"We'll have to find an opportunity to test Lu Churou later."

"See if she actually owns the diary."

Tanuki thought so.

He had already approached the crowd with Ling Aotian.

At this time.

In the crowd.

Immediately, there were more than a dozen cultivators, almost all of them gritted their teeth, angrily pointing at Ling Aotian.

"It's him! The kid who stole our treasure!"

"Fuck! He also stole our Shining duo!"

"Damn it! I didn't see him just now, I thought he was eaten by a monster!"

"It doesn't matter if he doesn't die. When Lao Tzu becomes stronger in the future, I must break him with my own hands! Quack quack!"

"What are you waiting for? Now let him go!"

"But the girl in the white dress beside him is the ninth floor of the Qi Sea Realm."

"So what! There are so many of us, can she take care of that kid, let him go!"

"Yes! Go up and kiss him together!"

"Break him!"

More than a dozen monks were furious.

Together they surrounded Ling Aotian and Li Hua.

This is a scene full of gunpowder.

attracted the attention of everyone present.

Juan'er also had her eyes fixed on Ling Aotian for a long time.

She hadn't seen Ling Aotian for a few days.

When I see him again now.


His face was so hot, and his little heart was pounding.

And Lu Churou, who was under the city gate, temporarily put down the diary in his hand and looked over there.

The reason she put down the diary.

It was not because Ling Aotian was besieged by a dozen monks.

but because.

The innocent girl in the white dress kept staring at herself.

Does she know me?

Lu Churou looked at Li Hua in confusion and looked at her.

The two women stared at each other from a distance.

When Ling Aotian looked at him, he just felt that he didn't know why.

He looked at the innocent little flower girl.

She looked at the soft and beautiful Lu Churou again.

Think for a moment.

A more reasonable reason came to mind.

They might be jealous!

After all, one of them admires me and the other likes me.

So he touched his nose, smiled and hinted at the raccoon flower:

"Little girl.

"I, Ling Aotian, am not a merciless person.

"People who are good to me, I will be ten times better to her!

"So, don't worry!"

? ? ?

What to worry about?

For a moment, Li Hua didn't understand what Ling Aotian meant.

But didn't care.

She stopped staring at Lu Churou.

Instead, he looked around at the dozen or so monks around him.


She was suddenly interested.

I really wanted to see if Ling Aotian would really, according to what the diary said, burst out with the power of the Yuanyuan Realm.

After all, the explosion from the Spirit Gathering Realm to the Yuanyuan Realm spanned a large realm of the Qi Sea Realm.

this kind of thing.

It's too appalling.

So he deliberately said to Ling Aotian:

"Young Master Ling, leave these people to me to deal with."

After speaking, take a step forward.

According to the plot, Ling Aotian will stop her.


After she took a step.

Ling Aotian immediately stopped her:

"Little flower girl wait!"

I saw him shaking his head, and then confidently said:


"You are always protecting me, Miss Hua, I'm really sorry.

"So today.

"Let me protect you!

"I'll definitely beat them up!"


He also smiled evilly at the raccoon flower.

He has absolute confidence that he can defeat this group of scumbags with his own power!


He has the master's secret technique assistance!

"Then please, Young Master Ling."

Li Hua smiled sweetly and quickly rushed out of the encirclement.

He ran towards Lu Churou.

When the dozen or so cultivators saw this, they did not stop her.

Instead, he breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, Li Hua is the ninth floor of the Qi Sea Realm and is not easy to mess with.

And their goals.

Only Ling Aotian was alone.

"Boy! Just relying on your cultivation in the Spiritual Gathering Realm, you dare to fight a dozen of us alone? Is there something wrong with you?"

"I don't think there is something wrong with him, but his brain is not working well."

"I think it's not that his brain is not good, but that his brain has been arched by pigs."

"I don't think he's got a pig in his head, but a dung beetle has made a home in his head."


"Let's go! Punch him out and don't let him wipe it!"

Whoa! !

A dozen cultivators attacked Ling Aotian like mad dogs.

Ling Aotian immediately squatted and took an attacking stance.


"Do you think I'm a sick cat if you don't show off?

"What a bunch of frogs at the bottom of the well.

"I'll let you know today.

"My Ling Aotian power.

