Yu Sen controlled the mecha, and while avoiding the meteorite, he aimed at the stagnant meteorite belt only a kilometer away from him.

He didn't want to get close. This young man named Guardian was too weird to be able to beat him at a distance, so there was no need to get closer and take risks.

The distance of one kilometer is negligible for the newly developed and improved antimatter gun in their country, and there is also an ultra-high-performance auxiliary computing system, as long as...

Yu Sen's eyes suddenly froze.

He approached the sight and saw that the stagnant meteorite belt... was empty, nothing?

When this idea just surfaced, his mecha system suddenly issued a sharp alarm!

"Warning! Warning! If there is an unknown object attached to the mecha, immediately activate the fuselage scanning system! According to its characteristics, the similarity between the unknown attachment and the competitor guardian of this competition is as high as 99.9%!"

"Warning! Warning! The enemy is destroying the mecha! The primary protection system has been activated... The primary protection system has been broken, and the highest level of protection has been automatically activated according to the enemy's speed..."

Yu Sen was already stunned, staring blankly at the light curtain in front of him. He had never been so dazed as he is now—a young man who was supposed to be thousands of meters away appeared in front of him in the blink of an eye, and broke through the primary protection of the mecha. system.

However, while the system was still broadcasting, the primary protection system was smashed with a punch, forcing the system to turn on the highest-level protection device. As a result...

Yu Sen stared blankly at the light curtain, and at his most proud of the silver light, the most advanced protective barrier that could even resist the bombardment of plasma cannons. Bits of light disappeared into the universe.

Then, the boy threw a punch again.

It was clearly in a universe where no sound could be transmitted, but Yu Sen seemed to hear a huge roar blasting in his ears.

That fist, which was absurdly small compared to the ten-meter-high mecha, kept expanding in front of his eyes, causing unparalleled pressure on him like a mountain pressing down.

He didn't give him any time to react at all. The moment the last punch fell, his eyes went black and he completely lost consciousness...

All the viewing areas, no matter how boiling they were originally, suddenly quieted down at this moment.

Because...too soon!

Have 3 seconds?

What the **** is going on? Why did Yusen's mecha suddenly explode? Did the Guardians do it?

The audience was stunned, unable to see what had just happened.

Xu Sili was also a little embarrassed.

He knew that this must have been done by Si Sheng, but judging from the picture presented by the projection, he could not analyze what he did.

"What just happened? Does anyone understand?" The commentator was also at a loss. This was probably the most incredible and confusing commentary he had hosted in his career.

"Okay, the analysis footage is on! Let's see what happened in those three seconds."

This is a duel between geniuses and powerhouses. It is easy to have scenes that the audience can't understand. At this time, there will be analysis shots.

After all, it is a battle in the star network. As long as the data is scheduled, it can be played at a slow speed of 360 degrees without dead ends, so that everyone can watch the wonderful moment again.

The audience found that the void was divided into two areas.

An area is the Yusen mecha that has started the concealment device and is color-coded by the star network master. He is moving rapidly and is equipped with anti-matter cannons.

The mecha's movements are so neat and swift, it fully demonstrates the ultra-high level of Yusen mecha driving, and some mecha fans are addicted to it.

The other area is the stationary meteorite belt, surrounded by large and small meteorites around the blond boy. His dark uniform almost merges with the night sky.

Everyone could see that these meteorites were controlled by him, and even just looking at the picture, they would think that he would use the meteorite as a shield or a weapon to attack, but the next second - the boy suddenly disappeared out of thin air!

The audience couldn't help rubbing their eyes. Under the watchful eyes, they were already very close to the boy. Under such circumstances, they couldn't see his trajectory?

According to the feedback, the star network master began to play the picture just now at a slow speed.

Everyone looked at the number on the screen showing the slowdown factor, which kept increasing little by little. Yu Sen's mecha was so slow that it could not be seen that it was moving, and they finally saw the movement of the boy clearly.

It turned out that he really did not disappear directly, but the speed was too fast, to the extent that the naked eye or even the machine could not detect it, and it could only be analyzed in slow motion after the event.

But to their senses...

Actually not slow.

