Xu Sili left the game cabin, tidied up his messy silver hair, and Shi Shiran walked out of the dark room and looked at the sky outside.

Towards evening, the sun sets in the west of the mountain, and the red clouds render the entire sky, layer upon layer, framed by transparent glass panes into gorgeous oil paintings.

The rays of the sun shone into the bedroom, covering all the scenery with soft and warm colors, creating a feeling of tranquility and peace.

Xu Sili smiled lightly, raised his arms and stretched his waist. Just as he was about to go out, he paused in his footsteps, then continued to the cloakroom connected to the bedroom, changing into heavy winter clothes.

"Where's Si Sheng?"

He walked out of the bedroom, and when he saw that the corridor was empty, he looked at Li Zhecheng and asked.

Li Zhecheng replied: "Reporting to Your Majesty, just now, the Marshal sent the Yushu Linfeng brave man to leave. I haven't seen him come back yet. I guess... he went to Qiu Consul."

Because of his special talents, Qiu Zheng has been dealing with those tedious government affairs, and later made him a consul.

Yushu Linfeng Brave...

Hearing him call his second brother like that, Xu Sili wanted to laugh a little. The second brother's name is really ugly, but it fits his character quite well.

He nodded, closed the cloak on his body, and walked towards Qiu Zheng's office. Li Zhecheng wanted to follow, but he was dismissed.

Anyway, there is a shadow guard, and he is still in the palace. He has now reached level 25. In the entire Roland Empire, except for Si Sheng and Li Zhecheng, he is the highest level, and there is no need for personal guards.

Xu Sili was walking on the promenade, and unknowingly, his footsteps became a little more eager, and he couldn't take care of the cold wind that was constantly whistling from both sides of the promenade.

At this moment, he really wanted to see Si Sheng soon.

He never thought that Si Sheng had confessed to him so early...

At that time, it had not been a month since he came to this world, right? After all, he was still racking his brains for 10 million Alliance Coins, and the time was definitely less than a month.

Si Sheng, this fool, adjusted himself to the shape of a teenager, and suddenly came to confess to him, saying that he loved him, how could he believe it?

Looking back now, the picture of that scene is a bit blurry. I only remember the gray-blue eyes full of fiery emotion under the mask of the young white fox.

Perhaps, at that time, Si Sheng didn't want him to know at all.

Even if Si Sheng really confessed to him, would he believe it then? Impossible.

Xu Sili knew his character, and it was impossible for him to trust him wholeheartedly until he confessed that he kept the memories of the previous world.

He shook his head and quickened his pace a bit.

He just came to the palace where the consul was handling government affairs. Except for Qiu Zheng and Wen Jishan, who were buried in the pile of papers, Xu Sili didn't see anyone else.

Now the situation in Doha town and mercenary town has basically stabilized. Although the expansion is still in progress, the speed has dropped significantly after the winter. Wen Jishan also has time to come back to help Qiu Zheng.

Originally, according to the habit of previous years, you can take a vacation after the winter, but because of a series of decrees and reforms by His Majesty the Emperor, until now, there are still piles of things to be dealt with every day.

But in general, although the hard work is a bit hard, if you compare some of the current data and reports with a year ago, you will find that the empire has undergone tremendous changes.

It's just that the time to change is too short.

Take the imperial city as an example. Although it is only a city, it has a vast territory and a total population of more than 30 million. Originally, there were only nearly 3 million people in the inner city.

Now, counting the mercenary town and the town of Doha, there are only about 4 million people living a well-off life, but there are still nearly 30 million people.

The construction and transformation of the empire still has a long way to go, but Qiu Zheng is full of confidence.

As long as one or two more years, he believes that everyone will be fed and clothed eventually, but for now, these are still problems that need to be solved.

At this moment, Wen Jishan and Qiu Zheng, together with several ministers, were discussing the difficulty of grain transportation in remote mountainous areas.

Xu Sili did not rush to leave, and stood at the door listening for a while.

Because the wood elementalist cultivated day and night, the food such as Heigu in the imperial city was sufficient, but it was indeed a big problem in terms of transportation.

After all, the area of ​​more than 300,000 square kilometers is larger than many provinces in reality.

However, at this juncture where the second test was opened, this problem was not a problem.

Xu Sili walked into the room, and when he noticed his arrival, several ministers who didn't usually have contact with him stood up in awe.

Wen Jishan and Qiu Zheng also stood up and bowed to him.

