Thinking of those cards, Xu Sili was inevitably itching, but with Si Sheng staring at him, he buried his head and finished the meal first.

He used up a lot of physical strength last night, and he was really hungry, and it tasted very delicious.

"Brother Sheng's craftsmanship is getting better and better."

After eating, I have to sell it as a good boy, and said to Si Sheng with a smile, "I really want to eat it every day."

The corners of Si Sheng's mouth couldn't hold back anymore. He looked at the young man's bright purple eyes and smiled softly, "Is there a reward for that?"

Xu Sili leaned over and kissed him on the cheek.

Only then was Si Sheng satisfied, he packed up the tableware and left the room, handed over the things to the guards to wash, and gave them a few words. When he came back, he saw that the young man had changed his clothes.

He sat cross-legged on the sofa, there were more than a dozen cards on the coffee table in front of him, and he also held one in his hand, looking at it carefully, as if he was thinking about something.

Si Sheng didn't go over immediately, went to the tea room to make tea, and took out the refreshments brought by Roland, then walked back with the tray and sat down beside the young man.

Xu Sili rubbed to the side to make way for him, then leaned back against him and continued to study the cards in his hand.

"Are these from that card master?"

"Yeah." Xu Sili nodded, "It's the box of cards that Kuris gave me yesterday. There are a few interesting cards in it."

"Look at this one."

Xu Sili showed it to him, only to see a complicated pattern painted on this card, blue and white lines, like lightning flashing in a dark cloud.

Different from the card of the strong star base, this one should be drawn by the card master, not the physical card.

"I think the card master should have the ability to draw cards directly, which should have a complete knowledge system." Xu Sili said.

Through the insight technique, he can roughly know the function of this card.

This is a special skill card that can release ten lightning bolts at the same time. It can attack both single and group attacks. The maximum attack damage can reach 6,000. Just like he guessed at the beginning, the card master is the same as the element master. Also a fighting profession.

Kuris was probably frightened by Si Sheng, or maybe he really had a very calm mind.

Not only did they not use these cards, but they obediently handed them over in the end.

Of course, the facts also proved that his judgment was correct.

In this pile of cards, the one with the highest attack damage is only in the early 10,000s. The combination is quite impressive, but the requirements for the card master should also be multiplied.

Xu Sili developed a strong interest in the profession of card master. He put down the card and called the little robot.

"Brother, are you looking for me?"

Xiao Wu came out of his communication device, his voice was still soft and glutinous, just looking at the appearance, he would never think of the brutality when it exploded fireworks.

"Well, Xiao Wu, help me investigate the profession of card master, including the birthplace, known card master information, etc., help me investigate everything about card master."

"Okay brother, wrap it on Xiao Wu!"

The little robot patted its chest and made a clanging sound.

Xu Sili smiled, and couldn't help but ask: "The Lie Xing base has been card-based, so can you still control the base?"

Xiao Wu shook his head.

"No, I have disconnected from the clone of the control base and cannot receive the signal from the Liexing base."

Xu Sili nodded. He had also changed cards, so after knowing the card changes, his whole person was still in a state of stillness, including metabolism.

Now in the Liexing Base, those scholars who have nowhere to go, or who are really obsessed with research and voluntarily stay, are probably in a static state.

Thinking about it this way, maybe he has to go back earlier and find a way to transfer the people and equipment from the Fierce Star Base, or simply set it up as a secret base somewhere?

Anyway, Roland has so many lands, and although the Fierce Star Base is a metal ball, it can actually be spread out and turned into a flat surface.

Xu Sili thought for a while, and decided to ask Wen Jishan for their opinions after returning home. With such a military base, Roland's combat level should be greatly improved.

Xiao Wu went to investigate the card master, and Xu Sili continued to hold the lightning spell card and talked to Si Sheng: "Brother Sheng, do you think it is possible to directly convert the spell into a card and release it when it is needed? come out?"

This concept is somewhat similar to the magic scroll, which is also something that exists in the legend of Ai Xuexing.

