"The first phase of the exploration of the ruins of Siasa: The game team has finally done the plot CG in earnest?"

On this day, in the watering section of the Starry Sky Forum, when countless guild players were still vigorously exploring the "Screaming Dryad" strategy for pushing monsters, such a post was quietly posted on the forum.

Many players who saw this title for the first time did not think much about it. After all, the relic exploration mission was released less than a day ago. It is impossible for someone to find the relic so quickly, right?

When I clicked into the post and saw the video of the townhouse, countless people uttered at the same time: Fog grass!

The video starts in darkness, and the silver-white light that slowly lights up renders the entire dim space a feeling of emptiness and loneliness, which makes people's nerves tense.

"Hey hey, guess where I am now?"

The young man's slightly sandy voice suddenly sounded, which perfectly destroyed the sense of mystery, and was despised by the barrage players for a while.

"That's right, welcome to the ruins of Siasa! And I am everyone's favorite anchor - a month in Chang'an!"

Deng Jianan advertised himself, and then tapped the system prompt, "I didn't fool you, this is really the ruins of Siasa."

Seeing the system prompt record, players have to believe it.

【Ange 6666】

[The anchor is awesome! So where are the ruins of Siasa? How did you get in? 】

[Ange, I am an old fan, please send a private message]

At the moment of seeing this, countless people have clicked pause, and then contacted Deng Jianan through various channels.

Siasa Ruins!

Inscription Master!

This is what the big guild is determined to win. The energy of the Star Era has gradually emerged, and the more resources these guilds obtain in the game, the greater the benefits that can be converted.

Qian Jingguang's profession as an inscription master naturally has its inheritance in his hands.

At the same time, the teams that were still fighting the Screaming Tree Demon, especially the guild ace, couldn't help but vomit blood after learning the news.

How did these two get into the ruins? !

Other cloud players, on the other hand, pay more attention to video content.

【Fairy World? Become the size of a fairy? So is the anchor getting bigger or smaller? 】

【Blind guessing got smaller】

[Nonsense, there is no such an empty place in Xiasa Forest. If it becomes a giant, it must be in a different dimension.]

Because it was a video clip, Deng Jianan could not interact with the barrage. After he finished shooting the system prompt, he continued to explore the surrounding environment, which made the audience experience the mysterious feeling again.

Especially at night, when you watch alone in the dead of night, there is a terrifying atmosphere of wild adventure.

"High energy ahead!"

At this time, subtitles suddenly appeared.

Immediately afterwards, the beautiful and bewitching goblin boy appeared in the picture, and the camera gave him a close-up, causing a barrage of screams.

【Beauty Crit! 】

[Ah, ah, is this the little goblin mentioned in the quest clue? This is too pretty! 】

[He ran away, hurry up! 】

The audience watched Deng Jian'an and his companions, chasing the goblin boy to the top of the huge black hole, and watched the boy disappear into the darkness.

Then, the subtitles appear again.

"High-energy warning, Ange will show you the first carefully crafted cutscenes by the game team!"

The curiosity of the audience was aroused.

As we all know, Star Era has an absurdly high degree of freedom, and NPCs especially like to walk the plot on their own. Once they miss it, unless there is a video of the player, this plot will no longer be able to be reproduced.

This is also one of the reasons why cloud gamers are urging game companies to quickly install new helmets and game cabins. Even if the number of game experience stores across the country has increased to 500, it cannot meet the needs of players.

So, what is the cut-scenario CG that Changan Yiyueyue said?

In the picture, Deng Jianan and his companions put on searchlight hats and flew into this deep black hole together. Even if there is a light beam, the visibility range is extremely low.

Suddenly, the picture became brighter.

[Ding~You triggered the inscription pattern illusion]

The system prompts appeared and disappeared, and that piece of dusty history was finally known to the world again under Deng Jianan's lens.

The inscription pattern illusion is not a 2D picture, but makes you feel as if you are in it, and when you stretch out your hand, you seem to be able to touch the characters in the illusion—and in fact, Deng Jianan did the same.

He stood on the top of the tree, reached out and touched the boy standing beside him, and then, the first time to wear a model since the starry sky era happened.

He shook his arms, but didn't touch anything, because the boy in front of him was just a virtual image.

Deng Jianan withdrew his hand and began to listen to the young man quietly.

He seems to have come to Siasa a hundred years ago.

He was on the battlefield, watching people use all kinds of skills they had never seen before, dealing with strange beasts that suddenly appeared, watching them return in triumph, drinking and celebrating together by the bonfire.

The lively and energetic atmosphere can infect almost everyone.

Then things started to take a turn for the worse.

There is no BGM in the phantom, but Deng Jianan's video has it—he added background music to this video, making it more touching and more tear-jerking.

In the end, Siasa still died under the aggression of the alien plant, and the old people and children in the underground ruins also died one by one from starvation and disease, leaving only the lonely figure.

The old man was carving something on the stone wall, and his old voice also sounded in the illusion.

"Later, when you see this inscription pattern illusion, I should be gone, but I have left behind all the inheritance of the inscription pattern master lineage."

"This is the last gift I gave to the world. I hope you can inherit it and let the history of the inscription master continue..."

