The Villain’s Diary – The Heroine’s Character Crumbles

Chapter 124 Xue Menghan is crazy about me? Did you make a mistake!

clang clang clang clang! ! ! !

The sentry issued a loud and impatient siren.

It resounded throughout Xuecheng.

All the people in the city were suddenly facing a big enemy.

Xue Yuanshan flew out of the City Lord's Mansion with Xue Menghan and Ling Aotian immediately.

It flew to the city wall in an instant.

"Lord City Lord! There are tens of thousands of these monsters!"

A monk reported the situation to Xue Yuanshan in panic.

Xue Yuanshan nodded.

He looked at the group of black monsters from afar.

With a solemn expression, he cupped his hands to the ten thousand monks on the city wall, and asked:

"Everyone! Xue Cheng's survival depends on us!"

Then he waved his majestic hand and ordered in a loud voice:

"Start to follow the plan! Attack on your own!"

The monks who received the order acted quickly.

The monks who looked like team leaders each gave orders to the team behind them:

"Fire Crow Sect disciples obey orders!"

"The disciples of the Wind Lion Sect obey the orders!"

"Thunder Elephant Sect disciples obey orders!"

"Shuilianzong disciple obey orders!"

"The disciples of the Tumu Spirit Temple obey the orders!"

A group of male and female monks in uniform robes held their own sect spiritual weapons.

At the command of the leader;


Boom boom boom!

Bang bang bang!

Whirring whirring!

Haw Haw Haw!

Spiritual arts of various attributes, one after another.

Relentlessly shoot at the monsters.

Beat the monster skin to the flesh.

Some even exploded on the spot, spilling flesh and blood.

all of a sudden.

The battlefield is full of smoke and dust.

The roar and wailing of the monsters resounded through the sky.

on the sky.

Ding Nanrong flew with Jiang Mu and Yu Jian towards Xuecheng.

"Rong'er, hurry up, I'm very worried about Menghan's safety."

Jiang Mu spoke the lines according to the original plot.


Ding Nanrong accelerated the flight speed.

"Rong'er, if Menghan is in danger later, you don't need to worry about me, you must save her, you know."

"do not know."

"Rong'er, you're flying too fast, I'm afraid of falling, can I hold you steady?"

"Catch it."

Very good, the plot went smoothly, and her character was normal.

Jiang Mu stepped forward and wrapped his arms around Ding Nanrong's waist.

Quietly relieved.

Although Ding Nanrong's character is crooked, it is not outrageously crooked.

At least, she did not affect the current demon army siege plot.

Feel her sexy back, smell her faint fragrance.

Jiang Mu felt very appropriate.

The original Ding Nanrong was wearing purple guns.

Just like purple eggplant.

And now.

Her tube top short skirt showed off shoulders and back, showing long white legs.

Subtle and alluring everywhere.

This will take her flying sword, which is more enjoyable than ever.

Jiang Mu was enjoying it.

While recalling the plot of his own appearance later.

"Arrived at Xuecheng."

"I will fall from the sky and save Xue Menghan."

"Then I took advantage of the momentum to lick her."

"Xue Menghan couldn't refuse because of affection, so she had to endure the displeasure and discomfort and forced a smile on me."

"She's so pretty, I'm so happy."

"So I couldn't help but go up to hug her and kiss her."

"As a result, Ling Aotian came out of nowhere and threw me away with one punch."

"I was knocked out on the spot."

"Finally, it was carried to Lihua Pavilion."


"How handsome is the debut, how unlucky is the exit."

"Wait, it's too hard for the villain to lick the dog."

Jiang Mu was angry and helpless.


The two reached the sky above Xuecheng.

Look down.

The pioneers of the demon army, who had originally exceeded 10,000, had been killed or injured by more than half.

Now the remaining five thousand monsters have rushed under the city wall of Xuecheng.

Crazy climbing up.

They stepped on the corpses of their companions and were about to climb the city wall.

"Rong'er, fly down, fly to Menghan's place."

Jiang Mu pointed to the beautiful landscape on the city wall, Xue Menghan.

her at the moment.

Holding a long sword.

He calmly commanded the Wuyou Sect disciples, and kept killing the monsters that climbed up.

"I, Xue Menghan! I will never let you and other monsters step into Xuecheng!"

Xue Menghan repelled a tiger demon with one sword, and several Wuyou Sect disciples immediately surrounded and killed it.

Watching that tiger demon was smashed to pieces.

Xue Menghan felt warm.

"that bastard"

"I am willing to give 90% of my disciples to me"

"Does he really like me?"

"Why hasn't he come yet?"

do not know why.

In Xue Menghan's heart, she was very much looking forward to Jiang Mu's appearance.

Now she really wants to fight with Jiang Mu and protect the people of Xuecheng together.

She even thought about it.

After successfully repelling the demon army, do you want to accept Jiang Mu's pursuit?

Thinking about it, her face flushed.

It also went away.


Suddenly, the roar of a monster came from behind.

Xue Menghan immediately recovered and turned to look.

An eight-armed, red-eyed ape was hitting her with eight big fists at high speed.


Her pupils shrank, and she didn't have time to dodge.

If she was hit by these eight punches, she would definitely be severely injured.

at this time.


Haw-! ! !

A purple lightning bolt shot down from the sky.

The thunder and lightning penetrated the ape's Tianling cover on the spot, and pierced through the hole below it.


After the eight-armed monkey wailed, he died.

Jiang Mu jumped from Ding Nanrong's flying sword.

It landed firmly on the city wall.

"Want to hurt my Menghan? Go rough!"

Jiang Mu kicked the monkey's corpse down the city wall.

Then came to Xue Menghan.

Looking at her affectionately.

"Menghan! I'm sorry, I'm not late!"

Then he gave her a handsome smile.

Good. So handsome!

Xue Menghan's heart suddenly jumped.

She found that Jiang Mu's smile was really handsome.

She was so handsome that her face turned red.

In addition, Jiang Mu handed over the disciples of Wuyou Sect to her.

This is equivalent to handing over the future of the entire Wuyou Sect to her!

So much so that she feels very shy now.

It's the shyness of that kind of lover.

She was so shy that her face was flushed and her ears were burning.

He was still looking at Jiang Mu obsessively, his mind was almost unable to think.

Just like an idiot.



"What’s wrong with you?"

"Is something uncomfortable?"

"Would you like a glass of water?"

Jiang Mu expressed his concern and condolences to Xue Menghan.

However, there was already a curse in his heart.


What's the matter with her!

Is she crazy about me?

Did you make a mistake!

Jiang Mu was really panicked.

Xue Menghan's reaction should have been the kind of person who despised him, but had to force a smile at him.

but now?

She is so crazy.

Even more nympho than her usual nympho!

Damn, this main storyline.

It won't start crooked!

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