When Cha Mo returned to Roland Palace with Xiao Haige and irascible rabbit Ji, Xu Sili was talking to Aunt Weil.

Vail has reached an agreement with the Sgeta Empire, and they will sell the materials for making space props to the Roland Empire at a price slightly lower than the market price.

The Roland Empire supplies food, vegetables and other crops to the Sigtar Empire, and most importantly, His Majesty Antar hopes to lease the Starship from the Roland Empire.

They have been harassed by star thieves for a long time, and the debut of the starry sky that day really shocked the whole Sigtar Empire.

All the contempt for the Roland Empire had all been subdued and turned to sincerely seek cooperation.

After all, Sigtar and Roland have a very close relationship. They have helped each other solve huge crises, and they have lived together through weal and woe.

In fact, the Stag Empire originally wanted to buy it, but they also wanted to know the importance of the Starship to the Roland Empire, and they have found out tragically that the Roland Empire doesn't seem to be bad at all.

The most impoverished country in their minds has now been transformed, and it can be on an equal footing with, or even slightly better than, the Sigeta Empire.

After all, in terms of absolute force, the Sgeta Empire, which has such a powerful war machine as the Starry Sky, and has no wealth, is incomparable by any means.

As for the Xingkong, Vail couldn't be the master, so he contacted Xu Sili and discussed with him.

Xu Sili also did not expect that the Sky Tower Empire would have the idea of ​​​​playing the Starry Sky.

Not only did he propose a large amount of rent, but he also took the initiative to sell the raw materials of space props at a 10% discount.

Although he is not short of money, after all, he still needs the raw materials of the Sigeta Empire. It is impossible to rob him. On the one hand, he is embarrassed.

Xu Sili pondered for a moment, then called Xiao Wu through the light curtain.

"Brother, is something wrong?"

The little robot emerged from the light curtain, and Xu Sili keenly noticed that its image had changed a little bit.

The body, which was originally black and gray, seems to have been replaced with a layer of paint, turning it into silver-white, and some parts are decorated with blue-gray, but the appearance has not changed much.

"Xiao Wu changed into new clothes?" Xu Sili said with a smile.

Hearing this, the little robot seemed to be very happy. It turned around and said, "Brother, you found it~"

"Yes, the new clothes are beautiful."

Xiao Wu then hehe twice, looking a little shy.

Xu Sili teased it for a few words, and then went back to business, asking it about the current progress of the transformation of the newly purchased spaceship.

"The small spaceship has been transformed almost, but due to volume and performance issues, the power cannot be equal to that of the Xingkong. The improvement plan is still under calculation and research."

When Xu Sili listened to its report, his eyes lit up.

It is impossible to lend the Starry Sky, but these small ships can, but...

"Are you sure about the battleship against star thieves?"

"Five small spaceships form a team, which can barely reach the combat effectiveness of the Xingkong."

Xu Sili nodded, and then continued to discuss the matter with Aunt Weil.

Hearing that Roland had five more powerful small spaceships, Will couldn't help being a little surprised.

But she soon became happy.

The Roland Empire can become strong and rich, isn't that what they have been fighting for?

Next, Xu Sili handed over the matter to Vail with full responsibility. The newly returned eldest princess became the first diplomat of the Roland Empire.

And this is what she has been doing all along, and is very good at.

In addition to the above, she is also planning to carry out more in-depth cooperation with the Sigeta Empire, such as talent cultivation, technical exchanges, etc., but these are follow-up matters.

Only after the first round of cooperation is successfully completed can we continue to talk about these.

After the two ended the call, Xu Sili received a message from Cha Mo.

When he saw that they found new sea elves on the beach of Lihai City, he couldn't help raising his eyebrows.

If he guessed correctly, this "sea elf" should be the player who drew the rare race number before, right?

He has seen information about sea elves in future forum posts, and these players are quite miserable.

Because of the harsh marine environment, they cannot survive on the bottom of the sea at all, so they can only go ashore in the way of resurrection from death and resurrection from death.

Because of their status as sea elves, it is difficult for them to receive tasks in land cities, and they have to face the pursuit of some players.

What's more, the timeline of the future forum did not provide the service of deleting the number and repeating it in the first few years.

So these players either continue to play, or give up the game, and can only choose one of the two.

When human beings have solved the interstellar beasts on land and headed for the ocean, they will usher in a moment of radiance and heat, and those who can persevere are basically gods.

Xu Sili couldn't help but wonder, what would the first mermaid player to swim ashore look like?

He had seen the recorded post, and he felt quite abusive anyway.

After all, the ocean is not land. After death, it will not only be eaten by sea beasts, but may also be carried anywhere by ocean currents.

Seeing that Cha Mo said that he was taking someone to find Niya for treatment, Xu Sili thought about it and didn't want to make it so formal, so he called his boss Sheng and went directly to Xiao Qiong's bedroom.

After Xiao Qiong left, Xiao Haige and Cha Mo still lived here.

