at the same time.

Women who have a diary almost always open the diary to read.

Fox Xinyue: Why is he feeling sad?

Little girl: Huh, what does this mean? I don't understand.

Han Yuqing: Wow! Husband is so talented~

Ding Nanrong: Well written.

Xue Menghan: 'You are gone', the bastard is thinking of me, hehehehe~

[Envy the intelligence of sucking. 】

[? ? Hard to find again. 】

[Alas! 】

[The fox girls in Jiuyou are all coquettish. 】

[The peerless enchantress is in full bloom. 】

[Youyue's silver light covers the stars. 】

【Bichun's plot is still going on. 】

Fox Heart Moon:? ? ?

Little girl: I understand the next few sentences! Yao Ji refers to the stupid sister, You Yue refers to me, and Bi Chun refers to that stupid*!

Meilin Huajian.

The progress of the meeting has come to an end, and the fox girls began to disperse one after another.

Fox Xinyue and the little girl on the plum blossom bed looked at each other after seeing "Bichun's conspiracy is still going on" in the diary.

A question arose in my mind:


They looked at Hu Bichun under the bed at the same time, with suspicious expressions on their faces.

Hu Bichun flicked her long hair straight, and her long and narrow fox eyes showed pride:

"What are you looking at, have you never seen a beautiful woman?"

"Look stupid*."

"You're stupid*! Childish!"

"Big stupid *slightly slightly slightly."


"Big stupid *slightly slightly slightly."


"Big stupid *slightly slightly slightly."

"Oh, I'm too lazy to waste time scolding you, I'm going back to have some fun."

Hu Bichun is about to perform space spirit art and plans to leave.

But before leaving, she intentionally or unintentionally asked:

"By the way, that handsome young man named Jiang Mu is very handsome, why don't you come out to feast on my old lady's eyes, where did you hide him?"

"Tibetan Pavilion is a little bit."

"Oh, childish ghost."

"Big stupid *slightly slightly slightly."


Hu Bichun didn't scold back.

She glanced at the little girl, and an undetectable jealousy flashed in her eyes.

Fox fairy blood?

Want to return to the adult recovery state?

Breaking through to the fairyland?

Pooh! wishful thinking!

As long as you kill that man named Jiang Mu, you will continue to be childish until you die!

When I break through to the fairyland in the future, I will immediately abolish the cultivation of your two sisters!

Throw you into the kennel again!

Jie! Jie! Jie! Jie! .

Hu Bichun turned around, with a smirk on her face, cast her space spirit spell and left.

"Stupid sister, catch her!"

"Don't catch it for the time being, so as not to startle the snake. The most urgent thing is to enter the Glazed Wonderland to find the Immortal Soul Stone and solve the problem of the ancestor's soul."

"Oh, I actually think so too, I'm so smart."

"Yes, yes, you are the smartest."

Hu Xinyue knocked on the little girl's head, speechless and spoiled.

She continued to read the diary, hoping that Jiang Mu would write more information about Hu Bichun.

But I saw such a line of words.

[Wipe, you have to arrange a certain amount. 】

The little girl asked puzzledly, "Why?"

Fox Xinyue showed a sly smile: "Because his level is low, he can't bear it."

In the fragrant bedroom.

Jiang Mu began to feel hot all over.

So I had to suspend writing the diary and call Heishuisha.

"Little cutie, come out."

He forgot one thing earlier.

Hu Xinyue's realm is at the peak of the Void Refining Realm, and her fox rut effect is the strongest among the fox clan.

But he, who was only in the spirit-gathering realm, was two big realms behind her, so he couldn't bear it.

"Little cutie, it's time to cook."

【coming! 】

Heishuisha, who was in the ring, suddenly woke up from the state of meditating.

She quickly turned into a white mist and drilled out.

The white mist changes in confusion.

In the end, it turned into a little loli with white double ponytails, white knee high socks, white pleated miniskirt, and white gauze eyes.





"Little cutie, you are so cute."

Jiang Mu continued to write his diary on the table.

[Speaking of Hu Bichun's conspiracy. 】

【Her ultimate goal is to absorb the soul of the fox fairy and break through to the fairy fairyland in one fell swoop. 】

Fox Heart Moon:! ! !

Little girl: Huh? That bitch! ! !

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