"How powerful!"

In his mind, he called Blackwater:

"Master! Please give me the power to return to the Yuanjing realm!"


A hoarse and immature voice sounded in my mind, and I couldn't distinguish between a woman and a man:

[Demon spirit ring. 】

The voice fell.

Ling Aotian's body was covered by a ring of blue spiritual energy from the top of his head.

When the spirit ring fell to the level of his abdomen.

It shrank suddenly and poured into Dantian.

boom! !

Ling Aotian burst into a powerful momentum in an instant.

This momentum is also mixed with a powerful demon power.

His sudden change.

The monks who were besieged were startled.

"This kid actually hides his strength?!"

"His spiritual power is mixed with powerful demon power. Could it be that he swallowed the demon core?!"

"What! Swallowing the demon core to forcibly increase his strength? He is not afraid of backlash? Aren't he afraid of exploding and dying?"

"His momentum has been rising, and he is about to break through to the Qi Sea Realm!"

"Breakthrough! The first floor of Qi Sea Realm!"

"Second floor!"


Not just a dozen of them.

Even the other people present changed their faces.

And next.

Ling Aotian's rising momentum directly made them doubt life.

"The Qi Sea Realm is on the fourth floor!!"

"It's the fifth floor now!"

"Seventh floor!"

"This kid hasn't stopped, he's still improving his strength!!"

"What?! Is he going to break through?"

"Hey! Ninety-nine floors!!"

"He directly broke through from the Spirit Gathering Realm to the ninth floor of the Qi Sea Realm!!"

"It's terrifying! Is he still breaking through?!"

"Could it be that he wants to break through to the Yuanyuan Realm?!!"

"Across a big realm? How is it possible"

"Return to Yuanjing!!!"

"Fuck! It's the Yuanyuan Realm!!!"

"He really broke through to the Yuanyuan realm!!!"

"It's so scary!!!!!!!!"

almost the same time.

Everyone in the room exploded.

What did they see?

A boy in the spirit gathering realm.

Actually abruptly across a big realm.

Break through directly to the Yuanyuan Realm! ! !

"Could this child come from the nine sects?!"

"It may also come from the Longyu Empire!!"

"It may also come from Xueyuan! The monks there are very evil!!"

Everyone looked at Ling Aotian in horror, thinking about his identity background.

And Juan'er was shocked by Ling Aotian's sudden outburst, her head buzzing.

She was flushed, with a look of obsession.

In his heart, he even worshipped Ling Aotian.

Young Master Ling is so amazing. Really amazing. I can get to know him. I'm really happy.

As for Li Hua and Lu Churou under the city gate.

Although they had already known that Ling Aotian would burst out with the power of Yuanyuan Realm.

But now when I really see it.

Also had to be a little shocked.

But that's about it.

After Ling Aotian burst out, he carefully checked his body.

Then a punch.

The fist was mixed with a surge of spiritual power, and the air made a cracking sound.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

"I, Ling Aotian, are back!!"


He smiled proudly and confidently.

This long-lost power made him regain a sense of security.

So his eyes crossed the crowd and looked at the little flower girl under the city gate.

Evil smile.

raccoon flower: "."

A little speechless, worthy of being a confident male protagonist.

She turned her head and looked at the diary.

Seeing this, Ling Aotian smiled heartily.

I just thought it was the little girl who was shy.

So the rain and dew were soaked, and she looked at Lu Churou.

Another evil smile.

Lu Churou turned a blind eye and looked at the diary in her hand again.

Ling Aotian smiled heartily again, only thinking that Lu Churou was embarrassed.

After all, she is the landlord, and it is really difficult to reveal anything in public.


Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Juan'er.

Seeing her with her hands on her chest, her obsessive eyes contained an indescribable admiration.

He shook his head and gave her a wicked smile.

Juan'er saw it, her legs softened instantly, and she squatted down on the spot.

Seeing Ling Aotian laugh dumbly.

"It seems that Miss Juan'er has fallen in love with me."

"When you go back, let's get closer to her."

"Although she is not as good as the little girl and the landlord."

"But no matter what, she is also the bright-faced person in charge of the Dark Night Tower, and the person in charge of receiving me."

"If I win her, it will definitely be of great help to my future cultivation!"

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