
Xue Menghan boarded the private spaceship.

She shyly jetted towards the Worriless Sect.

【Oh shit. 】

[After enjoying the roast lamb tonight, I'll go find Hu Xinyue's beaker tomorrow, shit. 】

Fox Xinyue: Little guy, are you finally coming to release the fox soul?

Little girl with fox ears: Come and help me turn back into an adult! I want to bully my stupid sister!

Fox Heart Moon:?

Clap clap!

Little girl with fox ears: Whoa whoa whoa.

[As for the following plot? 】

[Shit! 】

[Whoever wants to go will go, shit. 】

Worry-free sect.

In the backyard of the Sovereign Hall, in the spaceship room.

Jiang Mu closed the diary.

Quietly waiting for the reward.

"Writing so little, I guess there is no reward."


After waiting for 5 minutes, I didn't get the system sound.

"It must be because the content of the diary is too watery and there is no plot, so there is no reward."

"What a shit system."

Then recall the diary.

Write the plot in a long and large scale.

【Um. 】

[The plot of the demon army's siege is the end of the first volume and the beginning of the second volume. 】

[In the original plot. 】

[Today, two support teams will come to Xuecheng, namely the people from Xuanyangzong and the army from the Changyu Empire. 】

[After the people from Xuanyangzong arrived first, they did not immediately support Xue Cheng, but used the concealment formation to hide. 】

[After the demon army and Xue Cheng had almost killed each other, and secretly attacked Xue Yuanshan and killed him, the Xuanyangzong gang came out to kill the demon army and occupy Xue Cheng, and the fisherman profited. 】

[However, there is a sixth child behind the fisherman. 】

[That is the evil cultivator of Blood Abyss. 】

[Xuanyangzong thought that he had occupied Xuecheng, but was attacked by the evil cultivators of Xueyuan. The two sides fought to the death and suffered heavy casualties. 】

[Finally, Changyu Anmeng's army arrived, destroyed the evil cultivators, and saved Xuanyangzong. 】

[As a result, the empress won the favor of Xuanyangzong, and also gained Xuecheng, a big city that is the 'first line of defense against demons for the human race'. 】

[Xue Cheng, it is of great strategic significance for the Longyu Empire to unify the Kyushu and attack the Yaozu in the future. 】

【have to say. 】

[Changyu Anmeng, the stupid empress, dared to cooperate secretly with Xueyoulei, the lord of the blood abyss, to use Xueyoulei's evil cultivator to kill Xuanyangzong, and then in turn destroy the evil cultivator, and finally harvest Xuecheng. Courageous and strategic. 】

Long Yu An Meng: Say I'm stupid again? interesting.

【Later, Fang Yasong, the suzerain of Xuanyang Sect, was very angry because Xue Cheng, a duck that reached its beak, flew away. 】

【He couldn't swallow this breath. 】

【That's why I vented my anger on Wuyouzong. 】

[Because Han Yuqing is the proud daughter of Xuanyangzong, but she married someone privately and did not report to the sect, so Fang Yasong used this as a crime and asked Wuyouzong to hand over Han Yuqing and abolish her. of cultivation. 】

[Damn it, speaking of Fang Yasong, in the Battle of the Monster Beast Mountain Range three years ago, 90% of the disciples of the Wuyou Sect died, and this scumbag was responsible. 】

[He is still a beast, and the disaster has destroyed countless women. 】

Library Pavilion.

The top floor of the eighth floor, inside the study.

The warm morning light shines into the window and falls on the desk full of ancient scrolls.

Han Yuqing was sitting in front of the desk, holding an animal bone pen and correcting the sect's internal affairs scroll.

I am very happy because I have received the help of Xue Menghan.

He was so happy that he changed the scroll while humming a cheerful little tune.

I've hummed it dozens of times.

"Change, change, change the scroll,

"I'm a little expert,

"Draw a circle, draw a tick,

"I'll pick my husband's mouth."

Each batch of internal affairs scrolls has been revised.

She glanced at "Jiang Mu's Private Diary" next to her.


When seeing the words "Fang Yasong" and "scourge destroys women".

The animal bone pen in his hand clicked! It was broken into two pieces.

"Fangya Pine"


"Hey hey hey"

Han Yuqing squinted her eyes and smiled cunningly, her body gradually began to tremble uncontrollably.

In my mind, a picture from my childhood gradually emerged:

[It was a sunny afternoon after the rain, the rainbow in the sky was beautiful, the breeze was cool, the birds on the tree were washing their feathers, the crazy mother hung her upside down under the tree, and used a spiky wet Vitex, whip after whip on her young stump:

"I'll kill you little bastard hehehe, you and that bastard are both bastards hehehe, I'll beat you to death, die to death, die to death."",

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