Probably because the contrast between Yu Sen was too tragic, the young man flew in front of him so carelessly, while Yu Sen was still unconsciously still in place, without any reaction at all.

However, looking at the slowdown factor displayed above the projection, everyone fell silent again.

It's no wonder Yu Sen, it's not that he is too slow, it's that the guardian is too fast, so fast that even if he slows down so many times, he still feels that his movements are smooth and fast, which is creepy.

So, is this the world in the eyes of the boss?

What kind of monster is this boy! Is he really an under-40 contestant?

Such fears and doubts inevitably emerge in the hearts of all the audience, including other contestants.

Of course, Xu Sili was not included.

He just looked at the picture in front of him and felt very novel. He thought that Si Sheng used the flashing technique, but he didn't expect that he flew directly over.

Is this the combat power possessed by the top powerhouses of lv82? When he reaches this level, can he be as powerful as Si Sheng?

Xu Sili's heart was full of anticipation, and at the same time, when he heard the audience's discussion about Si Sheng's fear or admiration, he curled his lips proudly.

This is my boyfriend, great, right?

The lens analysis ends, and the projection switches back to the normal screen again.

Yusen's mecha exploded and was smashed into slag. All kinds of fragments were suspended in space and moved under the action of a magnetic field. Who saw this picture and said that the simulation was too realistic?

However, when he saw the young man floating in front of the shards, his admiration would be stifled back all of a sudden.

Even if they know this monster-like guy, I am afraid that they can really survive in outer space in reality, but seeing this scene up close, everyone will still think it is unscientific!

"Hey, why do I feel like I'm missing something?" The duck-billed hat girl sitting beside Xu Sili muttered softly.

Then, in the projection, a cup of... milk tea suddenly appeared in front of the boy!

The huge "Fox's Home" logo was clearly reflected in front of every audience, and then the boy grabbed the milk tea and slowly sipped it.

"Ah, ah, this feeling is right!" In the wailing, the duck-billed hat girl cheered, "What milk tea did the cub drink today? I want to drink it too!"

"It should be Wulong Xueding, right?" Someone next to her echoed her.

"Okay, place an order now!"

So, Xu Sili watched the audience sitting nearby, started ordering one after another, and then sipped the milk tea very synchronously.


This picture is so hilarious!

He couldn't help but take a peek at the backstage, and found that the sales of Wulong Snow Top suddenly increased sharply, and the sales of other milk teas were also a little faster than usual.

This wave of advertising is so worth it!

The boy in the projection, after taking a few sips of milk tea, seemed to open the order interface again. In the eyes of everyone, a package of what seemed to be snacks, also printed with the Fox's logo, appeared in front of him.

He grabbed it with one hand, opened the seal with his teeth, and ate it like no one else - for the young man, there was indeed no one around, but... at least tens of billions of people across the universe are watching the game!

How can you be so embarrassed to openly start eating and broadcasting on such a serious occasion?

And it tastes delicious!

What is that red bar snack? Is it a new product from Fox's house? Is it really so delicious?

Then, the people around started to look up the fox family's Xingwang store, and soon found the new snacks that were just launched yesterday - the fox family actually started to make other things besides milk tea!

The new product should be pushed on the homepage. This is too low-key, right? Only soon, when they saw that the teenager in the projection was still continuing his "eating and broadcasting", they were silent again.

Low key? This is a low-key only ghost!

All the merchants in the interstellar are envious and cry, okay?

And what is the most deadly?

According to the rules of the competition, in the simulated map duel, unless the player is defeated or voluntarily abstains to quit, the main brain of StarNet will lock the map in the first 30 minutes, and no one will be allowed to enter or exit.

Because someone took advantage of the loophole and directly threw the opponent out of the map, although they won the game, but later, in order to target such special abilities, the game also issued new regulations.

And why 30 minutes?

Because this kind of simulated map battle generally lasts for a long time, it is rarely over within half an hour, and sometimes even half a day without results.

But the person who specified the new rules may never have imagined that someone could solve the battle in five minutes and start eating and broadcasting in a grand manner!

Did he break the rules?

No, the game is over, what happened to the food?

Soon, there was a smell of... um, spicy sticks floating around Xu Sili.


Should he admire Si Sheng's marketing methods? It is really hard to find such a dedicated spokesperson.

