Xu Sili didn't expect that Si Sheng would go outside to fight with people, and also did a wave of advertisements for his milk tea shop by the way.

Genius Tournament...

This name sounds too middle school, but the bonus seems to be a lot? Otherwise, how could Si Sheng get so much money to support his milk tea shop?

He touched his chin and turned to continue his plan.

First, remove "Guardian of Roland" from the blacklist, then send him a message.

Then order a cup of milk tea and wait patiently.

At this moment, Si Sheng just returned to his castle on the outskirts. Since he lived in the palace, he seldom came here. Occasionally, he came back because he wanted to use the Star Network.

I went back to the castle to deal with some things today, and just as I was about to leave, I received a message.

His Majesty Roland: [Are you there? 】

Si Sheng was startled, his communicator was connected to the Star Network, and he could receive the information from the Star Network even without the game cabin, but...

Didn't Ali already block him? it is ... now……?

He pursed his lips, inexplicably a little guilty.

Did Ali finally guess it was him?

Then the message popped up again.

His Majesty Roland: [Sorry, I misunderstood you before, are you free now? I want to apologize to you in person. 】

Si Sheng frowned slightly when he saw the information.

This is... haven't figured it out yet? He thought about it and replied to the message.

Guardian of Roland: [OK]

His Majesty Roland: [Then see you at the food street in District E, I will wait for you here at [coordinates]]

Si Sheng looked at the reply, rubbed his brows, turned around and went back to his room.

No matter if you guessed it or not, this vest thing still has to be solved...

I hope Ali doesn't get angry.

Region E.

In the food street where people come and go, a blond boy wearing a white fox mask appears in the most prosperous and densely populated places.

As soon as he appeared, he attracted the attention of many people.

"Is that the guardian?"

"Ah, it looks like it's him! The mysterious boy in the genius competition!"

"Don't many people speculate that his actual age should not be as young as he looks?"

"It must be no more than 40 years old anyway."

Within the jurisdiction of the Star Alliance, human life expectancy has reached an average of more than 300 years old, reaching adulthood at the age of 35, and a fledgling age at the age of 40.

One of the conditions for participating in the Genius Tournament is to be under 40 years old.

"Am I the only one curious about what he's doing in District E?"

"Yeah, the super genius of the spiritual level SSS, what are you doing in the E district?"

"Haven't you seen that video? He once dismantled the mecha here with his bare hands, and then forcibly distributed milk tea. I was here to watch and even received a cup."

"Is it the fox's milk tea? He really likes to drink the fox's milk tea. He has to drink it every time he plays."

The attention and whispers of the people around him made Si Sheng frown. Just as he was about to release his coercion, he glanced at him, but paused slightly when he saw a certain figure.

Xu Sili had seen him a long time ago, but he didn't rush over, but when he heard the discussions of the people around him, he searched for the video they said.

At that time, this video became a hit, and it was found after a search on Xing.com, not to mention that Xiao Wu was one of the parties.

Looking at the video, the boy wearing the white fox mask neatly dismantled the mecha that was dozens of times his size, and Xu Sili had to sigh with emotion.

Looking at the back, he forced the onlookers to stay behind and received a cup of milk tea by himself, he couldn't help laughing for a while.

It turned out that he was sending milk tea like this in the first place?


Looking at the scrapped mecha, and then rewinding the video to the beginning, Xu Sili had a vague impression of how this big man was rampaging in the downtown area.

Isn't this the mecha that stepped on him when he first entered the Xingwang community? Si Sheng... is this trying to avenge him?

Xu Sili felt a little strange in his heart. He turned his eyes slightly, and saw the white fox boy walking to his side, his gray-blue eyes staring at him quietly.

All eyes were on them.

The silver-haired man wearing a full-faced red fox mask, except for a pair of beautiful eyes, could not see his appearance clearly.

The picture of the two standing together is simply beautiful.

"Brother, there are a lot of people who have turned on their cameras to shoot you, do you want to stop them?"

Xiao Wu's voice rang in Xu Sili's ears.