As the game develops, it may be unlocked in the future, but Xu Sili feels that magic scrolls are still different from cards.

The drawing of the magic scroll requires materials, but the cards are not used. The only limitation is that the cards can only be used by the card master.

"You can give it a try." Si Sheng thought for a while, raised his hand to condense a water polo, and then used the card-based skills on the water polo.

Soon, the water polo slowly disappeared, and then a card with a water polo was suspended in his hand, replacing the original water polo.

Xu Sili couldn't help but took the card and looked at it. This was the first time he had seen the card transformation process with his own eyes, and it was as magical as when he first saw the elemental skills.

He checked it with Insight, and found that it was an ordinary water polo card.

"Brother Sheng, try using it?" Xu Sili handed the card back to Si Sheng.

Si Sheng nodded. After taking the card, he didn't see any movement. The water polo card suddenly disappeared, and the original small water polo appeared again.

"This is not offensive."

Xu Sili said, "Probably have more reserves, so I can use it when it's dry?"

Si Sheng glanced at him and waved the water polo away, and then a flame appeared above his palm. Under his control, the flame directly turned into a card.

Xu Sili's eyes lit up, water has a substance, so after carding the water polo, he didn't feel anything, but the fire was invisible.

This can at least initially prove that some skills can be card-based.

"Brother Sheng, try throwing this card out. Remember to materialize the control card during the process of throwing it out."

Xu Sili never took that kind of flame card research again, but told Si Sheng directly.

Si Sheng also cooperated very well. He threw the card to a wastebasket next to him, and released the flame in the card the moment he threw it out.

The small fireball appeared in the air, instead of being annihilated directly, it smashed directly into the trash.

The flames burned, and thick black smoke came out.

Xu Sili looked at this scene and nodded lightly, "This is a good way to surprise."

Elementalist fighting, when mobilizing elements will definitely be sensed by the opponent, and fighting with cards is more secretive.

The biggest limitation now is whether cards can be used by ordinary people, or can the entry threshold for card masters be lowered?

Xu Sili did not let Si Sheng continue the experiment. After all, they were on a spaceship, and they were still sailing in the universe. It is better to be careful not to be too turbulent, otherwise, if something goes wrong, the whole ship will be affected.

He put the thunder and lightning spell card back in the card box, and picked out the spell cards with attack power one by one, and put them back in order from high to low attack damage.

In fact, he didn't understand a little bit why Kuris put all the cards in one box, wouldn't it be very inconvenient to use?

In battle, time is life. If you have to open the box to find cards, how much time will be wasted?

Tucao here, Xu Sili suddenly touched his chin.

Shouldn't it be... Kuris still hid the card and didn't give it to him? There should be some battle cards on him that weren't hidden in the box, and when he threatened him to hand over the cards, he hid those.

Xu Sili couldn't help but let out a light tsk, Star Thief is indeed a star thief, and he is quite clever.

Now they should have run quite far, it is not impossible to chase, but there is no need to make a special trip.

Put it with him first, and let him return it if we meet again next time.

Xu Sili thought so, put the last attack card back into the box, and only five cards of other types were left in the end.

Among these five cards, one magic card and the other four are all physical cards.

The only spell card is a replacement card.

That's right, it was the card replacement technique that Kuris used to replace him from the channel of the underground exchange to his own hand after he converted him into a card.

This is very interesting.

Xu Sili looked at this card, and didn't know whether this replacement card was drawn directly, or whether it was obtained by converting skills into cards.

If you can draw directly, it will be a practical and awesome skill.

Xu Sili studied it for a while, put down the card again, and picked up the other four cards.

Among them are three cards, which are some rare materials and valuables that are worth a lot of money. They should be Kuris' personal collection, but now it is cheaper for him.

He handed the three cards to Si Sheng and asked him to release the contents, and then he threw them into the storage capsule for emergencies.

This last card...

is a person.

Xu Sili looked at the character "drawn" on the card. It was a girl with long red wavy hair, about fifteen or sixteen years old.