Smelling the spicy sticky smell that made the index finger twitch, and seeing how delicious the people around him were eating, Xu Sili finally couldn't hold back and ordered a pack from the store.

He took off the lower half of the mask and started eating spicy sticks with everyone.

This scene happened in almost every community viewing platform of StarNet. All in all, it was very magical and unforgettable for a lifetime.

Fortunately, the guardian didn't go too far.

He ate a pack of spicy sticks with milk tea, and without saying a word, he directly exited the virtual map, leaving many people disappointed.

And the organizers are also dumbfounded. Although the competition prohibits unnamed businesses from advertising, the contestants didn't even say a word, and they couldn't say that he violated the rules.

This competition is over.

From start to finish, it took less than fifteen minutes, including entering the map, Yu Sen exploring the guardian's location, and the guardian eating time after the game.

Head-to-head combat...only three seconds.

It was astonishingly fast and had to obey.

Since that day, Yu Sen has also carried the tragic nickname of "Three Seconds Man", which means that the man who can be defeated in only three seconds has become a nightmare that he cannot get rid of in his life.

In addition to the game between Si Sheng and Yu Sen, there are two more duels in the future. Because of the long game time, there will be at most three games in a day.

Because the first game was too fast, the plan could not catch up with the schedule, so the organizers had to announce a half-hour break and start projecting advertisements.

Boos rang out from the viewing platform.

I have only watched the duel for less than five minutes, and I have watched it for nearly ten minutes. Now I have to play an advertisement for half an hour. Does this count as a game in an advertisement?

The tickets they bought are very expensive!

Later, seeing that he couldn't hold back, the organizer quickly removed the advertisement and replaced it with the rebroadcast of the first showdown just now, which barely quelled the anger of the audience.

Xu Sili looked at it and found it fun. While eating and drinking, he chatted with the girl in the duck-billed hat beside him about alien planets and collected information.

Just chatting, he suddenly felt that the atmosphere around him was a little condensed, and when he looked sideways, he saw a young man in normal clothes who appeared in the aisle next to him at some point.

The man was wearing a cyan fox mask, with light blond hair and gray-blue eyes. His features were so obvious that even if he changed his attire, Xu Sili would never be able to mistake him again.

Seeing his condensed eyes, Xu Sili paused for a while, and just as he was about to speak, he already looked at the girl in the duckbill hat.

"This is my position."

A pun, with a hint of sourness in the indifferent tone.

The girl didn't even recognize that he was the cub she just cheered for, so she quickly packed up and got up, said sorry and looked at Xu Sili again.

"Hey, Red Fox, I feel like we're pretty good friends. We'll keep in touch in the future!"

Facing the young man's faint gaze, Xu Sili twitched the corners of his mouth and waved goodbye to her - the girl only booked a ticket for the Guardian, and she had to leave after the game.

When her figure disappeared in front of her eyes, Xu Sili looked at Si Sheng.

In order to avoid trouble, he still appeared in a different image, and now he is eighteen or nineteen years old again, and he also changed the color of the fox mask.

He sat down beside Xu Sili.

"You have added friends?" He seemed to be casual, but in fact asked a little sour.

Xu Sili touched his nose.

"I want to know about the outside world..."

Si Sheng looked at him sideways, and for some reason, his cold eyes suddenly softened again.


He responded, then raised his hand and reached out.

Xu Sili didn't move, watching Si Sheng wipe his lips with the pulp of his thumb, then retracted it, and licked it lightly with the tip of his tongue.

"It's spicy." He smiled.

Xu Sili rolled his eyes at him, but soon couldn't hold back his smile.

"Yeah, spicy strips."

He leaned over to him, gave him a quick peck on the lips, and smiled softly, "You too."

They were like no one else, and although the audience around them felt as if they were being fed spicy dog ​​food, this behavior was considered very restrained.

Because the star network system is not in harmony, it proves that it is still within the scope of permission, so it is difficult for others to say anything.

The game starts soon.

The second game was really long, and it took a lot of time just to find an opponent. Xu Sili was bored, and finally took Si Sheng back to sleep.

The next day, the two-way teleportation array between Imperial City and Lanyue City was officially opened.

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