Xu Sili naturally noticed the gazes of others, he thought for a while, stretched out his hand and grabbed the boy's wrist, and in the next second, the figures of the two disappeared in place.

When they reappeared, they were already in Xu Sili's virtual room—a virtual room where friends could naturally be invited.

Si Sheng looked at the house, which was less than 50 square meters, and his heart moved slightly. Just as he was about to speak, he saw the young red fox loosen his wrist and said with a smile, "Sorry, I didn't expect you to be so famous now."

He suddenly became a little unsure...

So is this a guess?

Xu Sili walked to the bar and said politely: "Just sit down, it's the first time anyone has been a guest here. The layout is a bit rough... Would you like something to drink?"

He opened the cabinet, no matter his tone of voice or gesture, he looked like he was entertaining friends.

Si Sheng's thin lips pursed slightly.

Ali must have guessed it, right? Otherwise why bring him to the virtual room? But what if... didn't figure it out?

It's the first time anyone is visiting...

He looked at this room, yes, even "Si Sheng" has never been here, he thought sourly.

"Drinking milk tea?"

At this time, he heard the young man say again, "I know, you like the milk tea from the fox family very much."

Si Sheng hummed with little interest.

Then, he saw the young man take out various utensils and raw materials from the cabinet, and after cleaning it, he actually made it himself.

He opened his eyes slightly, a little flattered.

This is the first time Ali has made something for him... But on second thought, he may not have guessed that it is for "others".

He felt a little uncomfortable.

So did Ali guess it or not? He was a little worried about gains and losses.

Si Sheng knew that it was ridiculous to eat his own vinegar, but he couldn't help it. The person in front of him was too important to him... He couldn't control himself.

"All right."

While he was thinking wildly, the young man had already prepared the milk tea and placed it gently in front of him.

Very beautiful color, there are small bubbles in the lavender solution, and the crystal clear pulp floats in it.

Succulent grapes, one of the most popular varieties of Fox's milk tea.

"You can drink." The young man said with a smile.

Si Sheng looked at him, and finally approached the bar. At this time, he saw the young man raised his hand to hold the mask, took off the lower half of the mask, and then...

Lift the fingertips of the right hand that were accidentally stained with cream, and gently lick them off with your tongue.

Si Sheng suddenly stopped moving, staring at him slightly sharply.

The young man sucked his fingers, his rosy lips were as white as jade, full of temptation, but his eyes were still looking at him innocently, as if he didn't understand what he was doing at the moment.

Si Sheng took a deep breath, raised his hand to hold the young man's wrist, and pulled it hard to his side.

Xu Sili was deliberately teasing him. Although he was prepared, he was caught off guard and lay down on the bar.

Seeing that the young man was about to kiss him like this, he hurriedly stretched out his hand and pressed his finger, which was still stained with crystal clear liquid, on the young man's lips.

Si Sheng stopped, and saw the young man wearing a half-red fox mask, smiled slightly, and lightly opened his red lips: "You are still underage."


Si Sheng gas knot.

Xu Sili wanted to withdraw his fingers, but his wrist was tightly grasped by the young man, and then he slightly opened his mouth to hold him, and bit his fingertips with his teeth as if venting his anger.

He didn't use much strength, it didn't hurt, and it was a little itchy. Xu Sili couldn't help but feel that the tactile system of Xingwang was too good.

"Okay, when are you going to eat?" Finally, Xu Sili said with a blushing face.

The boy looked so young, even wearing a mask, he could tell he was definitely no more than fifteen years old.

With Si Sheng's character, he really couldn't figure out why he used this image to be listed on the Star Network, so it's no wonder that he didn't believe him before.

Si Sheng finally let go of him, and said a little dejectedly: "You already guessed it was me, right?"

"What are you talking about? Why can't I understand?"

Xu Sili continued to play stupid, took out a handkerchief under the bar and wiped his fingertips.

Hmph, the little brat gnawed at his fingertips red.


Si Sheng took off the white fox mask angrily, and saw the young man blink, and said in a very confused tone, "How did you know..."

It was the first time he knew that his acting was so good.

