The villain's side of the novel

40 The reason for the re-ranking

Parada Palace, a sprawling estate, encompassed a network of magnificent facilities. Each branch boasted its own dedicated set of servants and a carefully allocated budget. The vastness of Parada Palace was a testament to the family's influence and affluence. Every member of the esteemed Parada family had their own residence within the palace grounds, emphasizing their individuality and status. However, at the heart of the palace, stood the main facility, a grand structure where the head of the family resided. Within its opulent walls, decisions were made, power emanated, and the legacy of the Parada family was carefully preserved.


Three days later, in the main branch of Parada Palace, specifically in the head of the family's bedroom, Fray suddenly woke up from his sleep. His expression was tense, and sweat covered his face, indicating that his sleep was far from restful. Lately, Fray had been engrossed in his research, depriving himself of much-needed sleep. Now, his exhaustion caught up with him, and he craved rest.

As Fray awakened from his restless sleep, 

Summoning his strength, Fray pushed himself upright on the expansive, white bed. Then, he reached out towards the small table beside the bed, his hand grasping a small golden bell, its gleaming surface catching the light.

With a gentle ring, Fray used the bell to call for assistance, breaking the silence of the room. The sound reverberated through the air, dissipating into the surrounding stillness.

Less than thirty seconds later, a knock resonated from the door, breaking the tranquil ambiance. The sound was crisp and precise, carrying a sense of urgency. Fray's gaze turned towards the entrance, anticipation in his eyes.

"Enter," Fray commanded, his voice firm yet devoid of emotion.

The door creaked open, revealing a young man with vibrant red hair standing on the threshold. A warm, wide smile graced his face as he stepped into the room, exuding an air of eagerness. The sunlight caught the highlights in his hair, casting a fiery glow around him.

"Casper? Where is Montaser?" Fray inquired, his tone direct and focused.

"Oh! Sir, you know my name! This is a great honor," Casper replied with an exuberant enthusiasm, his smile growing wider, almost bordering on cheeky.

Fray's gaze remained cool and impassive, piercing through Casper's cheery facade. Silence stretched between them, and Casper's smile faltered slightly, a hint of nervousness flickering across his features.

Clearing his throat, Casper composed himself. "Kh Kh Kh, he's already set out to do the task you gave him, sir," he responded, attempting to hide his nervousness behind a forced cough.

Fray's expression remained unchanged, his gaze fixed upon Casper. Unspoken expectations seemed to hang in the air, silently demanding seriousness and precision.

"Alright," Fray replied curtly, his voice conveying a hint of indifference. "Are there any important letters?"

Casper's demeanor shifted slightly, a flicker of professionalism overcoming his previous exuberance. "Yes, sir. Master Idar has sent the quantity of Energy Crystals you requested and mentioned that he will be ready to start extracting in large quantities very soon. Rin also sent a letter, stating that they have completed their mission and will be returning soon. Additionally, Nizar sent a letter indicating that three individuals from The Shield Union left the Niram Empire yesterday, and they are now heading to Iskar City," Casper reported, providing the essential information succinctly.

Fray's mind churned, processing the news with a mixture of annoyance and anticipation. The Shield Union's fear and response to the dungeon's rank increase crossed his thoughts. Yet, he knew their understanding was flawed, unaware of the true reason behind the dungeon's awakening.

"Okay, inform the chef to prepare breakfast," Fray instructed, his voice cool and collected.

Fray proceeded to take a shower, have his breakfast, and then made his way to the chemistry hall. His ongoing research focused on two crucial aspects: inscribing runes onto living creatures and completing Yassine's invention. Fray believed that this invention would have a significant impact on the warriors in this world.

As Fray entered the chemistry hall, his gaze fell upon the corner of the room where the energy crystals were kept. The room was dimly lit, casting a mysterious glow on the crystals, highlighting their iridescent hues. The crystals sparkled with a captivating radiance, each one pulsating with raw energy.

With a commanding gesture, Fray summoned the Cemetery Army. Like an otherworldly phenomenon, thousands of insects materialized from the void, their translucent wings fluttering in unison. They moved with an eerie grace, their slender bodies shimmering in the ambient light.

As the insects drew closer to the energy crystals, a palpable anticipation filled the air. The crystals seemed to respond to their presence, emitting faint vibrations. The insects, guided by an innate knowledge, surrounded the crystals in a mesmerizing dance, forming an intricate pattern of movement.

With delicate precision, the insects extended their proboscises towards the crystals, connecting with their vibrant energy. The moment of contact was electrifying, as a surge of power flowed from the crystals to the insects. The room resonated with a faint hum, as if the very fabric of reality acknowledged the exchange taking place.

As the energy coursed through their ethereal bodies, the insects underwent a subtle transformation. Their translucent forms flickered with a newfound luminosity, their movements becoming more synchronized. The air around them crackled with an otherworldly energy, as if the room itself was charged with their newfound power.

Fray observed the spectacle with a mix of fascination and reverence. The scene before him was a testament to the interconnectedness of life and energy. It was a mesmerizing display of nature's secrets unfolding before his very eyes.

Gradually, as the insects absorbed the energy from the crystals, their movements slowed, and a serene stillness settled over the room. The once-vibrant crystals now appeared dull and drained, their energy transferred to the Cemetery Army.

With a final collective shudder, the insects detached themselves from the crystals and began to fade back into the ethereal realm from which they came. One by one, they dissolved into thin air, leaving behind only a faint trace of their presence.

"Their evolution seems to require more time this time," Fray remarked.

Undeterred, Fray continued his research and witnessed tremendous progress. It appeared that he would soon be able to apply his theory of rune-writing to living beings.

Knock, knock, knock.

"Enter," Fray called out.

Casper entered the room, still wearing his foolish smile, and spoke, "Sir, Mr

. Adam has sent a message."

"Okay, thanks," Fray replied, accepting the letter from Casper.

Within the letter, Fray found a single sentence that caught his attention.

"They are still too weak to pass through the gate. I cannot bring them back."

"Casper, summon Norman," Fray instructed after reading the letter.

"What? Why? Could it...?" Casper started to question, but was interrupted by Fray's silence.

"Kh Kh Kh, alright, sir," Casper responded, quickly leaving the room.

An hour later, Norman entered the room and took a seat across from Fray. His expression was dazed as Fray handed him a document.

"This...!" Norman exclaimed in haste after reading the document.

"Yes, from now on, your team will operate under my direct command," Fray declared.

"Alright, sir. We are at your command," Norman replied with a serious expression.

"HaHaHa, cool! Finally, some action," Casper interjected, standing behind Fray with excitement.

Fray remained silent, while Norman and Casper exchanged uncertain glances.

"Kh Kh Kh..." Casper chuckled nervously.

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