
open the door.

"Husband, here I come."

"I'm hiding~"

Han Yuqing, who was invisible, entered Jiang Mu's room.

"Huh? Husband, why are you shining?"

She was surprised to see that Jiang Mu's body was exuding light.

"Oh, these rays are cutie, she's coming out of me."

Jiang Mu, who was lying flat, replied.

Because of the effect of 'Hunyuan's return to one body' is over.

Therefore, Heishuisha was continuously oozing out of his skin in the form of light, gathered beside him, and slowly formed a human shape.


A little loli with white double ponytails, blindfolded with white gauze, wearing a pleated skirt and legs crossing knee white socks.

Qiaosheng lay beside Jiang Mu all his life.

Heishuisha slowly opened his eyes, and suddenly felt a wave of tiredness.


she stretched

"Bastard, I'm so sleepy."

Black Water rubbed his eyes.

Then turned over and sat on Jiang Mu.

"Bastard, I don't seem to be able to use magic?"

She clenched her fist, and the fist was weak and unable to use any ability or magic.

"Don't worry, this is a side effect of the 'Hunyuan Reunited Body'."

Jiang Mu explained:

"In the next period of time, you won't be able to use any spiritual skills or abilities. Just like me, we are considered to be in a state of mortals."

"Is that so?"

Heishuisha nodded, expressing understanding.


She opened her mouth again and gave a long yawn.

Due to the side effects of 'Hunyuan Returning to One Body', she became more and more sleepy.

"Bastard, I want to sleep now, I'll let you go tonight."

Said the whole person squatted down.

Still muttering lazily:


Jiang Mu: ?

Han Yuqing: ?

The two did not understand the meaning of Heishuisha.

But Heishuisha's next actions made them understand in an instant.

I saw the little hand of Heishuisha

She sat down slowly, and slept beautifully on her stomach.

Jiang Mu: If I hadn't had a 'good waist', I would probably not be able to sleep later.

Han Yuqing: Wow~ How could this be possible? I learned another trick!


Jiang Mu was also tired, even more sleepy than Heishuisha.

"Wife, didn't you say you learned some tricks, come on."

He also closed his eyes and fell asleep.

"Okay, I promise to let my husband fall into a happy dreamland! Hehehe~"

Han Yuqing smiled.

She took out a white bottle with five words written on it: Baby Sleeping Glass Liquid.

This is a bottle of high-grade sleeping elixir, suitable for all ages, with quick effects and no side effects.

She poured a mouthful into Jiang Mu's mouth.


Although Jiang Mu didn't know what it was, Han Yuqing would never harm him.

So just swallow it.

"My husband is so nice."

Han Yuqing gave him a slap in the face as a reward.


She lifted him up from behind with both hands

Her five fingers are attached with weak spiritual energy, twisting from time to time.

Her scarred...

"Sleep, sleep, good husband, sleep, baby~"

She also sang softly and softly like a song to coax a child.

This is what she learned from a book called "The Three Hundred and Sixty Laws of the Husband under the Skirt".

And the method used now is called: The Infant Sleeping Method of the Husband under the Skirt.

It is said that it can relieve fatigue and sleep deeply like a baby.

Combined with 'Infant Sleeping Glass Liquid', the effect is even better.

No, in just one cup of tea, Jiang Mu fell asleep and became a dead pig.

"Hey, I fell asleep completely."

Han Yuqing smiled awkwardly and took out a bottle of 'Fragrance of Happy Birds'.

This bottle of love incense is extracted from a group of happy birds.

In addition to the reproduction of Cui Jin's group of happy birds.

also make people

Even if you fall asleep...

"Little cutie, I'm sorry, I'll use my husband."

Han Yuqing hugged Heishuisha.


Then put the black water evil aside.

When she was about to smear Jiang Mu with love, she was suddenly stunned.


"It seems that husband doesn't need the fragrance of love anymore."

Then put away the 'group of happy birds and love fragrance'.

At this time.

Heishuisha, who was sleeping beside him, kicked his calf, as if he was looking for something.

The mouth still muttered from time to time:


Han Yuqing thought for a while.

He took one out of the ring.

"My little sweetheart, have a good night's sleep~"


Just in case, he took out the 'Yingmian Glass Liquid' and poured a sip on Heishuisha.

Then moved her aside.

"Hey, get it done!"

Han Yuqing was very satisfied looking at the two sleeping like dead pigs.

"Then next."

"Just call Sister Menghan over here."


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