As chaos erupted in the hall and the Queen and others disappeared, panic and confusion spread among the guests. The overwhelming power of the entity that attacked them left everyone trembling in fear. Fray, however, remained calm, uninterested in the disappearance of these individuals. He knew they were still alive, and his focus shifted to something more crucial that had caught his attention, a detail that only a few people seemed to notice.

"A trial? What does he mean?" someone pondered aloud.

"I don't know. This is unprecedented in the history of the laws," replied someone nearby, equally bewildered.

As the guests tried to comprehend the situation, messages began appearing before them, grabbing their attention.

[Applying Trial restrictions in progress]

[Individual stats restrictions applied successfully]

[Confidentiality restrictions applied successfully]

As the messages announcing the trial restrictions appeared before the guests, a sudden wave of unease swept through the hall. Within moments, the atmosphere shifted, and the guests could feel their energy and physical strength rapidly draining away. Their bodies grew weak, and their once-potent powers diminished to a mere fraction of what they had been moments ago.

The effect was immediate and profound. Gasps of disbelief and fear echoed throughout the room as people struggled to comprehend the sudden loss of their abilities. A middle-aged man cried out in terror, realizing that his power base had vanished into thin air. Others followed suit, their voices laced with panic and confusion.

"What's happening? I've lost my powers!" exclaimed a middle-aged man, terror filling his voice.

"The laws are controlling our fighting abilities. How is this even possible?" another person questioned in disbelief.

The guests, who were once formidable in their own right, now found themselves stripped of their powers, reduced to a vulnerable state. Their bodies felt heavy, as if burdened by an invisible weight, making even simple movements a challenge. The once lively and vibrant hall turned into a gathering of disoriented and frightened individuals.

Expressions of shock and disbelief adorned the faces of the guests. Their eyes darted around the room, searching for answers, for any signs of what had just occurred. Whispers filled the air as they attempted to make sense of the situation, questioning how the laws themselves could control and manipulate their abilities.

Fray, too, felt the effects of the restraints, even though he didn't rely on energy directly. He remained composed, his calm demeanor standing in stark contrast to the turmoil around him. Observing the guests, he recognized the fear etched on their faces, understanding the magnitude of the situation.

Despite the confusion and chaos, there was a collective realization among the guests that something far greater was at play. The magnitude of the restraints hinted at a power beyond their comprehension—a force capable of manipulating the very laws that governed their abilities. The atmosphere was charged with a mix of awe, fear, and a growing sense of urgency.

Amidst the turmoil, the guests struggled to maintain their composure, their weakened bodies betraying them at every step. Some leaned against nearby pillars or furniture for support, their limbs trembling under the strain of the sudden loss of power. The once boisterous conversations had given way to hushed murmurs and worried exchanges, as everyone grappled with the implications of the restraints.

The hall, once a place of celebration and grandeur, had transformed into a scene of vulnerability and uncertainty. Each guest stood on equal footing now, their powers neutralized by an unknown force. It was a stark reminder of the frailty of their existence, of how easily their strength and abilities could be taken away.

"Luke, have you lost your power as well?" Aslan asked, her face displaying a grave expression as she struggled under the weight of the sudden power decrease.

"Yes, it seems that it's equalizing everyone's power. But why?" Luke replied, his face reflecting deep concern as he watched the motionless angel floating nearby.

"This level of power can't be wielded by a third-degree law..." Lisa, who had been analyzing the situation, muttered softly.

"Are you saying it's a second-degree law?" Loe, who attended the party as Lisa's escort, asked with surprise.

"Yes, it's definitely a second-degree law," Lisa confirmed, her tone serious.

The gravity of the situation dawned on Luke, Aslan, and Loe. They understood that a third-degree law had nearly destroyed the human continent in the past when it spiraled out of control. They could only imagine the immense power and danger a second-degree law possessed.

Unbeknownst to them, a well-dressed man observed them with a tense expression on his face. "Damn it! This was not part of our plan. The Queen and other VIPs, our primary targets, have vanished. And now the Shield members, who always interfere in our plans, have arrived. This is highly dangerous," he thought, taking a deep breath to steady himself. "Alright, let's remain calm. There are still many influential figures here. Eliminating them will make our mission easier."

"The suspects are being analyzed..."

"Failed to find the culprit..."

"Trying again..."


The guests read the messages with sluggish comprehension, attempting to grasp the angel's intent. Terrifying conclusions began to form in their minds, causing fear to further grip their hearts.

Meanwhile, Fray observed the angel, who, despite its expressionless face, seemed to have given up hope of finding the answer it sought. Fray realized there was only one course of action left for the angel to take.

As expected, the series of messages ceased momentarily before new ones materialized before the guests.

"[Attention: You are now in the war law trial.]

[Description: An abnormal interference in the law of war policy has been detected. This interference would cause an unknown imbalance in

 the continent's equilibrium.]

[Purpose of the trial: Finding the culprit who caused this defect to repair the damage.]

[The suspects will be given three days to present the culprit.]"

"What? Culprit?"

"What does he mean by abnormal interference?"

"Three days... What will happen after that?" Luke muttered, noticing the terror-stricken and bewildered expressions on the faces of the guests.

"Abnormal interference? Could it be..." Lisa trailed off, her voice stifled by a realization.

"Lisa, do you know what he means?" Aslan hurriedly inquired, sensing Lisa's unease.

"I'm not certain, but there's only one explanation for what's happening," Lisa responded, her gaze fixed on the angel. "A curse... someone has used a curse to disrupt this law. It appears that the angel is now trying to find the responsible party."

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