Xu Sili waved his hand to let them sit down, and then said, "I heard what you just discussed outside."

He looked around the crowd and his eyes fell on the ministers.

Four people, two old-fashioned nobles and two upstarts from commoners, all had the favorability label of "respect", which made Xu Sili nodded with satisfaction.

Since he publicly upgraded the imperial city and lifted the level restrictions, most of the nobles have been subdued by him. Of course, these latecomers are treated differently from those who have been loyal to him from the beginning.

They need to prove their usefulness with actions in order to gain his trust.

"The transportation of food is not a problem." Xu Sili continued.

Everyone's eyes lit up, and Qiu Zheng couldn't help but said, "Your Majesty, do you have a solution?"

Xu Sili smiled, "Yes."

"It's not difficult to solve this problem, just leave it to the heroes."


Qiu Zheng and the four ministers were startled, only Wen Jishan, who had dealt with the brave the most, thought.

"Yes, it's a warrior."

Xu Sili tapped his finger on the table, thought for a while, and said, "Well, you can sort out all the places that need relief and mark them on the map, preferably on an electronic map."

"How much relief is needed in each place, when is the latest time to arrive, and who is in charge of the area and how to contact them."

"Can these be sorted out tomorrow?"

Seeing Xu Sili looking over, Qiu Zheng nodded quickly, "No problem, Your Majesty!"

Xu Sili: "Very good, send it to me after sorting."

Although they can call players directly, considering that most of the heroes are in mercenary towns and Doha towns, it takes a lot of time to come and go.

It's winter now, and some people may starve to death one day later because they can't eat, so he still uses the task system to distribute them directly.

"You keep busy."

After Xu Sili finished speaking, he turned and left here, and continued to look for Si Sheng.

He is not here with Qiu Zheng, where would he be?

Xu Sili frowned, he didn't really want to use the summoning technique, but now it seems that he can only summon Si Sheng...

He suddenly stopped, his eyes crossed the corridor, and fell on the figure standing in the garden.

Ha, there's nowhere to go after breaking through the iron shoes, why is this guy here? Looking at his back, Xu Sili slightly bent his lips and walked over with his feet raised.

The snow that fell last night had not completely melted today, and the soles of the shoes made a creaking sound when they stepped on them.

However, he didn't know what Si Sheng was thinking. He was so absorbed in his thoughts that he didn't respond until Xu Sili approached behind him.

Xu Sili tilted his head slightly, then secretly stood on tiptoe, stretched out his cold hands, slid into the man's collar, and said with a smile, "Brother Sheng, what are you thinking?"

Si Sheng trembled, as if he wanted to look back at him, but stopped abruptly when he was halfway to the side.


His voice was a little hoarse, as if he was suppressing something.

Aware that something was wrong, Xu Sili frowned slightly, and pulled out his hand from his warm collar. Just as he was about to turn to look at him, the man grabbed his arm and hugged him into his arms.

As soon as his strong arms tightened, Xu Sili couldn't move.

"Si Sheng, what's wrong with you?"

He asked, "Is my second brother embarrassing you?"

Listening to Li Zhecheng's words, it seems that Si Sheng just sent his second brother away.

"No, the second brother didn't embarrass me."

Si Sheng buried his head on the plush on his shoulders and said in a low voice.

Hearing that he even called "Second Brother", and he called it so smoothly, thinking that the two of them should get along pretty well, which made Xu Sili even more puzzled.

So what's going on now?

He stretched out his arms and hugged him back, feeling his body trembling slightly, and feeling even more strange in his heart, "Then you..."

At this moment, Si Sheng suddenly let go of him again, and then took his cold hand.

"Let's go back to the house and talk."

His voice was still hoarse, and his eyes avoided his inquiring line of sight, but Xu Sili still saw the red circles under his eyes.

Xu Sili calmed down and didn't ask any more questions. Under his leadership, he came to a familiar and somewhat unfamiliar yard.

This is……

Xu Sili looked around and quickly remembered that this is the other courtyard where he and Si Sheng lived in the trial world, and Sinuo Roland also lived here before.

After moving out, the place was vacant.

Si Sheng took him, pushed the door and walked into the hut where the two of them once "lived". Even if no one lived there, someone would come to clean it for a long time, and it still looked clean and tidy.

Looking at the room that was familiar but a little different from the world of trials, Xu Sili couldn't help sighing, and at the same time, he didn't quite understand why Si Sheng brought him here.