Si Sheng looked at him, finally raised his foot and walked to the back of the bar, hugged the young man's waist from behind, hugged him tightly, and then said in a muffled voice: "Ali, I know it's wrong, don't do this..."

Only then did Xu Sili stop playing, and he raised his eyebrows slightly, "What's wrong?"

"I shouldn't have kept it from you from the beginning, and then I haven't confessed to you." Si Sheng admitted his mistake very sincerely, and it seemed that he was really reflecting.

Xu Sili wasn't really mad at him, even if he was, after seeing him avenge him and sneaking to participate in the competition to make money, all his anger disappeared.

"Why is the age set so low?" he asked.

If you don't want him to recognize it, you can completely change your appearance, and Xingwang's face pinching system can completely do this.

This retains most of the original features, what is it for? There's a really awkward feeling that I don't want him to recognize it, but I also want him to recognize it.

Si Sheng buried his face on his back shoulder, and his voice was a little pitiful: "Just... I want to please you..."

Whether it was Joan Rowland or Su Lin and those students, he always had an inexplicable tolerance for children of this age. At that time, he chose this image on a whim.

Originally, I didn't want to confess to him, I just wanted to stay by his side in a different identity... However, when he questioned him, he said his intentions in a strange way.

Then, scared him away.

Xu Sili is a little speechless, to please him? He's not Shotacon... well, it does.

He is quite easy to be soft-hearted towards cute and loving children. After all, he is the flower of the future of the empire, but he is not a pervert! How can you be tempted by such a young man?

"Okay, let me go first."

Xu Sili said.

Si Sheng clenched his fist slightly, but finally let go of him, watching the young man turn around, wearing a red fox mask, only showing the lower half of his face, which made him look a little crazy.


Xu Sili curved his lips slightly, "Do you want me to forgive you?"

Si Sheng nodded. He looked so childish as a teenager, his sharp edges and corners faded, and he looked at him with some eagerness, inexplicably like a little milk wolf.

Xu Sili couldn't hold back, and reached out to rub the top of his hair.

With the current height difference between the two, he could easily do this move.

"Screaming brother." Xu Sili said with a wicked smile.

The young man paused, his brows furrowed tightly, obviously reluctant, "Ali..."

"Not happy?" Xu Sili raised his eyebrows.

Before he could say what the punishment was, the young man turned his face away and shouted wisely, "Brother..."

Glancing at the roots of his red ears, Xu Sili nodded slightly, stretched out his hand to squeeze his chin, and bowed slightly to look at him, "That's good."

Si Sheng stared at his casual smile, his heart throbbing slightly, "Then...you forgive me?"

Xu Sili tilted his head.

He still wants to play for a while...

The young man released his hand, perhaps because of the red fox mask, making his expression always playful and sly.

"You change your image."

Xu Sili looked at Si Sheng, although looking at him like this always reminded him of the time in the trial world, but he doesn't really want to recall the past now.

Si Sheng looked at him, pursed his lips and said, "What do you want to see?"

Xu Sili slightly hooked his index finger and scratched his chin.

"I want to see you when you were eighteen or nineteen."

Si Sheng was so provoked that his scalp was going to explode, but in the end he just nodded restrainedly, "Okay."

Under Xu Sili's gaze, Si Sheng disappeared in place - to adjust his appearance, he needed to return to his own virtual room.

Seeing his figure disappear, Xu Sili's originally indifferent expression disappeared, and he walked to the sofa and lay down casually, with a cheerful smile already on his face.

I was "tricked" last night, and I got it back with profit!

He shook his legs proudly, and when he saw the little robot appearing on the coffee table, he couldn't help but pause.

Well, what to do next, this little guy is not suitable to be present...

"Xiao Wu, my brother has a task for you."

"What mission?"

Under Xu Sili's instructions, the little robot obediently left the game cabin and went to follow up the players' relief efforts.

More than 200 places are still a bit difficult for Xiao Wu, so he needs to put all his energy into it. Of course, he also vaguely understands that this is the brother who is putting it away and wants to do something shameful with that bad guy.

It is a disciplined artificial intelligence. If you don't show it, you won't watch it. There are so many resources on Xingwang.

