"Brother, aren't these fireworks beautiful?"

The little robot emerged from Xu Sili's communication device, with a pair of electronic eyes flashing, and a naive appearance seeking approval, which made Xu Sili recover from the shock, and then he couldn't laugh or cry.

Nice is nice, but…

"How did you do it?" Xu Sili asked it, "There shouldn't be so many weapons in what I gave you, right?"

Although he was in the spaceship, he had just extended his mental power, but he saw the gun barrels in his eyes. It was so dense that he felt chills down his spine, and it also subverted his cognition.

Where is this an ordinary civilian spaceship? Have you ever seen a civilian spaceship that can completely blow up a warship armed to the teeth in an instant?

"It's made in my factory."

Xiao Wu said truthfully, "I collected some designs on the star network, and they seemed to be very useful. Then my brother just bought a spaceship and promised to lend it to me for research."

"I...I made a small modification to the spacecraft."

Small modification?

Xu Sili looked at the "fireworks" that had not dissipated in the distance, and his smile was a little stiff.

If it's just a "little" mod, then a more thorough mod... how scary?

"Too dangerous."

Xu Sili's expression became solemn, and he said to Xiao Wu, "You can modify it, but you can't play it casually. Before you want to play in the future, you have to get my permission, you know?"

The little robot took a look at his expression, lowered his head and pointed his fingers, and let out a soft sound.

Xu Sili looked at it, and finally stretched out his finger and touched the phantom of the little guy, as if stroking the top of its hair.

Under the gaze of the little robot's bright electronic eyes again, he smiled and said, "But this time, it's a great job. This firework is beautiful."

Not only did he discover the battleship of Star Bay, but he also annihilated it in one fell swoop. To be honest, Xu Sili never thought that Xiao Wu could play such a big role.

The praised little robot became happy again, and said crisply: "Xiao Wu also thinks it looks good!"

"When I saw it in the video files, I thought it was very beautiful, but I didn't expect it to be even more beautiful in reality! Brother, I want to get a bigger and better-looking one next time~" A child with a new toy, Xu Sili's smile narrowed, and he was inevitably a little worried in his heart.

An artificial intelligence with such powerful energy is indeed a big killer in the world, but it does need to be well guided, otherwise once it gets out of control...

Xu Sili had already accepted Xiao Wu, so he didn't want to see such a scene happen.

"Little Wu, the Bewaite people are our enemies."

Xu Sili explained it carefully.

"Roland has never taken the initiative to provoke them, but they have repeatedly tried to split Roland and incite the people to rebel. Now they have even dispatched warships to station near Ai Xuexing. The wolf's ambition is obvious."

"We can't be lenient in the face of the Bewaites, so if you turn them into fireworks, my brother supports you."

Xiao Wu quieted down, raised his electronic eyes, and looked at him ignorantly, but it could be seen that he listened very seriously.

Xu Sili patiently said to it: "But when facing other people, if they have not shown hostility, then we must maintain goodwill and see if we can be friends with each other and establish a good relationship."

"Maybe in the future, they will be our helpers."

"Anyway, it's not a special case, try not to turn people into fireworks, you know?"

Xiao Wu nodded his head, "I understand brother."

It asked again: "What is a special case then?"

"For example, when someone bullies you." Xu Sili said, "If you can't decide, you can ask me, or Si Sheng and the second brother before you act."

"Okay, brother."

Seeing that he obeyed obediently, Xu Sili breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time, the little robot looked at him cautiously again and asked, "Brother, are you not mad at me?"


"No." He shook his head.

I don't know if it noticed something, the little robot was quiet for a while, and suddenly said: "Xiao Wu will never hurt his brother."

Xu Sili was slightly startled.

Looking at the virtual image of the little robot, he felt more and more in his heart, how far this artificial intelligence created by him has grown.

He didn't feel scared because of this, but curved his lips and said gently, "Well, my brother believes in you."

The little robot looked up at him, the facial features that should not be able to see the expression, but it made him feel that the little guy was watching him.

Perhaps feeling his sincerity, Xiao Wu quickly became happy again.


The voice of milk whirring is especially soft and cute.

At this moment, its voice suddenly became serious again.

"It was found that the UFO is approaching rapidly, and it is expected to arrive in 5 minutes. The overall condition of the spacecraft is good, and the energy storage is low. The transition takes 2 minutes and 36 seconds normally, and it can leave before the UFO arrives."

"Brother, do you want to start the jump?"

