The next day, Qingyan Ruan came to the card fantasy realm.

Then, in the eyes of Lilith's expectation, she spent a dozen daily orders and dozens of real coins to buy a bunch of raw materials for making milk tea - yes! The system mall does not sell milk tea!

Qingyan could only concoct on the spot in the fantasy world sadly, but fortunately she found the recipe, and there were girls in the group who taught her hand by hand.

Making milk tea does not require too high technical content, the most important thing is the formula, but Qingyan does not have the formula in the Roland milk tea shop, and uses the real one.

However, in the case of the same materials, the prepared milk tea is almost the same as the reality.

When Lilith watched Qingyan take out a bunch of materials, and then started to prepare without saying a word, her eyes widened, and then she was relieved when she thought of Xu Sili's words.

In the end, when she was lecturing that day, a cup of snow-topped oolong milk tea was placed on her desk.

Whenever the students were asked to stop and take notes during the intermission, she would happily hold the cup of milk tea, bite the straw and take two sips - the particularity of the card illusion, she did not have to worry about the milk tea because of the temperature Changes affect the taste, and it is so delicious almost anytime.

Also, she is not fat.

Soon, Qingyan became one of Lilith's favorite students and looked forward to her arrival every day.

But about a week later, when the second player who completed the job transfer mission came to Mirage to study, the situation changed.

To be honest, Lilith, as a mentor, has a really good temper, especially after getting her special attention, Qingyan lives a very nourishing day every day.

In a week, her entry progress has been close to 70%, but suddenly there is a competitor, and she will soon be in danger of falling out of favor, because—the new player cooks better than her!

Qingyan had no choice but to start practicing her craftsmanship, hoping to win Lilith's favor again.

As time went on, more and more players came to Illusion to learn cards, and they tried to make Lilith happy. Qingyan wanted to regain her attention, but it was impossible.

Xu Sili paid attention to it for a while, and then didn't care anymore.

Although the function of purchasing food in the mall was opened to the player, he still made some restrictions on this - otherwise he was worried that Lilith's fantasy would be overwhelmed by the food the player gave her sooner or later.

After all, there is no shortage of trenches among the players, especially the players of the Star Era.

Aixuecoin is so valuable among players because of the existence of Shenhao players.

Xu Sili also heard from the second brother that some players have already earned a house through Star Era, because I posted it on the forum to show off, and finally went out of the circle again, causing widespread discussion.

Ordinary players also make money in Starry Sky. Although it is not as exaggerated as tens or millions, sometimes the money earned by playing games for a few hours at night is more than the money earned by working during the day.

Everyone also posted a discussion.

The reason why ordinary players in Star Era can make money is because the game does not have any plug-ins, at least no one has successfully created it yet.

Coupled with one person and one account, it prevents the studio from opening multiple trumpets to compete with players - of course, if the studio wants to grab the game warehouse or game helmet, it also depends on luck.

This has kept the game market in a state of short supply for a long time. In addition to Aixue Coins, there are now more people making their own equipment, and various material drawings are also very popular.

After making money in the game, most ordinary players will also consume it in the game. After all, Starry Sky is so attractive, and every detail is full of temptation.

This creates a virtuous circle.

As more and more people enter the game in the future, Xu Sili believes that the second brother's vision of "The Era of Starry Sky becoming the second world for mankind" will definitely come true.

After all, in his opinion, Starry Sky Era is indeed an extremely real world.

Even if it originated from the virtual, it may have been derived into a parallel universe? Or from the very beginning, this is a real world, just in some way, the two worlds are connected.

Regarding the nature of the world, Xu Sili has never given up thinking, but there is no way to draw a correct conclusion.

Maybe when he stays in this world for a while longer and becomes stronger, he can finally find the answer.

After helping Lilith solve this small problem, Xu Sili thought of Lilith on the timeline of the future forum again.

He opened the forum to have a look, and unexpectedly found out that the future player actually found her!

Without his intervention, that Lilith card was still in Kuris' hands. After ten years of practice, he was much stronger than he is now.

However, it was the Fourth Calamity that was eyeing him.

On the timeline of the future forum, players have spread all over the interstellar space, and they have become objects that all aborigines are not too afraid to provoke.

After all, the players on that timeline had not been guided by Xu Sili, and their relationship with NPCs was even worse—although they were only part of the players, their base was obviously much larger than those on Xu Sili's timeline.

They had launched a sneak attack. Dangerous elements who wanted to directly occupy a main city at the beginning of the game. After opening the interstellar map, how could they become more peaceful?

As a game, that timeline may be more attractive to players. After all, Xu Sili has seen so many posts. Without his intervention, the daily life of players is much more exciting.

