Jiang Mu was so angry that he cursed on the spot.

"Damn dog system!"

"Can't I let Lao Tzu go through the plot in peace?"

"Do you have to twist it every time?"

"Do you think it's fun?"

"Really Nima is the shit of a dog!"



Jiang Mu suddenly became violent and scolded.

Hei Shui Sha and Ding Nanrong were startled.

Heishuisha floated in front of his face, wrapped his arms around his neck, and said with a gloomy smile:

"Who do you want to kill, this god helped you skin his dog!"

And Ding Nanrong frowned slightly and asked inexplicably:

"What’s wrong with you."

There was a bit of concern in the cold tone.

Jiang Mu calmed down and explained to the two of them casually:

"It's okay, I just saw that worm's foot and suddenly wanted to curse."

After scolding, I feel much better.

He began to quickly recall the plot in his mind.

in the original plot.


Shahe led 300,000 monsters to attack the southern border of Lizhou.

The purpose is to extend the Monster Beast Mountains to the southern border, and turn the southern border into the area of ​​the monster clan, so as to prepare for the monster clan to invade Lizhou and even the entire Kyushu continent in the future.

Because Shahe learned a lot of information about the southern border.

So he formulated a strategy to separate out 200,000 monsters to outflank the sects and cities on the edge of the southern border.

And the remaining 100,000 attacked Xuecheng.

The 5,000 monks in Xuecheng worked together to cast the 'Heavenly Stream Demon Array' to completely trap the 100,000 monsters.

Will be sleepy all day and night.

At this time tomorrow, half of the 100,000 monsters will be killed.

Only then will Shahe move to Xuecheng's side.

He broke through the formation with worm feet, released the 50,000 high-level monsters that survived, and continued to forcibly attack the city.

At that time, people from Xuanyang Sect will also come to fight against Shahe.

The final result was: the Shahe Demon Army was defeated, Xue Cheng was victorious, and the city owner Xue Yuanshan was killed in battle.

but now?

The stream beam demon formation has not unfolded for a long time.

It was broken in advance by Shahe!

This plot is not so crooked!

Jiang Mu was worried.

"If there is no support."

"Then today."

"Xuecheng will be completely destroyed by these 100,000 monsters!"

"Is this a bird?"

He looked out over the battlefield.

a time.

do not know what to do with it.

Heishuisha suddenly pulled his arm.

Then he turned around and waved to the huge worm feet above the battlefield, and said in a ruthless tone:

"I'll go over there and help you slaughter that worm's foot."

"No, there is no point in killing it now."

Jiang Mu patted her head.

He could sense that Heishui really wanted him to be happy.

But in this situation, even if the worm foot is slaughtered, it will not change the fact that the formation has been broken.


and many more!

Jiang Mu's light flashed.

Heishuisha is also a Void Refinement Realm, and it can actually drag Shahe.

If it can be delayed until tomorrow, the Xuanyang Sect will come.

That's still a little hopeful!

Jiang Mu hugged Heishuisha, happily facing her little face, smacking twice.

"The little cutie is awesome!"

But then began to meditate again.

The key is.

What about the 100,000 monsters?

If it can be cut in half, then the plot can be broken back!

But how to cut it?

At present, there are only more than 10,000 monks in Xuecheng, which is simply impossible.

And Li Hua is a demon clan, so it is impossible for her to mobilize her clansmen to help fight the demon, unless she gives her the transformation and teleportation techniques in exchange, which is still a possibility.

As for Lu Churou, although she can transmit all the power scattered in the Lingyin Kingdom through a special portal to help fight the demon.

But Xuecheng was only one of the strongholds to her. Even if this stronghold was destroyed, it would not be a big loss, so it was impossible for her to do her best to help.

As for Changyu An Meng, her army came later than the Xuanyang Sect's, so she couldn't count on it.


"You are very distressed, what are you thinking about? This God helps you think together."

Heishuisha used his tongue to slip a few times on Jiang Mu's face as a sign of comfort.

Ding Nanrong could also see that Jiang Mu was thinking, so he didn't interrupt the whole process, and just held him in the back to keep him suspended.

"I was thinking, how to reduce the number of monsters by half."

Jiang Mu replied.

Also bring up the Rewards panel.

Quickly thinking about it in my mind.

Take a look at the current rewards and see if you can use them.

【Pretend to be beaten】

【Good waist】

【The body that bears all poisons】

【Transfiguration (Sacred Art)】

【Extreme Flash (Sacred Art)】

【Spiritual Power Stimulation (Spiritual Art)】

【Referring to Thunder (Sacred Art)】

【Sky Falling Star (Sacred Art)】

【The body of fusion of essence and common cultivation】




Maybe this will work!

