She smiled.

Where can I find such a great opportunity?


She firmly grasped the future.

Jiang Mu: "!"

Originally he

Now it is the fox soul of the raccoon flower again.

It's just right, take advantage of the fact that Han Yuqing uses the "body of mutual cultivation" to gain her improved cultivation in the future.

In the future, she will break through to the Yuanyuan Realm and the Void Refinement Realm.


Jiang Mu threw the quilt out of the bed, covering the unconscious Xue Menghan.

Then slam Han Yuqing


Jiang Mu condensed a marble-sized blood essence in his heart through the "body of fusion of essence and mutual cultivation".

Sunset on the west mountain, the moon is full of branches.



"Hoo ——————!!!!!!"

Jiang Mu felt a headache.

"What's the original plot? Torturing her and punishing her?"


"No matter how you look at it now, it's a reward for her."

"Oh, it's crooked, the plot is completely crooked."

"It doesn't matter."

As of now, it's useless to think about anything.

Jiang Mu adjusted his mood.

Then click on the Rewards panel.

Check out the effect of 'Merging Essence Together'.

[Reward: The Body of Merging and Cultivating Together

[Introduction: Work for your grandfather.

[You can integrate your own blood essence into the body of other characters. When other characters increase their cultivation, they can get 0~10% of the cultivation.

[Note: The acquired cultivation base can be brought back to the real world after customs clearance.

[Character of melted blood essence:

[①Black Water Evil (Demon God Realm, Zero Turn)

[②Han Yuqing (Qihaijing, ninth floor)

[Accumulated cultivation value: None at the moment]

"Still none."

"Then wait for Han Yuqing to improve her cultivation later, and it should be there."

Jiang Mu was looking forward to it.

Then I felt sore again.

"Damn, this raccoon flower."

"In the future, with women other than her, I will be absorbed by her fox soul."

"It's very raw."

he knows.

The fox soul engraving, in addition to making him infatuated with raccoon flowers, can also absorb his vitality.

As long as he talks to a woman other than Tanuki, his life will be absorbed by the fox soul.

And just one afternoon with Han Yuqing, his life has been absorbed.

Unless you find the real body of Tanuki to remove this part of the fox soul.


Heishuisha, Han Yuqing, and Ding Nanrong, the beast of the flood in the middle and late stages

"Maybe this is because the more you get, the faster you hang up. What's the use of my waist?"

"Wait, you can only see one step at a time."

At this time.

A woman flew in outside the window.

"Rong'er, have you sent Menghan back to the City Lord's Mansion? Why did it take so long? Did something happen to her?"

Jiang Mu retracted his thoughts and hurriedly asked.

The person who came was Ding Nanrong.

During his absorbed life.

Ding Nanrong had already forced Lu Churou back and rushed back.

"Well, she was sent back a long time ago. She was just in an ordinary coma. It's okay."

"That's good."

Jiang Mu breathed a sigh of relief.

Speaking of which, if Xue Menghan hadn't barged in, it would have delayed the raccoon's time.

Then he probably sent it.

Ding Nanrong's face suddenly became solemn and said:

"Just now, I went to the battlefield outside the city and found that Little Cutie was not there."

"Not here? That should be the time to move the battlefield during the battle with Shahe."

Jiang Mu thought so.

After all, it is normal for two cultivators in the Void Refinement Realm to use space spirits to escape.

Although Heishuisha couldn't kill Shahe.

But with her combat experience and divine consciousness in the demon realm.

It is not difficult to hold Shahe.

Ding Nanrong shook her head and said, "I asked City Lord Xue, and he said that from the beginning to the end, there was only Little Cutie above the battlefield, and Shahe did not appear."

Jiang Mu was stunned for a moment: "What's going on?"

Ding Nanrong continued:

"According to Xue Yuanshan's description.

"Little cutie took the initiative to leave the battlefield and went to the south, which is the direction of the Monster Beast Mountains.

"Xue Yuanshan was curious and concerned about Xue Cheng's safety, so he did not hesitate to consume a lot of demon cores to activate the secret treasure to sense her every move.

"But at the same time, I vaguely sensed that there was a flash of blood in the sky, the power of the demons surged into the sky, and the group of demons wailed."

Blood flashes? Demon power soaring to the sky? Howling?

Jiang Mu's expression also became serious.

This kind of situation is no stranger to him who has been reincarnated dozens of times.

That is the unique method of refining sacrifices of the demon clan.

By refining and sacrificing demon beasts, it can condense amazing demon power.

If you absorb this demon power, you can gain explosive power.

Could it be that Sha He was refining and offering sacrifices to his 50,000 demon army? To enhance your own strength?

Shouldn't be possible.

Because without the demon army, Shahe could not occupy Xuecheng at all.

Besides, Sha Bailun didn't allow him to do this.

But anyway.

Now Heishuisha has discovered such an anomaly.

So I took the initiative to go to find out.

"Rong'er, fly me to find her."

Jiang Mu was not at ease and decided to go see Heishuisha.

And through the master-servant relationship, it is easier for him to find the location of Heishuisha.

Ding Nanrong refused:

"No, you have no spiritual power on your body, so you cannot use any spiritual skills."


Jiang Mu just remembered that the cooling time for the use of 'Sky Falling Star' has not ended yet.

However, it will be over in a few hours.

"It's okay, I'll be back in less than two hours."

Before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Ding Nanrong's indifference.

"Then wait for you to recover first, and don't build a dangerous wall."


Go to the guest bedroom.

Close your eyes and meditate on the futon.


All right.

no way.

What Ding Nanrong, a personal maid, decided, even his Sect Master could not change.

So had to sit and wait.

Um. Take this time to finish writing the diary that was not finished today.

So cover Han Yuqing with the quilt, then get up and get dressed.

Go to the table again and call out the diary.

Write it up.

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