? ?

Ding Nanrong looked at him strangely:

"You can't even win against me, yet you say you are sure to deal with Shahe?"

In this questioning tone, he almost asked directly: Are you not sick?


Jiang Mu replied with certainty.

He is really sure.

Because of the 'Hunyuan's body'!

At that time, if there is any danger.

Then as long as the black water evil is integrated into his body, he can deal with the sand river.

Jiang Mu organized the wording.

Explain to Ding Nanrong the role of 'Hunyuan's return to one body':

"Rong'er, do you remember what I told you?

"I was spotted by an expert before, who gave me Qudu Pill and taught me a lot of abilities.

"One of the abilities is that I can integrate a person into my body!

"In this way, I can obtain this person's cultivation realm, spiritual skills, etc.

"If I encounter any danger, I can integrate the little cutie into my body.

"Or you can do it.

"No matter how bad it is, Rong Han Yuqing will do.

"And after another hour, my spiritual power will be restored, and I can teleport and escape at any time.

"So don't worry, I won't be in any danger."


Ding Nanrong's eyes widened, she couldn't believe it:

"You mean incorporating other people into you?

"And gain other people's abilities?

"How can this be."

But suddenly thought again.

He could resurrect her, Han Yuqing, and Heishuisha.

After being resurrected, they even gave them magical abilities such as "Forcing Iron Body", "Void God Hidden" and "Soul Book".

Then put people into the body or something.

No wonder.

"Okay, let's go."

She agreed to take Jiang Mu to find Heishuisha.

"Huh? Oh, okay."

Jiang Mu didn't expect her promise to be so straightforward, without questioning.

"Husband! I'm going too."

At this time, Han Yuqing, who was sleeping, woke up.

In fact, she woke up a long time ago, and she heard the conversation between the two just now.

She lifted the quilt and got up to put on a dress.

However, due to a burst of soreness, he could not stand firm, and the whole person sat down on the ground weakly.

Jiang Mu walked over and helped her red Guoguo sit beside the bed.

Then take the quilt over her snow-white body full of horrific scars.

"Go get a hammer, you can't even stand still."

Jiang Mu didn't let her go, it's better to do more than less.

"Hey, it's all my husband's fault, it's red and swollen."

Han Yuqing smiled awkwardly.

Deliberately facing Jiang Mu's legs, it proved to be really red and swollen.

Her eyes were full of spring, and she looked like a shy little woman:

"When the husband comes back, I have to rub it, it hurts~"

Cross your legs again.

Jiang Mu: "."

Ding Nanrong glanced at it: ".(caused by insufficient water)"

"Rong'er, it's not too late, let's go and fly out of the window."

Jiang Mu didn't know what Han Yuqing was talking about, so he turned around and walked towards the window.

Ding Nanrong nodded.

She took out the water lotus sword from Najie, threw the sword out of the window, and pinched Yin Jue.

The water lotus sword gradually grew larger and was suspended in mid-air.

She jumped up.

Jiang Mu also climbed up the window, jumped onto the sword, and stood behind her and hugged her waist tightly.

"Rong'er, full speed."


Ding Nanrong mobilized his spiritual power and flew with all his strength.

call out!

In a blink of an eye.

The two of them turned into an afterimage and flew towards the Monster Beast Mountains at high speed.

"Husband! Sister Rong! You have to pay attention to safety!"

Han Yuqing waved and warned.

At this moment, there was a rapid knock on the door.

boom! boom! boom! boom!

Also accompanied by crying.


"Open the door!"

"I want to see you!"


Is this voice Xue Menghan?

Han Yuqing put on the quilt and covered all the scars below the collarbone.

Then he limped to the door of the room.


open the door.

I saw a young and beautiful girl in a green dress, Xue Menghan.

However, at this moment, Xue Menghan's eyes were red and her face was full of eagerness.

"Sister Menghan, what's the matter with you?"


Xue Menghan did not respond to Han Yuqing, and rushed into the room directly.

"Where are you, Jiang Mu! Where are you! Come out!"

She searched around and couldn't find Jiang Mu's figure.

Just spun around in a hurry.

"Menghan sister, what are you doing with your husband?"

After Han Yuqing closed the door, she helped Xue Menghan sit on the edge of the bed.

"I'm looking for Jiang Mu. I want to beg him"

Xue Menghan held Han Yuqing's hand tightly and was completely speechless.

She wanted to say: I want to ask him to save my father!

But it was blocked by Heaven.

In fact, when she saw in the diary that the result of the demon army's siege was that the city lord Xue Yuanshan would be killed in action.

Her whole person was like a thunderbolt from the blue, and her tears fell like rain in an instant.

She cried and persuaded Xue Yuanshan, hoping that he would leave Xuecheng with her.

This avoids the end of death.

But Xue Yuanshan sternly rejected her, saying that as the lord of a city, he could not leave the people behind.

Xue Menghan thought about it for a long time and didn't know what to do.

So he ran to Lihua Pavilion.

She didn't know how to change the ending.

But intuition told her.

If you look for Jiang Mu, there may be a turning point.

"Sister Yuqing! Tell me where Jiang Mu is! I want to find him! Woohoo"

Xue Menghan was so anxious that she burst into tears again, and her voice became choked up.

Han Yuqing wiped away her tears warmly.

"My husband has left for something, you can tell me, and I will tell him when my husband comes back."

"I, I. I can't tell! You can't see it either! Woo hoo woo"

Xue Menghan cried and opened the diary, and poked a certain line of words on it for Han Yuqing to see.

She hated this shattering way so much that she wouldn't let her share the information in her diary, and she wouldn't let others see her diary.

Han Yuqing didn't know why.

Unable to speak? I can't see it?

Seeing Xue Menghan's vigorous poking into the void, Han Yuqing felt more and more strange.

Huh? and many more.

Xue Menghan is the first heroine, will she also have a diary?

Han Yuqing guessed.

After all, even the black water evil of the third heroine has it, and even herself and Ding Nanrong have it.

Then Xue Menghan has a high probability!

Han Yuqing immediately called out the diary and quickly found the content related to Xue Menghan.

When you see a line of words:

[.As a result, the Shahe Demon Army was defeated, Xuecheng was victorious, and the city owner Xue Yuanshan was killed in battle. 】

The city lord Xue Yuanshan was killed in battle.

Could it be that.

It's because Xue Menghan knew the fate of his father's death

So you came to find Jiang Mu?

Does she want to change the ending?

Isn't this just like a cute little one?

Han Yuqing closed the diary and tried to ask:

"Sister Menghan, are you looking for your husband because of your father?"

"That's right! My dad is. Woohoo!!"

Xue Menghan couldn't speak again.

So he was so angry that he threw the diary in his hand and cried even louder.

Look at her like this.

Han Yuqing has confirmed that Xue Menghan also has a diary.

In fact, no matter whether Xue Menghan has a diary or not, it is a fact that she is the first heroine.

Then can he win her over and let her help him attack Xuanyangzong in the future?

Furthermore, if she were to become Jiang Mu's woman again.

Then don't I have another close good sister?

Hey, just do it!

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