The Virtual Game Of Nightmare Lord

Chapter 108 The First Person In The Game

The ultimate move of the Elite Flying Thunder Dragon, Thunderstorm, has two actions. The first is to rotate 360 ​​degrees to repel everyone around him, and then to concentrate the charged lightning to the tail and release it!

This trick is very difficult to interrupt. Theoretically speaking, there is a possibility for long-distance occupations, but the actual possibility is almost zero, because the flying thunder dragon moves very fast, it is difficult to hit the tail, and long-distance occupations are very fragile. , when the remote player sees the thunderstorm skill of the Flying Thunder Dragon, the first action is to collect the weapon and run for his life—maybe he can escape the range of the thunderstorm!

Therefore, only melee players can interrupt skills!

But the first action first forced all the players to retreat, and the melee players couldn't reach it at all!

Is there no solution to this elite level skill of Flying Thunder Dragon?

Not so.

First of all, the thunderstorm of the Flying Thunder Dragon has an obvious charging action, and the first attack is not fatal in one blow. At this time, it is enough to escape in time with "160". If you really can't escape, you can run behind the Flying Thunder Dragon .

The main area of ​​the thunderstorm attack is the 90-degree arc area directly in front of the Flying Thunder Dragon, which is not a large circular area with no dead ends like the nuclear explosion of the Yanfei Dragon (other areas in the non-arc area will have sporadic lightning attacks, but they are not fatal) , there is room to hide.

However, the Elite Flying Thunder Dragon is very clever, and he himself knows the characteristics of this skill, so before releasing it, he will jump to a favorable position... yes, it is the area with a lot of player teams!

The second thunderstorm of the Thunder Dragon covered most of the players!

And what wildism wants to do is to seek wealth and wealth, and turn the impossible into possible!

Gun back!

Relying on this skill, Wildism can still stand firm in the first part of the retreating attack of the Flying Thunder Dragon's ult!

However, it is useless to stand still, because wildism is the most dangerous time at this time-he is within the range of the most violent thunderstorm!

There is only one chance, and that is the moment when the tail casts a thunderstorm!

There is no fixed routine in the battle in the nightmare world, you can move at will, so even the skills and details can be controlled!

Wildism understood this after releasing the anti-gun skill many times, and now he wants to use this to implement his plan!

It's crazy because Libertarianism is just learned, not practiced!

The success rate is almost less than 10%!

Use the first stage of defense to withstand the attack of the flying thunder dragon, and then forcibly resist the release of the second stage of counterattack, and finally cast it at the right time!

"It's now!"

When the huge tail of the Flying Thunder Dragon gathered all the thunder and lightning and cast it at the same time, the suffocated gun of Wildism cast it instead!

At that moment, a red lightning suddenly appeared in the blue thunder!

Wildism hits the tail right!


All the players on the scene didn't know what happened at that moment, they just saw that the side facing the Flying Thunder Dragon erupted with an instant light that was several times brighter than the flash bomb, and the random lightning seemed to be out of control Running around like a wild child!

"Huh? Didn't it release its big move?"

"Lying on the grass, I'm still alive, I'm still alive, haha, I almost thought I was going to hang up 5 times!"

"Wildism NB, you can even interrupt your ultimate move!"

Although the big move was interrupted and the players escaped, the danger did not pass, because the flying thunder dragon did not die!

However, the battle after that became easier, because almost all the players on the scene obeyed the command of Wildism—the players recognized his ability.

In this case, the battle came to an end.

Although the story that happened afterwards was not good... Because the players who finally won the victory, including the wildism, continued to advance towards the ancient tree, and when they wanted to complete the main task of the third ring in one go, the two The damned Avengers are flying out!

Exploding fireballs to entertain you!

Group off!

An even more powerful Avenger than the Elite Brontosaurus, and two at a time!

There is no surprise in the group's annihilation.

Of course, what was even more surprising was that the main mission was completed!

Some players sneaked into the ancient tree?

Although some players are quite displeased with the practice of not participating in collective actions and secretly doing the main line to earn points, and even scolded them on the forum, more players are quite rational.

After all, this collective action is not an organized action, but a non-binding action spontaneously organized by the players. Participation depends on individual voluntary

Not to mention, some players are originally "lone wolf" players and don't like to follow the big army, such as the player who got the "Queen of the Land" suit...

The player originally thought that this rare player (she was the only one wearing this set of equipment in the entire server) would soon become famous, but up to now, there is still very little information about this player, the only known information is her name—— ——Lie Yan, this is the news I got from the NPC of Star Base!

Some players hope that Fatty can reveal the information about Lie Yan, Queen of the Land, but Fatty said that he has integrity, if the player does not want to be famous, he will not take the initiative to reveal the player's privacy...

The words are nice to hear, who knows if Fatty can really find out the information of that mysterious player!

Although it has been basically determined that the players in Nightmare World are all students from the middle division of Shengwu Academy, and the characters cannot be greatly adjusted in the game, as long as they change the hairstyle and color, and wear a head with only eyes exposed Hood [ghost IMD can recognize who is who!

The only thing that can be used as a reference is height and weight, but as long as it is not particularly prominent, it is impossible to recognize who is who, and Lie Yan is obviously not a big fat man, and his height is not weird.

Players who care about a few people such as Lie Yan are a minority after all. Most players are still very excited about what happened yesterday. After all, those bosses who have tyrannized players' bodies countless times before, including Manjaw Dragon, and even the extremely powerful Elite Flying Thunder Dragon All were killed!

Feeling refreshed—the big revenge must be avenged!

Although I still can't find Bei because of the male and female twin fire dragons, but those two are the main mission monsters, let's wait until the last mission, and sooner or later they will be released in 4.3!

Because of completing the additional tasks of the third ring, the players who participated in the collective action yesterday all gained more or less points, and the one who gained the most was Wildism.

Although I don't know how many points he has gained, but the growth of his fame can be seen with the naked eye - even schools in the real world have set up fan clubs that make many boys jealous!

Wildism has the potential to become the number one player in the nightmare world.

After all, the fact that he interrupted the monster's big move is something that almost all players can hardly imagine—such a huge monster, such a mighty big move, can actually learn

Night came again.

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