Not only have to fight with interstellar beasts, but also provoke NPCs, not only have to take advantage of the Roland camp, but also be a double agent, and play the Baywart camp too.

The Roland Empire under that timeline is full of unpredictable battles and blood, and it is a very typical StarCraft game.

And now...

Starry Sky Era has been played by him into a casual style of infrastructure farming.

Xu Sili didn't know what the players thought, but he didn't feel bad, and even hoped to continue to develop peacefully like this.

He continued to browse the forum.

The players have already set their sights on Kuris, and have made a careful plan to get rid of Kuris and grab the card tutor directly.

Xu Sili watched with interest, and even participated in the discussion, reminding them of the card skills that Kuris might have, and then...

He was overwhelmed by a larger army.

Xu Sili tutted lightly, and chose a few questions to answer. After all, these are the CP fans of him and Si Sheng, and they are quite cute.

He focused on browsing the forum, but did not notice that Si Sheng, who was beside him, closed his eyes again, and his expression became a little weird from time to time.

Si Sheng never found a chance to tell Xu Sili about it, but whenever he browsed that platform, he couldn't help but watch it secretly.

He has memorized a lot of words now, but he still can't understand the specific meaning of these words from that few words.

Xu Sili didn't know anything about it, and it was also because he had full trust in the game system.

He didn't know that Si Sheng was already powerful enough to crack the system and sense the future forum through the connection between them.

At this time, because of the reminder of the army, he finally remembered a certain ranking - once because of some strange desire to win, he had paid too much for this ranking, and later in order to prevent himself from being swayed by this kind of vanity He was so dizzy that he did something irreversible, and he decided not to open it again.

Over time, I gradually forgot about it.

However, at this moment, he thought of it again, and wanted to open it up to take a look, because—

[Landlord, Si Sijin's cp popularity ranking has risen, haven't you updated it yet? 】

[Yeah, how can something so worthy of celebration not be updated! 】

Oh, the popularity ranking has risen again?

Xu Sili touched his chin. He remembered that it was the tenth place before, so this time it should be a lot of progress, so fans will take this matter to urge it to change?

Could it be... finally won the first place? !

Xu Sili couldn't wait to open the fan area, and then opened the cp popularity ranking list, and he saw - the first one: Si Sheng x Mu Xingzhou (prosperous times)...

Fifth place: Si Sheng x Sinuo (Si Si enters the buckle) Xu Sili almost spit out a mouthful of old blood, only the fifth place, what's so happy!

His face was ugly, but because he was following the forum, he didn't notice...

Si Sheng, who was beside him, looked even more ugly.

This ranking list was presented in front of him at a glance, because he could not forget it, he could even remember the ranking of this list at a glance. The outrageous thing is...

He saw that on this list, twenty or thirty of his names appeared in the top 50, and the top 10 started with him.

He didn't understand what the CP popularity rankings meant, but when he looked at the names in this row, he was instinctively displeased.

And he also noticed that he and Ali were ranked very low.

Although he didn't understand why Ali used the name "Sino", he knew that it was him.

Si Sheng opened his eyes and looked sideways at the silver-haired youth beside him.

His cheeks bulged slightly, and he also looked very angry, and then he angrily closed the platform interface.


Si Sheng called out to him.

Xu Sili regained his senses and saw that Si Sheng was concerned with a strange look, and could not help but warn himself that Si Sheng on that timeline was not his brother Sheng.

There's no need for him to be angry because he formed a cp with others!

Ah, no, I still feel so bad!

"Brother Sheng, I'm going out to calm down, don't come with me yet."

Xu Sili stood up suddenly, then left the palace and strode toward the garden. Anyway, there are very few people in Roland who can deal with him now, so there is no need to worry about his safety.

What's more, Si Sheng's spiritual power can cover the entire palace at any time.

Si Sheng probably understood why he was sulking. To be honest, after seeing that ranking list, he felt a sigh of relief in his chest.

In particular, not only are his and Ali's names not listed on the list, but even their aliases are not number one!

Of course, he felt that Ali must be angry not only because of this.

Si Sheng stood there, frowning in thought.

The key to all the problems now is to figure out what the meaning of those words with unknown meanings are, but... who can he ask?

At this time, a guard outside the palace announced: "Report to Your Majesty, the brave Yushu is looking forward to meeting the wind!"

It's the second brother!

Si Sheng's gray-blue eyes brightened, and he quickly invited Xu Yuheng in.

Xu Yuheng looked strange when he saw that he was the only one in the palace. He came to see his brother, not him, so he asked, "Where's Xiaoli?"

"Ali is not in the bedroom."

Si Sheng looked at Xu Yuheng and said after deliberation, "Second brother, I have some questions, I hope you can help me answer them."

"what is the problem?"

"You know... this is good for CP, what does it mean?"

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