Si Sheng let go of his hand, took dry firewood from the outside, and lit it in the fireplace. The raging flames burned, dispelling all the cold in the house.

Xu Sili let out a sigh of relief, and then watched Si Sheng come over to grab his hand, lead him to the side of the bed and sit down, while he squatted in front of him, looking up at him.

The man's eyes were still slightly red, and there was deep guilt and pity in his eyes, which made Xu Sili at a loss.

It's just that he didn't speak and waited quietly, knowing that Si Sheng would answer him.

Si Sheng raised his hands, pressed his palms against his face, closed his eyes slightly, and seemed to calm down the still stirring emotions.

"I... actually have been scared..."

The man spoke softly, his voice still so hoarse, Xu Sili's heart trembled slightly.

He pursed his lips, folded his palms to hold his cheeks, and gently rubbed his fingertips on the man's face.

"What is your fear?"

Xu Sili asked.

He actually felt something. He thought yesterday that it was because he misunderstood him and his second brother, but now it doesn't seem to be the case.

Si Sheng opened his eyes and stared at him with gray-blue eyes, "I'm afraid...you will abandon me, just like the original world."

"I've been thinking, what did I do wrong in the first place to annoy you and make you leave without any hesitation..."

Even if he was abandoned in the abyss of endless darkness, even if he thought of him again and brought him to a new world, he would never appear again, and he would not even say a word to him.

Xu Sili was startled, he never knew that Si Sheng would think so. abandon……

From Si Sheng's point of view, it is indeed abandonment.

He opened his mouth slightly, just about to explain, but he heard him continue.

"And now, I finally know the reason..."

The man's voice trembled, his eyes turned red, and his deeply wrinkled and almost twisted facial features were full of pain and grief.

"turn out to be……"

He opened the corners of his mouth and seemed to want to laugh, but he couldn't. In the end, he buried his face in Xu Sili's arms and hugged him tightly, as if he would never let go.

Feeling his grief and shame, Xu Sili felt a little helpless. Finally, he reached out and stroked his soft blonde hair, while the other hand patted his back.

He probably guessed what the second brother had told him.

Moreover, I also understood why Si Sheng always kept a secret from him and refused to tell him many things.

For Si Sheng, he was abandoned...

What did he experience before being transferred to the Star Era? In the past, he always took it for granted that he should have fallen into a deep sleep, but what if not?

Besides, what a bad experience for him to be a slave again in this world?

As long as he thinks of the young man he saw in the underground slave market in the trial world, and his gray and emotionless eyes, he is full of heartache.

Xu Sili looked at him and whispered, "I'm sorry..."

If he hadn't gotten sick, hadn't had a plane crash, hadn't let the game team transfer his data to the Star Era, wouldn't he have had to go through all this pain?

Si Sheng's body stiffened slightly, he raised his head and looked up at him, "It's me who should say this."

It turned out that his gods did not abandon him.

He didn't show up again because... he died.

Died ten years ago.

When that world collapsed, his gods had already fallen...

"I should have guessed."

His brows were wrinkled in pain, and his voice was so uncomfortable that it seemed to choked, "I was too weak, I couldn't protect you at that time, it was my fault..."

Xu Sili was a little moved and a little funny. He touched his cheek and said softly, "How could this be your fault?"

"It's my fault, if it wasn't for me, you wouldn't have to go through so much pain..."

Hearing this, Si Sheng shook his head.

"I said, if these pains are the only way to go, and only these can come to you, then I am happy."

Seeing his firm expression, Xu Sili's heart trembled slightly.

His eyelashes drooped slightly, and he thought for a moment: "Then let the past... let it pass, we still have the present and the future."

He gently stroked the corner of the man's eyes and said with a smile, "Now you don't have to be afraid anymore."

"I won't leave you, nor can I abandon you."

"Si Sheng, it is my greatest luck to be able to live again in this world and meet you again."

The corners of Si Sheng's mouth curled up, his eyes were still red, looking at his pitiful appearance, Xu Sili felt very soft-hearted.

"So, you kidnapped me here, are you going to talk like this for one night?"

The young man tilted his head, and his lavender eyes were a bit teasing, and in the light of the fire, there was an ambiguous blur.

Si Sheng looked a little crazy. The young man put his hands on his shoulders, leaned close to his ear, and said in a low, hoarse voice, "Tonight... do you want to be above or below?"

The author has something to say: Si Zai: Ow, I want to!

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