The villain's side of the novel

35 Energy crystal mine

------Lifasy city 

The middle-aged man, covered in dirt and exhaustion, raced through a dimly lit tunnel adorned with numerous magical lamps. Each frantic step brought him closer to the radiant white light beckoning at the tunnel's end. Finally emerging from the cave, his eyes fell upon a sprawling encampment dominated by a grand tent. With newfound determination, he set his sights on the tent, its flaps billowing gently in the wind.

Despite the presence of vigilant knights guarding the entrance, the man encountered no obstacles as he hurried inside. Upon entering, he discovered a heavy-set middle-aged man seated at a simple desk, surrounded by a clutter of papers.

"Sir, sir, we have found it!" the man exclaimed, his voice trembling with excitement.

The man at the desk looked up, shock evident in his features as he questioned, "What? Are you certain?"

"Yes, sir. I am absolutely certain," the dirt-covered man affirmed, his voice brimming with conviction.

Without hesitation, the heavy-set man rose from his seat, his eyes gleaming with anticipation. Together, they exited the tent and ventured back into the tunnel, their faces radiant with hope and excitement.

As they neared the tunnel's end, a group of workers awaited the heavy-set man, their smiles reflecting their satisfaction at a job well done. Unperturbed by their presence, he forged ahead, fixated on his ultimate destination.

Finally, the heavy-set man stood at the precipice, his eyes widening in astonishment. Before him yawned an immense abyss, its depths concealed from sight. The walls of the abyss were adorned with countless colossal, sparkling white jewels—Energy Crystals of extraordinary size.

"Hahahaha! The child was right! Hahaha! The Prada family shall rise once more!" The heavy-set man erupted into boisterous laughter, his gaze locked onto the awe-inspiring sight before him.

Idar Parada, entrusted by Fray with the mission in Lifasy City, had endured numerous hardships along the way. The family responsible for the city had demanded an exorbitant price for the Nurayn mountain range that Fray sought to acquire. This setback had drained the Parada trade hall's entire budget, plunging Idar into profound distress.

During his journey, Idar's resentment towards Fray had swelled. However, now all his animosity evaporated, for he realized that this could potentially be the largest crystal mine on the entire continent. The meager sum he had invested in acquiring it paled in comparison to its true market value.


In the waters of Iskar City, amidst the raging waves and ominous dark clouds, chaos ensued. Magic projectiles streaked through the air, and the sea resonated with the echoes of battle—blood staining its once pristine surface. Ships engaged in a fierce confrontation, their cannons thundering as they unleashed relentless barrages of cannonballs upon one another.

On a majestic wooden vessel, a man in his thirties, emanating an air of authority, listened intently as one of the sailors delivered a grim report. "Captain, we have lost the third ship, and the fourth ship has sustained severe damage. The second and fifth ships won't hold out much longer. Our wounded exceed twenty, and the number of casualties remains unknown."

The captain, his thoughts racing, gazed at the violent clash between his forces and the marauding pirates. The strength displayed by the pirates far exceeded that of ordinary seafaring plunderers. Their advanced ships, armed with formidable cannons, coupled with the presence of skilled magicians within their ranks, indicated the backing of a powerful entity.

"Impossible for a mere band of pirates to possess such power... Someone influential must be supporting them," the captain pondered, his eyes fixed on the

 battleground unfolding before him.

Giam Parada had been assigned a task by Fray—to eliminate sea monsters and procure unique materials found in the depths of the ocean. Additionally, Fray had provided Giam with information about a group of pirates planning to infiltrate Iskar's waters, with a direct order to eliminate their leader and bring an end to their menace.

As Giam embarked on his mission, he unexpectedly encountered the pirates described by Fray. To his dismay, their strength surpassed all expectations. Armed with advanced ships and aided by formidable magic, they summoned sea monsters to attack Giam's fleet, causing significant losses. Two of Giam's ships had already fallen, while the opposing pirates still commanded six formidable battleships. Faced with this daunting reality, Giam resolved to engage in the battle personally.

"Sea spirit Pontus," Giam uttered in a low voice.

With a solemn and resonant voice, Giam uttered the words that triggered a remarkable transformation. The air crackled with energy as his once handsome countenance contorted, morphing into a visage that inspired both awe and trepidation. His sun-kissed complexion darkened into an obsidian hue, mirroring the depths of the fathomless sea. His sharp, piercing eyes retained their human essence but now bore a glint of otherworldly wisdom, shimmering like the ever-shifting waves.

As Giam's gaze traveled downward, his transformation became even more striking. The lower half of his body underwent a profound metamorphosis, reshaping into a magnificent fish-like tail that glistened with an ethereal sheen. Its scales, iridescent in shades of cerulean and emerald, rippled with a mesmerizing play of light.

His once expressive face fused with aquatic features, blending human and piscine characteristics in a haunting convergence. His nose elongated, taking on a streamlined contour reminiscent of a powerful aquatic creature. From his temples sprouted fin-like protrusions, gracefully arching backward, enhancing his already formidable presence.

Yet, despite this monstrous amalgamation, Giam exuded an undeniable aura of authority and command. His newfound form exuded an air of regality, as if he were an embodiment of the ocean's untamed might and wisdom.

Pontus, a fifth-rank fusion-type spirit, bestowed Giam with a single skill—Ocean Lord:

[Skill: Ocean Lord

Rank: ★★★★

Description: When near the ocean, you can manipulate seawater.]

Pontus, the spirit whose essence now coursed through Giam's veins, granted him an unparalleled mastery over the ocean's depths. He had become a vessel for the very essence of the sea—a force to be reckoned with in the realm of maritime power. The harmonious fusion between Giam and Pontus epitomized the convergence of mortal and elemental, their combined strength evoking both terror and respect.

As Giam leaped into the surging waters, the very sea seemed to respond in kind. The waves, once turbulent, now stirred with purpose and anticipation. The water, now imbued with the essence of Pontus, moved in perfect synchrony, beckoning their newfound master forward.

A crescendo of power surged through Giam's veins as the colossal whirlpool of water spiraled upward. It coalesced, rising in magnificent unity, until it solidified into a gargantuan humanoid form composed entirely of undulating seawater. The towering figure stood as a testament to Giam's dominion over the ocean—a titan summoned to face the encroaching enemy.

Within the towering avatar, Giam stood, his gaze fierce and resolute, surveying the bewildered pirates with an icy demeanor. He had become the embodiment of the ocean's wrath—a guardian of its depths, prepared to unleash its fury upon any who dared defy its sovereignty.

As torrents of seawater surged skyward, they amassed behind the colossal watery form, manifesting as a formidable arsenal of titanic cannons. The air crackled with the immense power harnessed within each liquid projectile, as if the very sea had conspired to become an instrument of devastation.

The pirates, their eyes wide with disbelief, bore witness to this awe-inspiring manifestation. The color drained from their faces, their audacious bravado giving way to a profound realization—they stood before an adversary of unprecedented might, a force capable of unleashing the unyielding power of the ocean itself.

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