After Xu Sili opened Xiaowu, he waited leisurely. At this time, he suddenly received a voice request from Adrian.

The liaison officer of the Interstellar Alliance, he still attaches great importance to this relationship.

He sat up and answered Adrian's voice.

"Your Majesty Roland, good day." Adrian's gentle voice sounded.

Xu Sili also said hello, and then heard him say: "Your Majesty, I have received your purchase order, and I have checked it carefully. The quantity is indeed a bit large."

"Is there not enough stock?" Xu Sili asked.

"It's not enough, but you also know that there are more than 200 countries that the alliance needs to arrange for supply... Your Majesty's order may need to be provided to you in two batches."

"The first batch can be delivered in three days, and the second batch will take about half a month."

"Okay, that's fine."

Xu Sili nodded, and then heard Adrian say: "As for the spaceship you want, if it is an ordinary civilian spaceship, I can help you get in touch."

"In terms of price, the large one is about 5 billion universe coins, and the small one is about 1 billion."

Xu Sili was stunned to hear it. A small one costs 1 billion yuan. I'm afraid no ordinary person can afford it.

According to his original deposit, he could only buy two small ships, but now that the milk tea shop is profitable, it is more than enough to buy ten large ships.

He thought for a moment and asked, "What about the military ones?"

Adrian was obviously hesitant. He didn't doubt Roland's purpose. After all, which country does not want to enhance its military strength, it is still a country like Roland in a troubled situation.

"Your Majesty Roland, the annual output of military warships is not high. Although the producing countries have released part of the amount to supply the alliance, but..."

Xu Sili heard what he meant, and then he said, "Roland doesn't have the right to buy it yet, right?"

There are 266 countries in the All-Star Alliance, and the Roland Empire ranks 265th in overall strength, the second from the bottom. In previous years, it has to accept the alliance's poverty alleviation and assistance policy.

It is conceivable what the status in the league is.

Adrian didn't speak, it was a default.

"Then how do I get permission?" Xu Sili asked.

"Generally speaking, only the top 50 countries in terms of comprehensive strength can participate in the bidding."

Adrian explained, "The reserve price of the bidding will be much lower than the market price. Of course, the final bidding result will depend on the competing countries in the current period."

After all, production is limited, and some countries may not have the money to buy it. Even if the alliance's bid price is higher than the market price, they are willing to pay.

Xu Sili felt that the price was not very beautiful, and as expected, he heard Adrian say: "The cheapest one sold in recent years is also 21.5 billion universe coins."

It's really...not a pretty pricey one.

But he is rich now.

After calling out the backstage income of the milk tea shop, and scanning the increasing amount, Xu Sili felt more at ease.

It's just that the comprehensive strength ranks in the top 50...

Xu Sili sighed and said hopelessly, "Is there any other way besides bidding?"

Unexpectedly, Adrian said: "Yes."

Xu Sili became interested, "How do you say it?"

"Genius Contest."


"Your Majesty may not be very clear." Adrian said, "Although the Talent Tournament is a competitive competition held in four S-rank and above regions, it has attracted a lot of attention in the entire interstellar range, but..."

"Actually, the ranking of the game also involves the allocation of alliance resources."

Xu Sili frowned, he suppressed some subtle vibrations in his heart, and asked, "I remember that in these regions, only the top ten people in the country's comprehensive strength can enter, right?"

"In principle it is."

Adrian said, "However, if some ordinary countries have geniuses of the corresponding level, they can also enter by joining the Freedom Alliance."

"The competition system of the Genius Tournament is that the top ten countries and the Liberty Alliance will send 11 teams to the competition, and the corresponding resources will be obtained according to the ranking."

Xu Sili understood what he meant. The Free Alliance is composed of many weak countries, and the resources obtained must be divided with the countries in the group.

Although the resources allocated are definitely less than the top ten powers alone, but if you don't participate, you won't even be able to drink this soup.

"However, this year's talent competition has been open for a few months. If you want to participate, you have to wait for the next one."

"When is the next one?"

"Five years later."

Xu Sili sighed, "Okay, I see."

