The Virtual Game Of Nightmare Lord

Chapter 103 The Arrival Of The Player Army

Fei Leilong looked at everyone with extremely dangerous eyes, ready to attack.

"What are your plans?" Otilia asked.

"I saw a large group of players coming from the distance on the cliff." Zhang Xingyu said.

"What do you mean?" Otilia's eyes lit up, and she immediately thought of something.

"That's it." Zhang Xingyu nodded.

"Then let's start...... Wait until when are you going to hold this guy?" Otilia said, seemingly a little unhappy.

" are you?"

"Concubine, I'm fine now...No, something is wrong, something is wrong, my body is still paralyzed, I can't move!" Mengmeng Yueyue thought of something before she could say anything, and said quickly

"This guy is a burden, let her go, just to delay us for a while." Otilia said.


"Forget it, everyone has been saved..." "Eight Seven"

"Hmph, I hope you can run so fast with someone in your arms, I won't come to save you!" Although Otilia said so, she still took out a flash bomb

The flash bomb was thrown, and the flying thunder dragon that rushed over was dumbfounded at that time.

However, elite-level monsters have strong resistance and recovery ability to various traps and props, and can even be immune to being thrown too much, so although the flying thunder dragon is hit by the flash, there is not much time left for the three of them.


"It's a direction!"

On the other side, the large army of players is heading towards the ancient tree forest.

The second round of missions to restore the homeland has ended, and the third round of missions is also in full swing——in the ancient tree forest, players doing missions can be seen everywhere, even monsters that cannot be defeated, and players they don’t know come here Let's help fight monsters together!

All the players are united and act together for the same goal. The good atmosphere is scary, and it also increases the interest of the players virtually.

Just like the grand occasion of the door-opening mission in Angela's era in the 1960s, the main mission of Monster Hunter World now has such a feeling.

Today, I don’t know where the news came from. It is said that the habitat of the male fire dragon is probably somewhere in the ancient tree!

Investigating the resting place of the fire dragon is the key task of the third ring, and it is also related to the points after the end of the main task!

For a while, all the players were gearing up, ready to go to the ancient tree deep in the forest.

There is no clear initiator, but, driven by certain groups, the players began to organize spontaneously and march toward the depths of the forest together!

More than 300 players gathered together, just like an army marching. The mighty army of players marched towards the dangerous ancient forest. This collective activity made many players excited.

"Haha, with so many players, I can finally not be afraid of those monsters in the deep forest!"

"That Flying Thunder Dragon that can sneak attack, come out if you have the guts, let's see if we don't kill you—!"

"And that mangnathic dragon, although I can't beat you alone, but each of my more than 300 players will drown you with a mouthful of saliva!"

"No, no, even the saliva of tens of thousands of people can hardly drown the savage dragon!"

"Don't worry about small details, what you want at this time is momentum, do you understand momentum?"


"My broadsword is already hungry and thirsty!"

"Yes, this is it!"

"Hahaha—you're so funny!"

The fighting power of more than 300 players gathered together is still quite strong. Just before, they encountered scratching birds wandering around in the forest. Scratching birds saw the dense crowd of players and ran away, but they were intercepted by the players with flashing lights down.

Give Scratching Bird a Violent Beatup!

On the way, a big fierce jackal dragon entered randomly!

However, the two monsters were still easily tortured to death by the player army!

Although a few players died, it was harmless, and the dead players quickly ran back to the team after being resurrected.

The only disadvantage is that because there are too many players, most of the players don't get the rewards after killing monsters!

In this kind of large-scale online game that is close to reality, it is impossible for Zhang Xingyu to prevent players from taking advantage of the number of people to spawn monsters, unless there is a copy with a limit on the number of people.

But there is also a way to limit, and that is rewards.

Monsters have a limit on the maximum number of stripping times, and according to the player's output to the monster, the number of stripping times that the player can get is also different. None of the times!

In addition, there is also a hunting certificate. This important thing is not available to all players, but hunting certificates are issued according to the number of challengers set by the monster.

For example, for a jackal dragon with 5 monsters, at most 5 hunting licenses will be issued, and for a barbaric dragon with 10-20 people, a maximum of 20 hunting licenses will be issued, and the players with the highest output will get...

Although most of the players didn't get any rewards, none of the players complained, and they walked happily along the way---no way, the players were tortured by these monsters before, it was too miserable, okay? It is easy to have the opportunity to abuse monsters easily, even if you don't get any rewards, you are still very happy!

Bloody revenge must be avenged!

Then, the army of players finally encountered the Mangnathosaurus!

This super tyrannosaurus rex, which is called the "newcomer killer" by countless players, has appeared!

When it comes to the Manjaw Dragon and the mysterious Flying Thunder Dragon, many players burst into tears and snot - the abuse is too miserable!

What will happen when an army of 300 players encounters a savage dragon?

The Mangnathus is dead!

However, the army of players was seriously injured—more than half of them died!

Although there were heavy casualties, the death of the savage dragon also proved one thing - what's the use of hanging monsters, it was not killed by our human sea tactics!

"I succeeded, hahaha, the output is actually ranked 20th, I have the right to strip, and I have a hunting license. Wahaha, more than ten children can get rewards when they go back!"

"Envy, envy—"

"Hey, the system didn't pop up the first kill notification, it seems that there can't be too many people to get the first kill ranking!"

"It doesn't matter, hahaha——The unruly savage jawed dragon is also dead, what's next, the poisonous demon bird? Flying thunder dragon, or a male and female twin fire dragon?"


If we rush over with this posture, maybe we will be able to complete the third ring soon~"

The tyrannical player's death of the savage dragon for countless times made the collective confidence of the player's 4.6 army burst, and I feel that I can play 9 (Tianxing)!

"The Flying Thunder Dragon is coming!"

Suddenly, a voice came from the front of the player army, and it seemed very exciting to hear the voice.

"Following 3 players!"

"Hey, I actually found the Flying Thunder Dragon? I was looking for it, hahaha, good job, the three players in front, lead them into the army!"

"One person, one knife, we can kill Feijiaolong!"

"Isn't shit just death? I'm still a good man after being resurrected in Star Base!"

"Come on - this time I want to output the top 20 and get rewards!"

"I'll protect you, you lead the monster to the center of the army!"

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