Montaser engaged in a fierce battle with the leaders, exchanging powerful strikes. Out of the seven leaders, only four remained alive, indicating Montaser's upper hand in the fight.

"Damn it," Kamal muttered with a stiff expression, realizing that he had severely underestimated Montaser's newfound strength. Montaser had grown significantly more powerful than Kamal remembered.

"Let's use the formations," suddenly, a masked man suggested.

"Okay, let's deploy them," Kamal agreed.

Montaser observed as the leaders took out several peculiarly-shaped papers and tore them close to their bodies. Instantly, the majority of the leaders experienced a surge in power akin to an entire kingdom. Kamal and the leader of the mercenaries transformed into warriors from the Eighth Kingdom, while the others gained power from the Seventh Kingdom.

"Then, let's give it a try," Montaser thought, realizing that he could no longer defeat them using conventional strategies after witnessing their inexplicable power increase. He felt he had no choice but to resort to a different approach.

Suddenly, mysterious writing in an unfamiliar language appeared on Montaser's forehead. The word emitted a powerful golden light, and his eyes transformed into a golden yellow hue. He began to levitate in space, observing the leaders with a cold expression.

Meanwhile, in a concealed location amidst the bushes, a voice emanated from a blue stone.

"This... this is not a battle," a voice exclaimed in horror.

"It's a massacre!" another voice added, filled with dread.

"We underestimated the Prada family so much," the distributor sighed in a hushed tone as he witnessed the one-sided slaughter unfolding before his eyes.

The spectators were shocked by the terrifying power displayed by the Prada family. Their army comprised formidable warriors and powerful magicians, ranging from the Second Kingdom to even the Fifth, Sixth, and Seventh Kingdoms. With such an army, they could easily decimate an ordinary force of a hundred thousand soldiers. However, now they were effortlessly annihilating the enemy's army with only twelve fighters. The sheer brutality of the Prada family's strategy left everyone trembling.

Suddenly, the distributor felt a strange sensation and turned his gaze in a particular direction.

"...," the distributor locked eyes with Fray and experienced a sudden rush of intense warmth throughout his body.

"He was able to see the distributor!" someone exclaimed.

"Do you think it was a coincidence?" the distributor questioned, his expression perplexed.

As a member of one of the largest espionage organizations on the continent, the distributor possessed magical tools to conceal his presence. Even with a heightened spiritual sense, it would be challenging to detect him.

"Fray is a body developer, capable of seeing through your hiding place with his naked eyes. Even if it was a coincidence, he must have spotted you," someone explained.

"Actually, a few moments ago, I noticed Fray intently scanning the woods as if searching for something. It seems he was looking for you," another voice added.

"But why hasn't he attacked yet?" the distributor muttered softly.

"Could it be...," before the unknown person could finish speaking, a powerful earthquake shook the ground violently. The distributor lost his balance and almost fell to the ground.

"Oh my god!" a shocked voice echoed from the stone.

...Even the distributor's eyes widened as he witnessed the scene unfolding before him.

One of the surrounding mountains, which stood relatively low compared to the battlefield, began trembling with an overwhelming force. In an instant...


An immense power ripped the mountain from its roots. It began hovering in the air above the battlefield. And there, standing in front of the mountain, was an old man dressed as a servant, suspended in the sky.

"It seems Mr. Montaser has gotten serious!" Norman muttered, surrounded by thousands

of corpses, including those of Darken's mercenaries. He observed the colossal mountain floating overhead, prompting Roman to leap and swiftly flee the battlefield.

"Damn it!" Casper muttered unwillingly and decided to retreat as well.

"...," Adam gazed at Montaser with a complex expression before opening a portal and disappearing from the battlefield.

"The results exceed expectations," Fray thought, his eyes fixed on the rune inscribed on Montaser's forehead.

This rune represented the first practical application of Fray's theory of inscribing runes on living bodies, and it had been a resounding success.

