As soon as Xu Sili's two system announcements came out, the players who received them immediately posted screenshots to the forum.

The first announcement, players who reach level 20 will be withdrawn from the sixth army.

This meant that at least 10,000 people in the team the day before had to be cleared out, and the remaining 2,000 people were almost at level 20.

Therefore, the dream of the first batch of players to continue to fly on a rocket is a direct failure.

As for the second announcement, those players who did not give up their daily tasks even if they complained were happy.

[Hahahaha, fortunately, I listened to the advice of the great **** Ishihuan, and started to do my daily life seriously as soon as I entered the game! 】

[How does Starry Age let players do their daily routine...]

These players are basically affected by the first and second tests. They have read many strategies of great gods, and they have also carefully followed the suggestions of old players. Starry Sky attaches great importance to the daily task of "respecting the old and loving the young", and it is best to do it every day.

[Daily tasks are still great, not only can you quickly accumulate reputation, brush NPC favorability, but also help you understand the world view of the game, better integrate into the Roland Empire, and enhance the sense of substitution]

[Yes, I personally like to run daily, and I feel that things are different every day. Even the same task content is not boring and repetitive. Every old man and child I meet has a different personality]

[The NPC modeling of Starry Age is really amazing. I have run so many daily routines without encountering NPCs that look the same]

Probably because of the quality of the game, no player was disappointed enough to decide to retire even if they encountered an unfair problem like yesterday.

And this turmoil has also subsided because of these two announcements.

Although some people are happy and some are sad, most players are still satisfied.

After all, there is still a month left, which means that within this month, everyone will have the opportunity to participate in this task.

To be fair, the leaders of the NPC camp will lead them all to level up together!

In other games, I don't even dare to think about it, but considering the particularity of Star Era, everyone thinks this arrangement is unexpectedly good.

Because although the number of players in the first and second test is small, there is still a big gap with the public test players in terms of level and skill learning.

In the past, some games would narrow the gap between new and old players by giving away Xiuwei Pill, but this method obviously won't work in Starry Sky Era.

Now, the NPC camp leader leads everyone to level up to level 20. On the one hand, it increases the fun and improves the game experience, and on the other hand, it also promotes the social fun of players.

Even players who don't want to join the mercenary group will be able to meet many friends through this mission.

The dissatisfaction of the players subsided smoothly, and because of the problems caused on the first day, Starry Sky Era was once again smashed into a wave of heat, and it was considered to have entered people's field of vision more widely.

The number of orders received by game companies is still increasing.

In the mouths of many game anchors, this city building task has directly become the magic stroke of the game team.

There are also players who posted on the forum, complimenting the planning for the first time, and said that the more such activities, the better, and the game team must make persistent efforts.

And the game group...

In fact, they really wanted to say that the plan that all of them discussed overnight has not yet been formed!

The person in charge of the planning team was really dumbfounded. In fact, the emergence of the mission "City of the Brave" shocked and dazed them.

They did plan a home system, but instead of building a city directly, players and NPCs buy houses and live together.

Building a city is theoretically achievable in Starry Sky Era, but they have not designed related tasks, and it is mainly up to players to explore by themselves.

So, you can imagine how confused they were when the city-building task came out.

However, after investigation by the technical department, no bugs were found. In the end, it tended to be the result of the main brain's own calculation-from various indications, the NPC of Snow Roland has a particularly high intelligence.

It is very likely that after he announced the city building task, the main brain derived this task according to his words, and added relevant details.

And those two system announcements are probably the solutions calculated by the master brain.

This explanation is the most reasonable.

Although there is a vague feeling that something is wrong, most people still accept this speculation.

Xu Yuheng breathed a sigh of relief after hearing their conclusion.

In fact, he had doubts before, and after the city-building task came out, he finally confirmed that Xiao Li could indeed issue tasks to game players!

And these two game announcements also confirmed his speculation.

He felt that this was amazing, and he couldn't help but think, what is Xiaoli's state now?

His soul transmigrated into the game and became an NPC. Is Xiaoli considered a data life now? Like Xiao Wu?

But he doesn't seem to be quite right.

Starry Sky Era, it feels too much like a real world to him.

In short, the problem is temporarily solved, but his work is not over yet.

Because there is a bigger problem waiting for him - whether to open the player recharge channel.

Since the first day of the game's public beta, countless players have reported to the official through the forum that they hope to open the recharge channel as soon as possible so that they can buy Aixue coins.

Now both Aixue Coin and Real Coin are going to be fired to 1:20, but the supply is still in short supply.

The number of people in the public beta has increased, but newcomers need time to explore the game, not to mention, most people who can spend 100,000 to buy a game cabin are not the masters of poor money.

It is conceivable that the demand for Ai Xue Coins is huge, and how many local tyrant players cannot buy Ai Xue Coins with money.

However, Wang Lao has his persistence.

The most important thing is that opening up recharge channels and opening up the trading of Ash Coins is likely to directly destroy the economic system of the Roland Empire, causing many problems.

Star Age is different from other games, it has its own set of logic and system.

For example, in the daily tasks released by Xu Sili, the settled Aixue coins are also drawn from his account, not refreshed by the system out of thin air.