As soon as he and Si Sheng arrived outside the palace, Xu Sili vaguely heard a young child's voice singing "Sprouting".

That's Xiao Haige.

As a sea elf royal family, he has the talent of water and music. Xu Sili has taught him a little skill in music, so he can be regarded as half of his teacher.

Listening to the children's version of "Sprouting", Xu Sili could vaguely feel that it contains some phonological power.

It's just too weak to fully stimulate the vitality contained in the song Germination, and it cannot form an effective skill.

However, as a three- or four-year-old child, this application is already very good.

Xu Sili and Si Sheng followed the singing, lifted their feet into the bedroom, and came to Xiao Haige's room, just to see Cha Mo push the door and walk out.

"His Majesty……"

Just as Cha Mo was about to salute, Xu Sili stopped him.

Xu Sili glanced at the room with mental power.

I saw a black-haired and black-eyed boy sitting on the head of the bed. He looked about fifteen or sixteen years old, his face was pale, but he looked in good spirits.

Xu Sili threw an insight technique at him.

This is indeed a player, and the health bar is full, that is, there is a "weak" debuff that has not been lifted, and blood is still falling every second.

Xiao Haige was sitting beside him, with his little hand on the back of his hand, singing to him babblingly, but did not notice their peeping.

Xu Sili retracted his gaze and looked at Cha Mo.

Cha Mo smiled and said, "I originally wanted to take him to see His Majesty after healing his wounds, but I didn't expect His Majesty to come in person."

He felt that Xu Sili attached great importance to the sea elves, or in other words, to him - after all, there had been forest elves before, and Cha Mo could sense the difference between this little majesty and the two clans.

This little majesty can value him, and Cha Mo also accepts this feeling. Originally, he planned to leave after the sea elf matter was resolved, but now...

He thought maybe he could reconsider.

"Xiao Haige is very happy."

Cha Mo glanced at the room and said with a slight smile, "He attaches great importance to this clan."

After all, it may be his only clan...

Xu Sili nodded, looked at him again and asked: "Now the underwater breathing medicine has been worked overtime to make, and Teacher Aina is also studying the production of submarines."

"In a short while, I will be able to fulfill my promise to you and send personnel to the sea elves to find out, but the problem is..."

"After so many years, do you still remember how to get to the sea elves?"

Cha Mo nodded and said, "Your Majesty can rest assured, I will have a solution."

"That's fine."

Xu Sili replied, "At that time, I will send 500 brave men with a strength of more than three and a half stars to follow you to the sea elves. If you need to increase or decrease the number of people, you can ask for it at any time."

"Your Majesty and Marshal Si Sheng, don't you want to go?" Cha Mo asked suddenly.

Xu Sili shrugged.

"I'll wait until the submarine is made."

The bottom of the sea is not very reliable. He is not a player who can be resurrected, but safety is the most important thing.

They chatted outside, and the singing in the room stopped unconsciously. Xiao Haige ran to the door of the room, pushed the door open a crack, and stuck out a small furry head.

"Brother Your Majesty!"

His eyes were bright and full of joy.

Xu Sili bent down and picked him up, walked into the house together, and while walking, the little doll was still chatting, "Brother Your Majesty, I picked up the little rabbit on the beach, and he's inside!"

"He is my clan, and I have to protect him."

"Brother Your Majesty, can Little Rabbit live here? I... I can help him pay the rent!"

Grumpy Rabbit Ji was sitting on the head of the bed, and when he saw the silver-haired youth walking in from outside, and the blond Marshal behind him, his eyes widened.

During the countless times of waiting for resurrection, he spent all his time relying on the forum, so even if he had never walked on land, he knew a lot about the two of them.

Is he not dreaming?

The faction leader actually came to see him in person!

When he heard Xiao Haige say that he would pay the rent for him, the young man was a little moved again.

He had relatively few NPCs, but Xiao Haige and Cha Mo gave him the feeling that they were real people, especially the Crown Prince Haige, who was as caring as a little angel.

And that night, he faithfully updated these into his post.

First of all, he thanked the players who tried to rush to the beach to rescue him during the day, and then shared his encounter with Xiao Haige and Cha Mo while posting pictures.

This time, other players can be envied.

[His Majesty Xiao Luo came to talk to you in person? Is it that great! 】

【Ah ah ah, Si Sheng is still so handsome! 】

【The little prince of Haige is too cute】

[I'm going, so to speak, Gun Gun went directly to live in the palace? The blue mark didn't have this kind of treatment back then]

Lan Xiaoyin, who was watching the post, couldn't help but turn black.

Look at the post, just read the post, what are you doing to step on him? At this time, Grumpy Rabbit posted another new update.

Rolling Breeder: [Wow, I just met the Elf Queen! She gave me a leaf from the tree of life! 】

Lan Xiaoyin: ? ? ? ?

[I am not convinced by the horse! ! ! ! ! 】

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