At this point, the video goes dark and a line of subtitles reappears.

[The first phase of the exploration of the ruins of Siasa has ended. If you want to know what will happen next, please listen to the next decomposition! 】

Then, the video stopped abruptly.

Countless spectators let out a sound of fog again.

【This is gone? 】

[I can see that it is rising, why is it gone? 】

【Ange, you are so short】

[The quality of this CG is too high, it feels as if it has completely returned to that scene. If it were on the scene, how shocking would it be? 】

[I go, unlocked a new way to watch movies]

[Yes...is that kind of a small movie? 】

【Anyway, put your clothes on upstairs! 】

[So, where exactly is the entrance to this ruin! I want to go in and have a look, not to mention inheritance, just watching this CG is worth it]

The first wave of players who watched the video started a heated discussion in the post.

First of all, judging from the fact that Tours and others moved to the ground at the end of the video, as well as the pictures of Tours depicting the stone wall, this ruin is likely to be underground in Siasa.

It's just that after a hundred years of changes, the entrance to the underground ruins can no longer be identified from the video.

And now, less than a day has passed since the release of the inheritance mission, and in this day, the total number of screaming tree demons that have been knocked down is no more than three.

And the dropped items of each tree are almost transparent. With so many eyes staring at it, it is difficult for any guild to keep it completely secret.

So obviously, pushing the tree demon is not the right way to get clues about the entrance to the ruins.

This conclusion made countless mercenary groups who were pushing monsters almost vomit blood.

Dare to push for a long time, do so many strategies, are all busy?

But at this time, it is not appropriate to stop.

Those who had not started for a long time were good to say, but those who had been pushed to the half were difficult to ride, so they could only bite the bullet and continue to push.

After all, they have already spent a huge price in front of them. If they stop at this time, the sunk cost is so great that even the Great Guild cannot afford to lose it.

If you continue to push down the tree demon, you will be able to get one or two dropped items to return to the original.

Deng Jianan's quest video made countless big guilds begin to adjust their strategies. The undercurrents in the Xiasa jungle were turbulent, and the players who kept rushing over stopped joining the ranks of pushing monsters.

They turned to the jungle map and launched a carpet search.

Although, because of the nightfall and the disturbance of the screaming tree demon, the progress was not smooth at all, and it could only be pushed forward slowly.

As for Deng Jianan and his companions, they naturally did not give up contact, but they never got a reply.

In addition to the issue of relics that everyone is concerned about now, the historical data in Deng Jian'an's video, the information revealed in it, has also attracted the attention of many research parties.

【See you in the pit! Although the NPC stole the plot again, this time it finally left us the information! 】

[This historical material is too shocking, and the information that can be analyzed is also very terrifying]

A well-known textual researcher in the forum began to talk eloquently.

[Ignore the culture of Siasa for now, we will explore this later. Now, through this illusion, we can finally infer the natural disaster that swept the entire Aixue star a hundred years ago. What happened]

[These alien beasts in the mouth of Siasa are the interstellar beasts we are facing now. 】

[A hundred years ago, these interstellar beasts emerged from the cracks and invaded Ai Xuexing. 】

Having said that, the research party released a few screenshots, which can clearly see the huge crack in the void when the first wave of alien beasts appeared.

[This should be a space crack, connecting to another planet, or even another world! 】

[The first wave of invaders were wiped out by indigenous NPCs, but their numbers were too large, and their strength should not be underestimated. What’s more deadly is that in the follow-up, various highly aggressive alien plants appeared out of thin air, such as Screaming Dryad]

[Under the invasion of such a large number of alien beasts and alien plants, the entire Ai Xuexing, except for the former No. 1 power, the Roland Empire, no other country survived]

[However, this planet is very large, so it cannot be ruled out that there is still life lingering in a corner of the planet, just like Tours in the ruins of Siasa]

[Although his lifespan has come to an end, there are still beings like goblins in the ruins]

[This should be the entire background story of the novice planet - Ai Xuexing, and the hero from another world, the main task is to rebuild Ai Xuexing's civilization in this ruins! 】

[Now I am curious, how did the last wave of alien planting appear out of thin air? And where do these alien beasts called interstellar beasts come from? 】

[The NPC who witnessed the disaster a hundred years ago is really hard to find]

[Perhaps these doubts need to wait until the interstellar map is opened to know the answer, but this historical data is still very valuable! 】

Deng Jianan also saw this long comment, and couldn't help but praised the research party.

However, he is now more concerned about the results of Yin Xing's test, because... he has never come out!

Has it passed the test?

In the test passage, Yin Xingzheng carefully re-engraved the inscription pattern left by the small round biscuits.

Of course, even if the inscription pattern is successfully engraved, it does not have any special effects - in order to make the inscription pattern work, in addition to perfectly replicating the pattern, it also requires the injection of corresponding materials and energy.

However, the perfect reproduction of the inscription pattern is the foundation of the foundation, and it is also the focus of the small round biscuit assessment.

However, this is not difficult for Yin Xing.

As a former architectural designer, he has excellent drawing skills, and the architectural drawings he draws are comparable to machine printing.

Even the goblin boy who was hiding and observing secretly couldn't help nodding secretly, and began to look forward to this human being.

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