Jiang Mu thought of a way.

A method that might be able to drastically reduce the number of monsters!

Excited, he said to Heishuisha and Ding Nanrong:

"Little cute! Rong'er! Listen up!"

"We'll go to the battlefield later."

"Rong'er is responsible for protecting me."

"Little cute is responsible for guarding against possible Shahe."

"And I am in charge of destroying the monsters!"

"(Mumbling muttering.)"

at this time.

city ​​wall.

Xue Yuanshan was calm.

Commanding a group of monks to attack the monsters that rushed in.

"Keep the wind spirit art! Disrupt the airflow! Interfere with the air strikes of flying monsters! Fire spirit art cooperates with the attack!"

"Keep the earth spirit art! Turn earth into sand! Stop the advance of slow-footed monsters! Water spirit art cooperates with the attack!"

"Keep the Sound Soul Formation! Cut off all the prying eyes of monsters!"

"There are no long-range spirits! Work together to alternately use the small spirit cannons to keep the spirit cannons attacking continuously!"

It fell one after another with the orderly instructions.

Lots of colorful magic.

Continuously shot from the city wall, and slammed into the battlefield.

Every time the spiritual art is shot down, pieces of monster flesh and blood will be splashed.

And look at the number of monsters that have been reduced a little bit.

Xue Yuanshan couldn't be happy at all.


There are too many monsters!

He had already figured it out.

With the current guard strength of Xuecheng.

It is simply not enough to resist the impact of these 100,000 monsters!

Now the other sect cities in the southern border are too busy to deal with the invasion of the demon army.

It was impossible to support Xue Cheng at all.

If the people of Xuanyangzong fail to arrive in time.

Then within half an hour.

Xuecheng will die!

"Father! With so many monsters, can we resist?"

Xue Menghan was very anxious.

She was concerned about the safety of Xue Cheng.

Now this situation is very unfavorable to Xue Cheng!

The energy and spiritual power of monks are limited.

If you are attacked by monsters in turn.

Then Xue Cheng is likely to end up

She dared not imagine.

Ling Aotian in the distance ran over, smiled and comforted:

"Menghan rest assured!

"I said it last night.

"I, Ling Aotian, will never let you suffer any harm!

"I will be like protecting the girl Juan'er.

"Desperately protect you!"


Also very manly, smiling evilly at Juan'er in the distance.

Seeing that Juan'er was so shy and shy, her sound and spirit technique, which shoots monsters, was useless.

Seeing this, Ling Aotian laughed loudly.

Although Juan'er looks average.

But last night, she turned out to be innately skilled!

He Ling Aotian experienced the true happiness of a man on her body!

Xue Yuanshan said solemnly:

"Master Ling.

"If Xuecheng is lost.

"You take Han'er to evacuate immediately!"

Xue Menghan is in a hurry:

"Father! Daughter wants to stay with you"


Xue Yuanshan ruthlessly refused, he ignored her and continued to command the battle.

"Humph! I won't leave!"

Xue Menghan's eyes were red with anger, and she ran away.

"Han'er! You!"

Xue Yuanshan was furious.

"Don't worry, Lord City Lord, leave Menghan to me!"

Ling Aotian chased after him.

While chasing, he persuaded bitterly:

"Menghan, Lord City Lord is for the sake of your safety, you should listen to him."

"Don't follow me!"

Xue Menghan turned and slashed horizontally, blocking his follow.

Ling Aotian had no choice but to distance himself and follow from a distance.

Xue Menghan came to the round tower.

She picked up a small spirit barrel, which was Xue Cheng's defense weapon, and could only be used normally when it reached the Qi Sea Realm.

But she gathered her spirit, but she mobilized all her spiritual power like a vent.

Start frantically bombarding the monsters on the battlefield.

"I let you invade! All die!!"

Boom boom boom boom! !

A series of spiritual cannons slammed into the bodies of several consecrated monsters, blasting them on the spot.

Xue Menghan also became extremely weak due to excessive consumption.

She put down the barrel of the Xiaoling gun and planned to rest for a while before continuing.

at this time.


A daring storm bird in the enlightened state suddenly swooped down from the sky.

Quickly rushed towards Xue Menghan.


Xue Menghan's complexion changed greatly.

Weak, she couldn't escape at all.

If you are hit, you will definitely die on the spot!


Ling Aotian in the distance screamed in shock, and immediately shot at him, but it was too late.

And Xue Yuanshan, who was always watching her, suddenly widened his eyes, and his heart stopped for a second.


He roared, as if seeing the image of his daughter dying.

Just when the storm bird was one meter away from Xue Menghan.

An arrogant and indifferent voice came from the sky:


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