Of course, we are good sisters for life"

Lin Keke nodded, Tang Wan is enough, the big deal is to use that guy as a practice prop, props, even without feelings.

She looks good and has a good personality. Anyway, she is not very annoying, so it is not difficult to accept it.

Um? Since that guy can double cultivate, he shouldn't be weak behind him?

A question popped up in Lin Keke's mind, and then he threw the question out of his head again. It may be that the Yang chapter's exercises are not as effective as the Yin chapter's. Otherwise, when he was kidnapped, how could Chen Yang be caught without a fight!

Tang Wan didn't know that her confession caused Lin Keke's thoughts to change slightly.

In Bincheng, inside the Tianxiang Pavilion, it is not yet the night business hours, and dozens of masters at the peak of their inner strength are already standing on the solemn and bloody underground arena.

"Master Han, what should we do now?"

Mr. Han was plastering the brand-new walnuts he bought after another round of shopping, and stared calmly at the masters sent from above

"What's wrong now, no one can take away the land I want in Tianxiangge"

Master Han spoke with anger, but it was hard for the boss of Tianxiang Pavilion on the surface. Bincheng was collected and integrated by the Chen family. Master Han also shouted to fish in troubled waters. In the end, many people were killed instead of fish.

Now that the Chen family has built Bincheng into their own territory, if Tianxiang Pavilion wants to get a piece of the pie at this time, it will be a hard nut to crack, maybe it will collapse.

"Humph~ The Chen family, I added Xiangge to give him face, and I will send someone directly to Chen's house later, saying that I want Tianxiang Pavilion to occupy two-thirds of the site in Bincheng. I think he dares to give me Tianxiang Pavilion." face"

After Master Han finished speaking, he pinched the walnut in his hand vigorously, and with a bang, the brown-red walnut skin cracked, revealing a pair of silver cast iron steel balls from inside.

Master Han picked it up and looked at it. The boss next to him turned his face away. To prevent Master Han from pinching walnuts every day, he specially found someone to make a cast iron ball with walnut skin on the outside.

Master Han had just finished speaking harshly, but the walnut was not crushed, and he felt almost domineering, so he squeezed the iron ball hard with his inner strength.


One stroke, two strokes, three strokes, the cast iron ball was not damaged at all in his hands. Seeing the boss who turned his face away, Master Han awkwardly rolled up the pair of iron balls

"The weight of this iron ball is just right, and I'm very comfortable in it. Well, go and give the Chen family an ultimatum. If you voluntarily hand over the territory, we Tianxiang Pavilion were still his friends in the past. If not, don't blame me for Tianxiang The court's methods are cruel."

The boss hesitated after hearing this, and asked carefully

"Then how will the Tang family explain behind the Chen family?"

Master Han turned his head and said something disdainful

"Then there is the Tang family behind the Chen family, and there is the Lu family behind us in Tianxiangge. This time, the master has spoken harshly. Anyone who dares to stop me from Tianxiangge will be killed."

The boss nodded again and again, and said another word before leaving.

"The boy from the Lin family"

"Find two random people and keep things clean. The Lin family's life is not easy now, so don't hold back."

Now Master Han's meaning is already obvious. Tianxiangge's inaction in Bincheng these days has already annoyed the higher-ups. It seems that this time the Chen family and Lin Feng are doomed.

Lin Feng has been very free recently, with Ye Fan taking care of him during the day, and at night when Ye Fan is not around, he can secretly tease the little nurse in the hospital, living a chic and comfortable life.

It's just that there are always people around him spying on him, which makes him very uncomfortable. He is a super Lin Feng master, and the opposite side sends such third-rate personnel to spy on him. Isn't this looking down on him?

The afternoon sun was warm and pleasant, and he came to the man who had been monitoring his actions for the past two days, as if he hadn't noticed him, and sat relaxedly beside the man

"Surveying for so many days, seeing Lao Tzu's handsome face, do you have a feeling of heartbeat!"

The man looked at him in embarrassment and stammered his denial

"This handsome guy, what are you talking about? What surveillance, I just came to see a doctor."

Lin Feng hugged his shoulders as if seeing a brother

"Don't be in a hurry to deny it. Although you change clothes every day, and even have your friends change guards with you, you always sit in this corner for so many days, and you still refuse to change positions. You stink if you don't take a bath. up

To be honest, I feel ashamed of your technology.

How much money does your boss pay you for a month! I can invite you masters who are not good at learning."

The man was completely speechless, their surveillance was so simple in the eyes of the other party, and they were exposed so quickly.

"Tell me, who told you to monitor me?"

He smiled heartily, as if chatting with a friend

"Oh? Can't you say it? Sigh~ I am such a freedom-loving and peace-loving person, why would someone like to offend me?"

When he saw the man in charge of monitoring, he remained silent, and he knew that today was a waste of time. A guy like this dared not tell the person behind him.

He glanced at the other man on the opposite side, and saw that his companion was discovered by him at this moment, and he was hiding behind and quietly sending a message to the person behind him.

Lin Feng was also happily waiting for the opponent to make a move. He came to the opponent so blatantly because he didn't want to bother to guess who they were.

Anyway, he has offended many people in his life, it doesn't matter who he comes from.

When the spies from Tianxiang Pavilion passed the news back, it happened that the boss was leading people to Chen's house.

"It's just right, before going to the Chen family, let's get rid of the Lin family's kid first."

The boss of Tianxiang Pavilion didn't fall out with the Chen family so quickly, he was still very optimistic about Chen Yang in his heart, but the people above seemed a little anxious.

Then it's time to deal with Lin Feng first, and then go to the Chen family to have a good talk!

The peak of inner strength is the top master among the current forces, and one step further, the half-step master is a master-level master. He will only be a lone ranger or the top disciple in Kyoto, and he will not make random moves.

Inside the hospital, Lin Feng took off the bandage without haste. To be honest, he was a little bit reluctant. Removing the bandage meant that the wonderful time of Fan Fan taking care of him was coming to an end.

But after staying for so many days, the tragic death of Long Wei, the master of the Mo family, made him unable to stay in Ruanrou Township any longer.

He needs to clean up some enemies.

Soon, the master from Tianxiang Pavilion came to the hospital and saw him looking like a fool, wearing a hospital gown with his legs crossed, whistling and looking at the passing beauties

"This kind of waste still needs us to take action. Zhan Hu and Blood Wolf are really disappointing."

"Hmph~ Be careful, it won't be that easy to kill the masters of Zhanhu and Xuelang, don't underestimate the enemy."

The two burly men, with bulging temples and sharp muscles on their arms, looked like Lian Jiazi.

The two are exactly the same regardless of their body shape and appearance, and even their clothes are exactly the same.

Both of them are masters at the peak of internal strength, and they are also twin brothers. They share the same mind, and their joint attack skills are perfect. Even half-step masters can fight back and forth when they meet them.

So when they saw Lin Feng's age and image, he didn't look like a master at all, and they didn't regard him as a too formidable enemy.

At this moment, Ye Fan hid aside, nibbling on the apple that Long Wei bought for Lin Feng.

"Tsk tsk, finally can't wait?"

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