"Adrian, can you please send me the information of different types of civilian spaceships? I want to choose."

"Okay, I'll send it back to your email."

"Well, thank you."

"Your Majesty, you are very kind and look forward to your new work."

Xu Sili paused, oh, almost forgot, this Adrian Consul seems to be still his fan.

"Okay, I'll post it in a few days."

"That's really exciting."

After the two exchanged goodbyes, Xu Sili hung up the call.

He did not forget the threat of the Bayvat Empire.

Although temporarily sheltered by the Interstellar Alliance and restricted by Ai Xuexing's geographical environment, those lizardmen only dared to do things behind their backs, but thinking of this coveted neighbor, Xu Sili had to prepare in advance.

Military battleships must be bought, that is...

"What are you thinking about?"

Xu Sili frowned and thought. Hearing the words, he couldn't help but look up, and saw a figure appeared beside him at some point.

He blinked and looked at Si Sheng carefully.

At the age of eighteen, he is between a teenager and a young man. His body is no longer as thin as when he was a teenager, but he is not so strong. His lean muscles fit his body, looking thin, but full of beauty.

At this time, his height looked at the same level as him, and his handsome facial features had matured a lot, but he was still a little childish, much younger than he was in reality.

Looking at his new image, Xu Sili couldn't help licking his lips and hooked his long legs.

Si Sheng fell down, his hands resting on the sofa beside his face, his neck was hooked by him, and the two almost overlapped.

"You're back?" Xu Sili curled his lips.

Si Sheng looked at him, raised his hand and took off his fox mask, revealing the face that fascinated him.

Xu Sili did not resist, and his fingers stroked his light golden hair, and said, "Tell me, what's going on in the Genius Tournament?"

Seeing that he didn't look angry, Si Sheng took his hand and kissed him on the lips.

"The people from the Liberty League invited me to play, and the appearance fee was 20 billion Cosmos Coins. I thought it was okay, so I agreed."

He said it as simple as drinking a bowl of water.

"Twenty billion?"

"Well, half of the milk tea I bought from Fox's family boosted sales. It seems to be on a pretty good recommendation list."

Si Sheng explained honestly, "I still have the other half, do you need it? I'll pass it on to you now."

In his mouth, 20 billion was like 200 yuan, Xu Sili couldn't help laughing, and at the same time felt sweet in his heart.

However, Si Sheng bought milk tea in order to rank on the list, which he did not expect. I want to come to the milk tea sales so well, in addition to his free advertising, there is also credit for the recommendation list.

"No, you can keep the flowers." Xu Sili couldn't help kissing his lips, "I'll ask you for it when it's not enough."

Si Sheng smiled and rolled his eyes, "Okay."

Then, he said another thing, "I joined the Free Alliance in an anonymous form, and did not expose the Roland Empire, but..."

"If you remain anonymous, the resources that Roland could have allocated may be cancelled after the game is over."

Xu Sili frowned, if a genius and powerhouse like Si Sheng was exposed to others, it would go against his original intention to grow in a vulgar manner.

But... it would be a pity to give up these resources!

"When does the game end?" he asked.

Si Sheng recalled, "There are still seven or eight months."

It's still so long... Xu Sili nodded, "Then let's wait until the game is over."

Si Sheng naturally had no objection.

"I saw your battle video." Xu Sili suddenly smiled and said, "It's very cute."

Si Sheng: "..."

Perhaps his choice of the image of a teenager was a mistake from beginning to end.

Seeing him sullen, Xu Sili laughed even happier.

"However, the look of avenging me..." He kissed the tip of his nose, "It's also very handsome."

Si Sheng was fascinated by his smile, "Ali..."

Xu Sili pressed his fingers to his lips, and said seriously and earnestly, "I'm going to call you brother now."

Si Sheng stared at him helplessly, and finally shouted, "Brother."

Seeing his handsome face full of juvenile air and reluctantly calling out his brother, Xu Sili really wanted to record a video and save it, but of course he only took a few photos in the end.

As for later, because of this prank, he was forced to scream until his voice became hoarse, so it is not easy to elaborate.

All in all, he's having a good time now.

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