"As for the equipment weapons, according to the original design concept, players can obtain them in the game or create and manufacture them themselves. The system mall will not sell finished products directly."

Wang Lao added, "What we can provide to the players is only a set of transaction systems that guarantee security, and then charge a certain handling fee from it."

For example, by issuing diamond coins, players can recharge to buy diamond coins to buy and sell in the game, but this kind of diamond coins is only circulated among players and will not flow into the NPC market.

"As for the direct sales of Aixue coins, equipment weapons and other things that can be obtained from the game, I will never agree."

In fact, the function of diamond coins is no different from that of real coins, but there are relevant regulations. The currency in virtual products cannot be directly settled with real coins, so let’s put it another way.

The introduction of diamond coins cannot alleviate the problem of players' shortage of Aixue coins at all.

Xu Yuheng has a headache. How much money can he make if only the handling fee is charged? He felt that Star Era still had a long way to go to achieve profitability.

The initial investment is too much, and it is difficult to recover the cost alone.

But I have to say that he is partial to Wang Lao, after all, his younger brother is still the emperor in the game.

Next, they had another heated discussion about how the game was monetized and how to appease players.

In the game, after completing the assembly of a new batch of new players, Xu Sili led the sixth legion again and launched a massacre cleaning operation against the interstellar beasts.

He must build a protective belt on the border before the beast tide comes, and the city of the brave is the top priority.

Qingyan and other mercenary regiments who first received the mission have been expelled from the Sixth Army at this moment. After all, many of their ranks have exceeded 30.

The land in the City of the Brave is distributed according to contribution, and everyone is unwilling to give up brushing contribution.

So they did not go back, but continued to stay at the border with the 10,000 players who were expelled from the Legion, and participated in the battle with the new Sixth Legion.

At this time, the gap immediately came out.

"Roar--" The star beast was killed with red eyes, and directly made a big move. The players besieging it were directly taken away by dozens or hundreds of people, while the sixth army on the other side, although they were all new players, But almost unscathed.

The old players fell down in pieces, and were mercilessly harvested by interstellar beasts, without any resistance. Who can stand this psychological gap?

They felt that they were invincible yesterday, but today they deeply realized that these are all illusions. The real invincible is His Majesty Ronaldinho!

Especially when they saw the Sixth Legion swept the Quartet next to them, the players who were instantly killed by the interstellar beasts felt really cool.

Players soon realized the reality.

They no longer stay on this side of the border looking for abuse, and choose to die and go back to the city to honestly do tasks to improve themselves.

Besides, the level of interstellar beasts near the main city is also more suitable for leveling. They also need to start to explore the characteristics of various interstellar beasts and figure out the strategy for pushing monsters.

It’s cool to push monsters without a brain, but researching strategies to outsmart is another kind of cool, and this is the norm. After all, it’s rare for NPCs to fly.

However, in the eyes of Xilin and the others, it was inevitable that they would be anxious like ants on a hot pot.

Too many warriors were killed and wounded!

Although their strength is not strong, the spirit of taking the lead without fear in the face of interstellar beasts is still worthy of admiration. Sirin couldn't bear to watch them die in such a senseless way.

She wanted to report the situation to Sinuo, but with the current battle situation, she didn't dare to disturb him, otherwise more heroes might die.

At this time, she saw Si Sheng who was still staying in place, and flew directly towards him.


Si Sheng glanced at her, then looked away, still staring at the silver-haired youth fighting in the distance.

Seeing his indifferent expression, Xilin couldn't help but say: "The brave people have died too many, Si Sheng, it's not the way to go on like this!"

"They will be resurrected." Si Sheng said quietly.

Xilin was still analyzing the solution with him, and suddenly got stuck, "Huh? Resurrection?"

"Yeah." Si Sheng didn't explain much. He looked into the distance and suddenly frowned.

Seeing his irrelevant attitude, Xilin couldn't help frowning no matter how prejudiced he was.

She really wanted to know how this man, who was a few years younger than her, replaced Admiral Joyce as the marshal!

Then, without waiting for her to speak, Si Sheng, who was in front of her, suddenly flashed and disappeared in place.

In the next second, a sharp whistle sounded, and Xi Lin followed the sound, and her face changed greatly—I saw star beasts that looked like burning flames flying in the sky. They were one of the fiery beasts of the sky. , Each head has more than six-star strength!

Probably attracted by the battle here, the leading one flapped its wings, and the overwhelming flames spewed from its mouth, attacking Xu Sili directly!

Seeing this scene, Xi Lin couldn't help but tear up.


She shouted loudly in panic, but she could only watch the young man directly drowned in the sea of ​​fire.

However, when the flames disappeared, the expression on her face suddenly froze—I saw the blond man in the snow-white military uniform standing in front of the young man, raising his right hand, and all the flames seemed to hide from them, from all around. Flow away.

Under everyone's attention, the blond man turned his head and said something to the young man, who seemed to be nodding helplessly.

Xilin could speak lips, so she saw the man seemed to say: Can I shoot now?

Then, Xilin witnessed a one-sided massacre, which completely subverted her previous perception of her individual strength.

The author has something to say: Xilin: I seem to be completely out

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