UFO? Xu Sili nodded, "Let's go, don't be discovered."


The little robot burrowed into his communication device, and immediately, the entire spaceship started running again.

In the cabin, the players were still watching the "big fireworks" outside and talking about it.

"My God, what was that just now?"

"I don't know, the opposite side suddenly exploded."

"What suddenly exploded? We shot over there! You didn't see a ship hiding there... No, it should be a battleship! Cool!"

"Yes, yes, battleship! I just took a picture of it, I thought I was blinded and wanted to take a closer look, but it disappeared with a bang!"

"And with a bang... the sound in the universe can't be transmitted, and the junior high school physics knowledge has been returned to the teacher?"

"I'm just a rhetorical device, do you understand?"

"Oh, that's why your physics was taught by a Chinese teacher."

Some people started to quarrel while talking.

The surrounding players ignored them and continued to focus on the big explosion outside. After all, the top 500 ranked players were basically high-level players, and they were more sensitive to such events.

What's more, watching such a shocking picture at close range, even if you can't see the panorama, just watching the aftermath of the explosion is shocking.

"Is Roland's military strength so strong?"

"There are even military factories and spaceships, so it shouldn't be too bad."

"Then why are you still besieged by interstellar beasts?"

"Am I the only one who is curious about where the thing that was beaten came from? There should be someone in it, right? Why was it destroyed without saying a word?"

The players were discussing enthusiastically. Xu Yuheng, who was sitting in the last row, turned blue and white, and finally calmed down.

Get used to it, no need to make a fuss.

he thought numbly.

"Brother Yu, what do you think? Who will be in that battleship?" Bai Feng said, "Will it be related to the future main storyline of Star Era?"

Xu Yuheng was silent.

Now that the main line of the game has reached the point where he, a person who has seen the detailed information, cannot spoil it.

If it was Xiao Li's plan, he would still be able to say something.

"It should be from Star Beiwat." Xu Yuheng guessed.

"Bawat Star? You said the aliens who were loyal to those traitors before!" Bai Feng immediately thought of it.

"That's right, I hid here sneakily, and was killed by Roland without saying a word. Eighty percent of it is a battleship of the Bewaites, but... Are you sure it is a battleship? It's so fragile?"

After what he said, the players who were determined to be battleships before were not sure at this time. After all, they had never seen the captains of the battleships of the Star Age.

It's probably not a space battleship...

Otherwise, how could it be like a piece of paper, and they were so close, the other party didn't find it, and they stopped in place stupidly, not doing any defense.

Now it's been blown up to the point where there's nothing left to resist.

After some analysis, the players quickly overturned their previous guesses, and their knowledge of Roland's military level was pulled back to a slightly higher level than before.

The ship on the opposite side should also be the same spacecraft as them, and it was so fragile that it knelt down all of a sudden.

In this way, Roland is still not that weak.

"I don't know what the Bewat star looks like? Officials don't give out any introduction." Some players complained.

Xu Yuheng heard the black line and couldn't help it.

This is something from the second expansion, how could it be released now?

At this moment, the spaceship started again, and the players who had just unbuckled their seat belts quickly returned to their positions and tied themselves under the system prompt.

The spacecraft entered the transition channel smoothly.

When it vanished here, the aftermath of the Bevat battleship's explosion had not yet dissipated.

A few minutes later, a spaceship tore through the darkness and drove over from a distance.

This is a very beautiful spaceship, with bright colors on the hull, with the general text of "Voyager" written in graffiti, which is flamboyant and full of personality.

"It looks like the victor has left."

In the control room of the spacecraft, a woman with an enchanting and beautiful appearance said with great interest as she looked at the scene of the explosion that had not yet disappeared.

I saw that the other half of the screen in front of her was playing the pictures accidentally captured by their monitoring equipment.

It is estimated that it is a little far away, and the picture is not too clear, but it is still possible to distinguish what happened at that time.

In the picture, a model looks like it should belong to a large-scale ordinary civilian spaceship produced by the Flanders Interstellar Federation. Originally, except for its deep black color, there was nothing outstanding about it.

However, after only a second, the simple and honest big fat man instantly showed his sharp fangs.

The dense muzzle was aimed at a battleship in the corner - yes, almost everyone on the "Voyager" can recognize that this is also produced by Flanda, but it is a high-end war machine with no market price. .

The result is that such a warship was destroyed by a "civilian spacecraft" in less than a minute, and even a distress signal was not sent - at least, the "Voyager" did not intercept the relevant signal.

