The next day, Luke and Aslan gathered at the Iskar City Sunset Pub with Lucas and Nes. 

"Sh*t... What a bastard "frustrated by the news they had received. Ned, their companion, expressed his anger by hitting his hand against the wall and cursing under his breath.

"When did Fray arrive in Morial city?" Luke questioned, turning to the knight who had brought the news.

"He arrived yesterday, sir," replied the knight.

"But when did he leave Iskar? We saw no signs of his departure," Lucas inquired further.

"We don't know for certain, sir. The actions of the Prada family have become increasingly secretive lately," the knight responded.

Aslan chimed in, asking, "What should we do now?"

Luke and Aslan had just arrived in Iskar city, planning to visit Prada Palace and convince Fray to grant them permission to clean the dungeon. However, they had received unexpected information that Fray was not actually in Iskar but had traveled to the Lionar Kingdom.

"Considering Fray arrived yesterday, waiting for him to return late in order to clean the dungeon isn't a viable option," Lucas suggested.

"He must have gone to the Lionar Kingdom to attend the royal party," Gus theorized.

After contemplating the situation, Luke proposed a plan. "It would be better for us to go to Morial city to meet him, rather than waiting here. The royal party is still a week away, and if we use Pegasus horses, we can reach there in time."

Lucas, however, disagreed. "Alright, since both of you just arrived after traveling, it would be best for you to rest and monitor the dungeon. Ned and I will go to Morial City instead."

"No, I'll go alone," Luke asserted confidently, believing he could convince Fray to grant them permission.

"I'll go too," Aslan interjected firmly.

Luke looked at Aslan with a perplexed expression and questioned, "Are you sure? You don't have to force yourself if you don't want to."

"No, I have to go. After all, I am the one who understands Fray the most," Aslan replied with a complicated expression.

Observing Aslan's determined expression, Luke reluctantly agreed. "Okay, if you insist. Lucas, you stay here and try to find out the Prada family's plans and the reason for their recent secretive activities."

Lucas acknowledged the difficulty of his task. "It's going to be challenging since the people of Iskar are terrified of the Prada family. Extracting information from them is almost impossible."

All residents of Iskar held official contracts with the city upon receiving their ID cards. The identity card granted them numerous benefits, such as the protection of the city guards and receiving Iskar currency as a salary if they worked within the city. Iskar citizens also enjoyed significantly reduced prices compared to outsiders. However, one condition of the contract was to maintain the confidentiality of Iskar's internal information, which made extracting information difficult.

The loyalty of the Iskar citizens to the city, coupled with the fear instilled by the power of the Parada family, ensured compliance with the contract. Violating the contract resulted in the loss of the city's identity card, leading to banishment from Iskar. Nevertheless, after witnessing the significant improvements in the city, no one desired to leave. They held hope that Iskar would become even stronger under the new leadership of the Prada family.

After hearing Lucas' concerns, Luke wrote down an address on a piece of paper and handed it to Lucas. "This is the address of a friend who is the head of a large information organization. He should have knowledge of the Prada family's activities. Pay him a visit and tell him it's a request from me. He will surely help you."


In Morial City, within the Prada family mansion, Fray stood before a mirror, examining his reflection with his usual expressionless face. His long black hair cascaded down his back, contrasting sharply with his fair complexion. His piercing black eyes, filled with determination, reflected his unwavering focus. His sharp jawline and defined facial features exuded an air of confidence.

Dressed in a sophisticated suit, Fray's attire accentuated his muscular frame. The tailored ensemble, adorned with intricate details and patterns, showcased his impeccable taste. The suit, carefully chosen to fit his form perfectly, emphasized his broad shoulders and sculpted physique. A bejeweled brooch adorned his lapel, adding a touch of elegance to his ensemble.

Fray's choice of clothing not only reflected his refined style but also conveyed an air of authority and power. The combination of his striking appearance, poised demeanor, and impeccably tailored suit created an undeniable presence that demanded attention and respect.

Yesterday, Fray had received an invitation to a dinner organized by the First Princess. He had specific goals to achieve at the event and had also hoped to meet someone there. Consequently, he made the decision to attend the dinner, and now he was preparing himself as the event was scheduled for that night.

Kara, standing behind Fray, observed his reflection and wore a smile. "You look handsome, sir."

Fray felt uncomfortable with Kara's smile, realizing she had misconstrued his intentions. "Thank you, Kara. Is the cart ready?"

"Yes, sir. It is waiting for you outside," Kara replied.

With his preparations complete, Fray left the mansion and headed towards the waiting cart, surrounded by a small group of knights, Fray stood out amidst their ranks. His commanding presence and striking appearance drew gazes from those who happened to pass by. As he walked, his long black hair swayed gently with the breeze, catching glimmers of light that accentuated its sleekness.

The cart itself, elegant and ornate, awaited his arrival. Its polished exterior gleamed under the fading sunlight, showcasing the meticulous craftsmanship that went into its creation. The horses hitched to the carriage were magnificent creatures, their powerful muscles rippling beneath their sleek coats.

As Fray approached the cart, the knights adjusted their stances, a display of readiness and loyalty. With a confident stride, Fray ascended into the carriage, his presence filling the space. The knights followed suit, taking their positions with a sense of duty. The door closed behind him, and the horses whinnied, signaling their readiness to depart.


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