She lay on the wooden bed made of rose petals, with her hands folded in front of her belly, her eyes closed peacefully, as if she was asleep.

Looking at this realistic card, Xu Sili didn't quite believe that it was drawn. He prefers that the girl is a real person who was transformed into a card.

A real human being is sealed in a card, and it feels a little creepy just thinking about it.

What is the use of this card? Who is the sealed girl? Is she still conscious now? Will anything bad happen if she is released?

Xu Sili made up a lot of brains at once, and scared himself a little, and finally he still threw an insight technique on this card.

【Card (Lilith Carter)】

Grade: Two-star (pseudo)

Description: Due to the forced transformation of the card master, the card has the right to conceal the skills. All the skills before the card transformation are retained, and the ability is weakened. The card ability can be gradually unlocked by upgrading.

It turned out to be the same as he was before, a victim of being forcibly turned into a card.

Xu Sili scratched his head.

Do you want to let her out?

Looking at the girl's costume, it doesn't look like the style of the future technology era. So is she still alive?

Just when Xu Sili was struggling, the girl lying in the sea of ​​flowers on the card slowly opened her eyes.

The girl with blue hair and blue eyes, with a beautiful face, looks gentle and gentle, without any aggressiveness.

Xu Sili felt a chill down his spine.

This kind of feeling of looking at the characters on the card is really scary. How did Kuris and Angelia stay calm?

Xu Sili pursed his lips, trying to suppress the urge to turn the card over, holding Si Sheng's hand, as if he could draw strength from him.

Then, he looked at the card girl and asked, "Are you Lilith Carter?"

The girl's eyes have changed a little bit, but the card is too small, and this change is not obvious.

Xu Sili clenched Si Sheng's hand again, looked at the card again, and tentatively said, "If you can hear me, just blink."

Xu Sili stared at the card, but the girl didn't respond immediately. Just when he thought it might be his delusion, the girl blinked slightly under his gaze.


Xu Sili looked sideways at Si Sheng, "Brother Sheng, did you see it?"

"Yeah." Si Sheng also stared at the card with a bit of vigilance in his eyes.

The character who was turned into a card could not speak, and Xu Sili could not understand the girl named Lilith, what her eyes were trying to express.

"I'll ask you a few more questions. If you're right, you nod your head. If you're wrong, shake your head. Can you do it?"

The girl nodded slightly.

Xu Sili slowly exhaled, and then asked, "Are you converted into a card by Kuris?"

If it is, it should be very old, and with the strength of Kuris, the person who can be carded by him should not be too strong.

However, the girl shook her head, and at the same time there was a dazed look in her eyes, as if she didn't know Kuris.

So, Kuris got this card from somewhere else?

"Then do you know the profession of a card master?"

Xu Sili asked again.

This time, the card girl nodded slightly.

"So you have been sealed in the card for many years?"

The girl nodded hesitantly.

"Ten years?"

The girl nodded, shook her head again, and blinked her eyes, looking very strange.

Xu Sili pondered for a while and said, "Don't you know?"

The girl gave an affirmative answer.

Being sealed in the card, it is understandable that the passage of time outside cannot be sensed.

"Do you want to get out of the card?" Xu Sili asked.

The answer to this question should be obvious, but the girl nodded and shook her head, making Xu Sili a little confused.

So is this going to come out?

"You want to come out, but you can't? Or something bad will happen if you come out?"

The card girl nodded.

"Could it be something like a curse?" Xu Sili asked nervously.

The girl shook her head in denial, and looked at Xu Sili's eyes with a slight change, as if wondering why he thought so.

Xu Sili was a little embarrassed by her, coughed lightly, and asked, "Then what are your abilities?"

Characters who are forcibly carded can hide their abilities or reveal their abilities.

If the girl named Lilith can show her card ability, he can barely give her a little trust. If there is a chance in the future, it is not impossible to find a way to rescue her from the card.

The card girl looked at Xu Sili and then at Si Sheng, with a bit of balance flashing across her expression.

Xu Sili didn't urge him. It's normal for people not to trust him. This kind of thing is a big gamble.

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