Simply incredible.

Who is the man who modified this spaceship? There is still such a master, and she was met by her...

The woman looked at the empty starry sky and asked the person next to her, "Can you find out the direction of that black ship's transition?"

Just as her subordinate was about to answer, someone next to her interrupted: "Yelena, don't make extra troubles, we must rush to Kechibal Star immediately, it will be too late!"

It was a scarred face, not only with a ferocious tone, but also with a ferocious appearance.

However, women are not afraid of him.

"What are you in a hurry for? Are you in a hurry to get reincarnated?" She admired her red-dyed nails and said casually, "This time, the wooden boat is begging us. What are you worried about for him?"

"If you hadn't hurriedly agreed, the old lady wouldn't have come, and he had to come and beg us in person!"

"No hurry? If he dies and the transaction fails, wait for you to go back and be skinned by the boss!"

Scarface scolded fiercely, and then looked at the subordinates who were silent, "Quickly start, what are you still doing? You have to slap you before you are willing to move, right?"

"Don't dare, I'll start right away..."

Yelena pouted and said nothing, just looking at the void where the aftermath of the explosion had disappeared in the distance, with a bit of regret on her face.

Soon, the "Voyager" also entered the transition channel and left here.

As for Ai Xuexing in the background board, it was ignored by everyone... After all, Ai Xuexing is quite famous in the surrounding area - notoriously dangerous and barren.

"Bastard! Who the **** did it!"

After the "Voyager" left, a period of time passed, and when all traces were about to disappear, the battleship of the Bewat star finally arrived late.

After the lizard people lost contact with their warships, they were still lucky and thought it might be a signal problem. However, as time went on, the battleship KT524887 remained silent.

All the messages sent out were lost in the sea, and even the commander and the soldiers on the battleship could not be contacted.

Only then did the lizard people report the information to Arnoldon. Just in case, Arnoldon dispatched the only remaining second battleship of the Bewat star.

However, even when they were near Aixuexing, they were unable to contact Beiwat KT524887. After exploring around Aixuexing several times, they finally found traces.

Using the latest detection technology, they can finally determine that KT524887 has been destroyed, everyone on the battleship has been killed, and the data collected over the years has been destroyed.

And what pained them the most was the battleship that was destroyed so that not even a single bit of **** was left.

Even though it has been in service for more than ten years, the performance of KT524887 is still superior. What's more, Beiwat Star has only three battleships, and now one of them has been quietly killed. It is a huge loss!

When the commander reported the unfortunate news to Arnolden, there was no doubt that they immediately suffered the wrath of the leader.

The commander of this operation could not answer the question of their leader at all - the disappearance of Bewat KT524887 has become a mystery, and no traces were left at the scene.

"Bett, do you think I can accept such a pale and funny explanation?"

Arnoldon said coldly, his yellow-green beast pupils stared at the commander, full of sharp murderous intent.

"If you can't find any clues, then you don't have to come back. Baywatt doesn't need waste."

"Your Majesty, I think it might be the Roland Empire." The commander had no choice but to bite the bullet.

"The place where KT524887 disappeared is just outside Aixuexing. This matter must have something to do with Roland!"

"You mean, that Roland, who doesn't even have a spaceship and lives in the protective barrier left by the old emperor every day, now has the military strength to destroy the battleship of Baywart?"

Arnoldon's remarks made the commander sweat cold, but he could only insist: "This possibility is not ruled out."

Arnoldon snorted coldly, but his attitude eased a little, and a suspicious look appeared in his yellow-green pupils.

Could it be that Roland really has the strength to encroach on the stars? is it possible? Could it be that Roland's recent battle on the Lihai Plain made use of warships?

But Roland, where did the funds and channels come from?

At this time, the commander suddenly said excitedly: "Your Majesty, just detected the remaining traces of the transition nearby!"

"According to the test results, the other party is likely to flee in the direction of Kechibal! Are we going to chase?"

Arnoldon pondered for a moment and said, "Send a group of people over to take a look. Don't take it lightly until the target is determined, and the others will drive the battleship back."

A warship starts with 10 billion Cosmos coins, and the current Bevat Empire can't afford to lose it, so Arnoldon cautiously did not let the warship pursue him.

But this revenge must be avenged!

As for how to determine goals? The Bewaites have their own special methods to identify the murderers - as long as they are within a certain range, those who are contaminated with the blood of the Bewats should not try to escape!