The rune incorporated the skill known as "Supreme Mind," which enhanced a person's mental faculties, making their thinking twenty times faster and stronger than before. Strengthening the mind was a challenging feat, as even Fray, who focused on developing his body and enhancing his organs, couldn't strengthen his own mind. Skills that bolstered the mind were considered rare, but Fray had acquired knowledge of the location of this skill from the novel and sent Montaser to retrieve it.

Mastering mind-enhancing skills typically took years or even decades for most individuals. However, thanks to the scientific knowledge Fray had obtained from Yassine's memories, he thoroughly understood the workings of the human mind. As a result, it took him only two days to comprehend the skill.

Montaser's telekinetic abilities were influenced by two factors: a massive invisible field surrounding him and his own mind. With his mind strengthened, his skill became significantly more potent, his control more precise and efficient. To achieve such power under normal circumstances, Montaser would need to reach at least the Ninth Kingdom.

The battlefield trembled violently as a surge of power coursed through Montaser. His gaze focused on one of the relatively low mountains encircling the area. With a determined expression, he extended his hand towards the towering landmass.

A profound force, invisible yet palpable, emanated from Montaser. It reached out, wrapping around the mountain with an unyielding grip. The ground quaked beneath the tremendous strain, as if protesting against the sheer might being exerted.

Slowly, the mountain began to shake, its foundations tested by Montaser's indomitable power. Rocks and debris cascaded down its slopes, scattered by the overwhelming force acting upon it. With each passing moment, the mountain surrendered to the strength emanating from Montaser's outstretched hand.

Then, defying the laws of nature, the mountain was lifted from its earthly moorings. It levitated above the battlefield, defying gravity with an air of unrestrained power. The sight was awe-inspiring, an astonishing display of Montaser's unparalleled abilities.

As the mountain floated, suspended in the air, Montaser's figure appeared minuscule in comparison, yet radiating an aura of supreme authority. He exuded an otherworldly presence, his golden-yellow eyes filled with determination and a touch of menace.

The surrounding air crackled with energy, an intense stillness pervading the scene. The onlookers, both allies and enemies, held their breath, their eyes fixed upon the mesmerizing sight unfolding before them.

Suddenly, the air crackled with anticipation, and Montaser's hands moved with precise fluidity. He gestured, commanding the mountain to yield to his will. In response, the colossal mass fractured, splitting into thousands of large-sized rocks, each fragment crackling with energy.

As the shattered remnants of the mountain hovered in the sky, Montaser encased each rock with an invisible barrier. This barrier shimmered with an aura of potent energy, ready to unleash destruction upon impact.

A moment of profound silence enveloped the battlefield as the soldiers, friend and foe alike, watched in fearful anticipation. Their hearts pounded in their chests, as if they could sense the impending cataclysm about to be unleashed.

Montaser's expression remained resolute, his gaze fixated upon the chaos below. He knew the power he now commanded, and he intended to wield it with devastating precision.

"Doomed," whispered one soldier in a trembling voice, the weight of their impending demise settling upon them.

Then, with a solemn mumble, Montaser's words hung in the air. "Die."

In a swift motion, he brought his hands down, a signal for the unleashed barrage of rocks to begin its descent. Time seemed to slow as the rocks hurtled through the atmosphere, guided by Montaser's unyielding telekinetic control.

"Oh my God!"

"Is this the end?"

"No! I can't die... not now!"

Thousands of screams, cries, and regrets filled the air as the soldiers, already devoid of the will to fight, met their demise. They had no time even to utter a single scream before being crushed to death by the onslaught of falling rocks.

The battlefield transformed into a wasteland, marked by deep craters and immense pools of blood. It appeared as if an enraged natural disaster had descended upon the earth. If Montaser hadn't erected a protective barrier around the battlefield, the forest would have been utterly destroyed, and even Iskar City would not emerge unscathed from the impact of this devastating attack.

--The distributor watched this scene unfold, his face pale, struggling to find words that could adequately express his shock.

"Wow!!," a low murmur escaped from the blue stone.

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