The villain's side of the novel

56 Nahl The cemetery general

"What is this? Are these the spirits used by the Parada family?" someone questioned, his eyes fixed on the powerful beings before him.

"It actually looks a bit strong," another person from the crowd said, assessing the formidable presence emanating from the spirits.

"But even so, I don't think he will be able to defeat Mr. Reynold," a spectator commented confidently, underestimating the potential of the battle about to unfold.

"Do you think this insect will be able to defeat me?" Reynold arrogantly inquired, pointing his sword at Fray with disdain.

"Nahl, be quick," Fray commanded, with an emotionless expression. 

As Fray's command resonated through the air, the atmosphere seemed to shift and tremble in response. The cemetery general, a formidable entity born from the fusion of hundreds of cemetery Bees, began to tap into its true power. Its spirit surged forth like a raging tempest, casting an ominous aura that wrapped itself around the entire arena.

The spectators felt a sudden chill run down their spines, as if an icy breath had caressed their skin. Goosebumps prickled across their arms, and a sense of foreboding settled upon their hearts. The once lively and vibrant arena now seemed to be shrouded in an ethereal darkness, pierced only by the flickering torches that lined its edges.

The air grew heavy with an otherworldly presence, a tangible manifestation of the cemetery general's unleashed power. It was as if the very essence of the spirits converged within this single being, resonating with an ancient energy that transcended mortal understanding. Whispers of awe and trepidation circulated through the crowd, their voices hushed in reverence and disbelief.

The terrifying aura radiating from the cemetery general manifested as a swirling maelstrom of dark and ethereal energies. Ribbons of black mist curled and danced around the creature's form, intertwining with vibrant sparks of spectral light. The clash of opposing forces created a mesmerizing display, casting eerie shadows that danced upon the faces of the onlookers.

The ambient temperature seemed to drop, and a hushed silence settled upon the arena, broken only by the occasional gasp or the sound of breath being held. The air crackled with an electric energy, causing the hair on the spectators' arms to stand on end.

Wide-eyed and captivated, the crowd found themselves simultaneously drawn to and repelled by the sheer power emanating from the cemetery general. It was a force that defied comprehension, an entity born from the convergence of ancient spirits and dark mysticism.

In that fleeting moment, time itself seemed to hold its breath. The weight of the cemetery general's power bore down upon the arena, causing even the most seasoned warriors and knowledgeable scholars to question their understanding of the world.

As the terrifying aura continued to envelop the surroundings, the spectators found themselves on the precipice of awe and fear. They were witnesses to a phenomenon rarely glimpsed in a lifetime, a glimpse into the unfathomable depths of the spirit realm and its boundless power.

In the midst of this ethereal spectacle, Fray stood at the epicenter, his gaze fixed upon the cemetery general, also curious about the full power of this creature. 

Ever since the Cemetery Army evolved, its control over energy had reached an unprecedented level. It could even transform its spiritual body into pure energy. The cemetery general, a Rank Five Intelligent Soul, was the fusion of hundreds of cemetery Bees, thanks to the skills they had acquired after evolving. Remarkably, the cemetery general possessed a great deal of knowledge about combat and energy manipulation, despite its recent creation. Fray suspected that the cemetery general retained memories of its own, but he hadn't thoroughly investigated the matter, leaving him uncertain about the source of its experiences and knowledge.

"What a powerful aura! This must be at least of the fourth rank," one spectator exclaimed, astounded by the overwhelming energy emanating from the spirit.

"What? He can control a rank-four spirit? I've heard that spirits possess ranks even stronger than those of monsters. If Fray teams up with this spirit, it will be quite challenging for Mr. Reynold to secure victory," another spectator remarked, acknowledging the potential threat posed by Fray's alliance with the powerful spirit.

"Even if this spirit is truly a rank four, its power would be on par with a rank five warrior at best. Even if it joined forces with the head of the Parada family, they wouldn't stand a chance against Mr. Reynold, a formidable warrior from the Sixth Kingdom," a knowledgeable individual analyzed, expressing doubt about the outcome of the battle.

"Yes, that does make sense," several others agreed, their confidence in Mr. Reynold's abilities unshaken.

Satisfied with his advantage, Reynold himself remained confident, firmly believing that he would defeat Fray effortlessly. "So it's time to get serious. Don't blame me if you get hurt," he taunted, rushing toward Fray with astonishing speed. However, before he could reach his intended target, the cemetery general appeared in his path.

Reynold swiftly unleashed a horizontal sword strike, generating a powerful gust of wind.


Nahl, wielding his massive axe, intercepted Reynold's attack with a thunderous clash, resulting in a shockwave that forcefully pushed both combatants backward.

(He blocked my attack without sustaining any damage,) Reynold observed, his expression revealing surprise. Although Reynold had initially held back in his assault, he dismissed his thoughts and prepared to strike again, determined to defeat his opponent.

With a swift motion, Reynold unleashed the "wind wing blade," one of his most potent attacks. He formed a white energy wave imbued with immense power and unleashed it toward Nahl.

Undeterred, Nahl unleashed a tremendous surge of energy, enveloping his colossal axe. With ease, he repelled Reynold's assault once again.


..." Reynold's eyes widened in disbelief as he witnessed the spirit effortlessly thwarting one of his most formidable attacks. He finally realized that the spirit was far more powerful than he had initially presumed. Furthermore, Fray had yet to actively join the battle. Reynold understood that if Fray were to enter the fray, his chances of victory would plummet significantly.

Meanwhile, on the sidelines, Fray observed Reynold's endurance with surprise. Reynold had withstood far more punishment than Fray had anticipated. Although Nahl fought seriously, the battle had persisted for a considerable time, and Fray believed it was time to bring it to a close. With a concealed signal, he communicated his intention to Nahl.

Having received the signal, Nahl swiftly retreated, leaping away from Reynold. Raising his axe high into the sky, he prepared for a decisive strike.


With a resounding roar, Nahl channeled his immense power into the swing of his mighty axe. The air crackled with anticipation as the energy surrounding him intensified, creating a palpable surge of raw force. The ground trembled beneath their feet, unable to contain the sheer magnitude of the impending strike.

"What is this energy? It's gigantic," spectators exclaimed, shocked by the overwhelming power released by the spirit. The sheer magnitude of the energy was enough to decimate half of Morial City effortlessly.

"Amazing! His control over energy is truly incredible," Ferritt marveled as he witnessed this overwhelming display. What the spirit had accomplished was something Ferritt had believed to be impossible. Without witnessing it firsthand, he would have doubted its existence. "This creature has unleashed forty percent of its energy in a single attack," Ferritt thought with a mix of awe and envy.

In this world, the amount of energy a warrior can unleash in a single strike depends on their strength and talent. As one of the greatest talents in the Lionar Kingdom, Feritt himself could not release more than ten percent of his power in a single attack. However, this spirit had effortlessly unleashed forty percent—a feat considered nearly impossible.

"...." Reynold with a pale expression looked at the enormous surge of energy as he finally comprehended the gravity of the situation after witnessing the tremendous surge of energy. He realized that victory was beyond his reach.

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