Xu Sili had no idea that after they left, there were two groups of people chasing after them.

But even if he knew, he wouldn't worry about it now.

After all, he now has too many cards in his hand. After the shortcoming of the spaceship driving was made up by Xiao Wu, he no longer had any concerns.

Space travel is boring and boring.

Players are trapped in the spaceship, and after being allowed to move freely, they explore the spaceship with great interest.

Because of the particularity of the brave, Xu Sili didn't even arrange a room for them, but there was no restriction on what to eat and drink, and he also divided the living area for them.

Due to the urination of the players, Xu Sili did not isolate them from the NPCs.

No matter the hero or the NPC, they are all guards with the team. It is euphemistically called to let them know each other and communicate with each other to enhance their relationship, and it is also convenient for players to check their favorability, which may trigger some quests.

What he didn't expect was that in less than half a day, the players would become friends with the NPCs of the Royal Guard—because it was so boring, some players used elemental skills to synthesize props, and played cards and mahjong on the spaceship. I was stopped by the NPC because it was too noisy, and later...

Then they were so delicious!

They have never been exposed to this kind of "game", and they become addicted to it as soon as they play, and they can't stop.

In addition to feeling the intelligence of the NPCs in this game, the players happily accompany the NPCs to play cards and play mahjong.

The normal working environment of the Royal Guard is very simple. Although some secrets are impossible to tell, most of the players' inquiries are well-known things, and they don't mind telling them.

In the end, a lot of background information and gossip about Roland was really inquired by the players.

For example, Roland has been receiving assistance from the Star Alliance. Many high-tech products are alien products. For example, many of these products come from a country called Flanda Star Federation, such as...

After a certain assassination incident, Marshal Si Sheng has been living in the palace to protect the safety of His Majesty the Emperor.

CP fans never thought that they would be able to hit sugar like this, so the emperor and the marshal must be true!

Of course, this is what CP fans pay attention to, while other high-end players think of others.

The Star Federation... the Flanders Federation of the Stars... and the star of Bewart, the starship that had been killed before...

Does this mean that in addition to Roland, there can be other camp options in the future? If that's the case, then it's fun.

When they were playing poker, they were broadcast live. There were many cloud players in the barrage to speculate along with them, and of course there were players who guided the game.

I have to say, this game is so magical, and the style of the live broadcast room is different from other games.

Under the shameless offensive of the players, the simple NPCs were naturally unable to resist, and soon became brothers with the players.

After all, the warriors have indeed done a lot for the empire. These guards naturally have a good impression of them, so they are not very defensive.

Even the purpose of this trip was accidentally missed by a guard.

And this information quickly spread among players, and was even sent to the Starry Sky Forum, which caused a lot of discussion.

"Roland is about to welcome a new life career mentor, and it is expected that the public beta will open up new careers, let's wait and see!"

"This first exploration of the starry sky should be a prerequisite for a new life career. After completing the task, we can learn a new career! I don't know what the task reward will be."

"So, is this time I went to Kechibal Star to pick up my mentor? The sense of participation in the new profession is incredible, I like it!"

The Starry Sky Forum is full of lively discussions about possible new life careers, and there may be more than one career mentor this time, and there will undoubtedly be many more choices, making every player excited.

Of course, there are also people who are worried.

[Don't be as pitiful as a weapon division @dog planning! 】

【right! The apprenticeship of a weapon division is simply not something that can be accomplished by human beings! The dog planned to be beaten! 】

[I see that someone has done it]

[Wow, who is this big guy? Really hit the iron for a month ah? Then the whole second test is patronizing the iron, right? 】

Later, the topic gradually became skewed, and no one greeted the planners anymore. However, the planners are also very confused about the launch of a new life career this time, and they will only know when they start an investigation - Damn, Snow Roland went to Kechibal this time, not for the purpose of showing the interstellar theme forecast. It's hot, but I really went to pick up the life department tutor!

Xiao Xu's words can't be believed at all!

In the cabin, players and NPCs were having a blast, while Xu Sili and Si Sheng hid in the room, remotely commanding Roland's construction issues.

Now that Roland has added a device to connect to aliens, he can directly contact Wen Jishan and others.

And Xu Sili's goal is that when they go back, it will be the time to upgrade to the fourth-level imperial city!

Because he has a territorial panel, he can get twice the result with half the effort in commanding, and the efficiency is not known. Even Wen Jishan is amazed.

Time passed unknowingly, and finally, after two days of sailing, they reached the star of Kechibal.

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