The Virtual Game Of Nightmare Lord

Chapter 110 Fire Dragon Must Die!

A player who has learned "Tracker" and "Scribe" also followed the player's collection army to the ancient tree. His main goal is naturally not to collect, but to add new areas and collection points to the map he made. Even better if you can find a hidden area - the map can be sold for more money!

"Damn it——there is a bone pile here, and the bones in this bone pile look silvery, could it be a rare collection point? Ancient giant bones, haha, just hearing the name is very hanging

"There are big flying insects here, blue ones, hurry up and shoot them down to see what you can collect?"

"I heard that the flying insect suit can be made at the forging shop, and the defense power is higher than that of the big jackal dragon suit. Could it be these flying insects?"

"I've never seen what this mushroom looks like, go and collect it!"

"Hey, where is this place? I'm lost————Come and save me, does anyone hear?"

Just like what Fatty said in his post, there are more resource points on ancient trees, and the collectors are excited.

"Those players who collect in the surrounding area of ​​​​the Star Base, haha, they know that they are squatting and squatting, and Nima is still chasing people. I don't know that the things collected here are better!"

"that is!"

However, before these collecting troops were happy for a long time, a high-pitched dragon chant resounded throughout the world!

"Damn it, this voice belongs to Fire Dragon!"

"Is this rhythm just..."

A player looked up at the sky, and sure enough, a male fire dragon flew out from the ancient tree, and then a huge fireball flew directly towards his face!

Gather the army and destroy the group!

Uh...wrong, there is one more.....

"Hey, what's the situation outside? Is the fire dragon coming? What happened? I'm lost. Is there anyone? - A player trapped in a certain god area of ​​the ancient tree shouted loudly, but the ancient tree's Players are dead!

Not only the ancient trees, but also in the forest, the army of players also encountered the air attack of the fire dragon!

Heavy casualties!

Only players who were still at the base survived!

The Xingchen base has made special arrangements for the fire dragon, and the fire dragon retreated in front of the defense of the Xingchen base.

A large group of players gathered at the star base resurrection point.

"Damn it, Nima Fire Dragon, why are you still playing air strikes~?"

"The fire dragon must die, the fire dragon must die, I just found a rare collection point, blah blah

"Isn't this the last quest line of the main mission? Shouldn't we kill the fire dragon? Why do I feel that the fire dragon is killing us!"

Another 3 days have passed, and the main task of hunting fire dragons is still stuck.

During this period, there have been several fire dragon hunting operations, and there have been two relatively large operations, but they all failed!

Needless to say, some players in the squad who are not afraid of death go hunting for fire dragons. They just want to die, or do these players simply want to go to the fire dragon's house and take a look at the scenery?

Because the final main task has not been completed, Huolong comes out to go shopping from time to time, and the style of fighting teeth makes many players gnash their teeth. Players desperately hope that there will be a leader who can stand up and lead all players in the server to kill the male Huolong!

It's okay if you don't get the first place in points, as long as you get rid of that damn fire dragon!

Now some players really feel that they have a nightmare. As soon as they hear the roar of the monster, they wonder if the fire dragon will fly into the sky, and then a fireball the size of a washbasin bombards them!

Players have been crushed by fire dragons!

Especially for those players who are about to win the boss fight, the fire dragon suddenly felt a sense of collapse.

The fire dragon must die!

This is the common aspiration of current players.

Even Otilia and Zhang Xingyu were sent home twice by the fire dragon, and Otilia is also a staunch member of the "Fire Dragon Must Die" army!

What? You said the fire dragon is the avenger? The dead wife is pitiful?

TMD our players have hung up N times, why no one came to pity us!

I can't die, but it hurts a lot!

The players who sympathized with the fire dragon at the beginning were also annoyed by the repeated attacks of the fire dragon, and the only trace of sympathy disappeared.

At this time, who can take on the important task of leading the crusade against the Avengers?

It's wildism!

Nightmare World has not entered new players since the main mission started. Players generally believe that this is a test for players by the game company, to see if players can rely on the current team to defeat the Avengers!

Without a new main force, the crowd tactics won't work, and the Avengers are so strong, if you want to defeat them, you need a strong team commander!

Wildism has proven its worth in the battle against the Thunder Dragon!

At this time, wildism finally stood up!

Still, the fight didn't take hold quickly.

Because, a small number of players are not convinced by the leadership of wildism!

——You are just a middle school student, an ordinary player like us, why should you lead us?

Well, although it is said that everyone is a student.

However, the middle school students are in the "`々rebellious period', and it is quite difficult to convince them of someone, especially someone of the same age.

Although Wildism interrupted the Flying Thunder Dragon's big move by using a counter-gun in the battle against the Flying Thunder Dragon, and gave the certification gold, but the actual number of players who saw it was only more than 50 people, and more players just said I heard on the way.

This is a nightmare game, but there is no video recording function!

If you blow it up and hang it again, there is no picture and no truth!

Therefore, these unconvinced players gathered about 100 players and rushed to the resting place of the fire dragon——this is not the 100 (money is good) collection army, but the well-prepared Hunting players———Every player has brought enough recovery medicines, large recovery medicines, enough traps, and good food...

But it's over!

It was easily wiped out by the male and female twin fire dragons!

The faces of those players who are not convinced by the wildism are naturally swollen - aren't you dissatisfied with the wildism, then you can do better than the wildism, but look at it now, how miserable it is!

Almost not even the fur of the male and female Charmanders was removed!

"It won't be much better if the wildism goes away, because there is a big difference between hunting these two monsters and encountering two monsters in the wild!"

"What's the meaning?"

"Go and fight and you'll know Mao!"

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